Python work with csv file

Working with CSV files in Python

CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a basic file format for tabular data. Most programs create CSV files. They allow you to handle data from spreadsheets and databases. For example, tabular data can be exported to a CSV file and imported into a spreadsheet to analyze, graph, or publish data mining results.

These files have extensive support from several programming languages. CSV files may be directly accessed and manipulated by text file input and string manipulation language.


Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Prerequisites
  • Table of contents
  • Write a CSV file
    • Using csv.writer class
    • Using csv.DictWriter class
    • Using csv.reader():
    • Using CSV.DictReader() class:
    • Using pandas.read_csv() method:
    • Reading from a specific row
    • Read a precise column
    • Manipulate CSV files
    • Using pandas.read_csv

    Write a CSV file

    Python provides a built-in CSV module. This module contains two CSV writing classes:

    Using csv.writer class

    csv.writer writes data to a CSV file. By default, user data is transformed into a delimited string. The CSV file object will not be recognized if quoted fields do not include \n .

    To write to a CSV file, use the writer class. The writer class is a subclass of the csv.Dialect class. The csv.Dialect class provides a set of parameters that can be used to customize the CSV file.

    • writerow() : This technique writes one row. This technique may create a field row.
    • writerows() : This technique writes numerous rows at once. This is for row lists.

    To illustrate the use of the writerow() class, let’s create a sample CSV file, student_file.csv , as shown below.

    import csv with open('student_file.csv', 'w', newline='') as file:  writer = csv.writer(file)  writer.writerow(["2021", "Student details"])  writer.writerow([1, "carteblanche kin", "computer science"])  writer.writerow([2, "Marion koech", "data science"]) 

    The code above will output the following file-

    2021, Student details 1, carteblanche kin, computer science 2, Marion koech, data science 

    To illustrate the use of the writerows() class, let’s create a sample CSV file, student_file.csv as shown below:

    import csv csv_rowlist = [["2021", "Student details"], [1, "carteblanche kin", "computer science"],  [2, "Marion koech", "data science"]] with open('protagonist.csv', 'w') as file:  writer = csv.writer(file)  writer.writerows(csv_rowlist) 

    The program’s output is the same as in the writerow() example above.

    Using csv.DictWriter class

    This class builds a column-to-dictionary writer object. This class supports two CSV writing methods. They are:

    • writeheader() : A simple CSV file with field names you choose publishes the first row.
    • writerows() : writerows function writes all rows with just values.

    Read a CSV file

    The CSV module or pandas library can read CSV files. To be able to read CSV files, one can use one of the below methods:

    Using csv.reader():

    The CSV file is first opened using the open() function in r mode (specify read mode when opening a file) and then read using the reader() method of the CSV module.

    The with keyword simplifies exception handling and immediately ends the CSV file.

    Using CSV.DictReader() class:

    The CSV file is opened using open() , then read using the CSV module’s DictReader class, which works like a reader but converts CSV data to a dictionary. The file’s first line contains dictionary keys.

    Using pandas.read_csv() method:

    Using pandas library methods to read a CSV file is straightforward. Consider the fonteds.csv CSV file. This is the file used to illustrate one of the methods.

    Giant file

    import pandas csvFile = pandas.read_csv('fonteds.csv') print(csvFile) 

    From the code above, import pandas is used to import the pandas module, csvFile = pandas.read_csv(‘fonteds.csv’) is used to read the fonteds.csv file and print(csvFile) is used to output the read csv file.

    Reading from a specific row

    Here we will create a CSV file with multiple rows and columns to illustrate how to read from a specific row.

    Create a CSV file by entering the below data in your notepad and saving it as student-data.csv . The file will be used to show how to manipulate the CSV files.

    RegNo Name Course year-of-study Department 001 James BCS 2.1 Computing 002 John BFF 1.2 IT 003 Christine BSS 4.2 SPAS 004 Lilian BCOM 3.1 Business 005 Beth BIT 2.2 IT 

    To read a specific row in the CSV file, we use the read_cv function from Panda’s library. The example below illustrates how to read from a specific row.

    # Import pandas import pandas as pd # Specify the file location of our CSV file data = pd.read_csv('File-location/student-data.csv') # Extract top four data of the specified rows print (data[0:4]['year-of-study']) 

    The above code will output the following information:

    0 2.1 1 1.2 2 4.2 3 3.1 Name: Name, dtype: float64 

    Read a precise column

    The pandas library’s read_csv method may additionally read specified columns. This is done using the .loc() multi-axes indexing function. First, let’s look into an example program. This example will show the Name and Course columns for all rows.

    We will use the student-data.csv file from the previous example.

    # Import the pandas module import pandas as pd # Specify the file location of our CSV file data = pd.read_csv('File-location/student-data.csv') print (data.loc[:,['Name','Course']]) 
     Name Course 0 James BCS 1 John BFF 2 Christine BSS 3 Lilian BCOM 4 Beth BIT 

    Manipulate CSV files

    Since you can’t edit a CSV file while reading from it, you must create a new one and write to it.

    We will use the student-data.csv file from the previous example.

    From the student-data.csv file above, the data is written using uppercase. To demonstrate how to edit and save CSV files, we will change the uppercase letters in our file to lower case letters.

    with open('student-data.csv','r') as f:  with open('lowwer-case.csv','w') as ff:  ff.write(f.readline())  ff.write( 

    The above code creates a new CSV file with all letters in it changed to lower case.

    Working with large CSV files in Python

    When dealing with CSV data, usually read it in using pandas before munging and analyzing it. However, reading huge files straight into pandas may be difficult (or impossible) on a consumer machine due to memory constraints.

    While it is simple to load data from CSV files into a database, there may be situations where you don’t have access to or don’t want to set up a database server. However, if you need to look at data in these big files for a short time, here is one method to accomplish it using Python and pandas.

    Here is a method for handling large.csv files. The dataset we will be using is gender_voice_dataset.

    Using pandas.read_csv

    Large files may be handled by reading them in manageable size pieces, processing them before reading the next part. The chunk size option determines the number of lines. This method returns an iterator. For processing, a section of the file is read at a time.

    To read a dataset without chunks, use the code below:

     import pandas as pd # import pandas module import numpy as np # Import numpy module import time # import time module  s_time = time.time() # This initilizes time module df = pd.read_csv("voice.csv") # This captures the time taken to read data from our file e_time = time.time()  print("Read without chunks: ", (e_time-s_time), "seconds") # print command is used to output the line specified while e_time-s_time outputs the time in seconds  df.sample(10) # This specifies the time taken, 10 seconds 


    Convert multiple JSON files to CSV files

    A JSON file contains basic data structures and objects in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). The most common use case is sending data between an internet app and a server.

    A CSV file is created by concatenating, merging or joining several JSON files (at least one column must be the same in each file) and saving the result as a flattened data frame. The following sample will help you understand the task’s whole procedure:

    Example program:

    We will input two JSON files and output a CSV. The used JSON files are:

      "NO":< // Declaring the regestration number of the student  "001":11,  "002":12,  "003":13,  >,  "Name":// Declaring the name of the student  "001":"Kelvin",  "002":"Dennis",  "003":"John",  >,  "Marks":// Declaring the marks of the student  "001":80,  "002":84,  "003":30,  >,  "Grade":// Declaring the grade of the student  "0011":"A",  "002":"A",  "003":"D",  > > 
      "NO":< // Declaring the regestration number of the student  "001":14,  "002":15,  "003":16,  >,  "Name":< // Declaring the name of the student  "001":"Mark",  "002":"James",  "003":"Avatar",  >,  "Marks":< // Declaring the marks of the student  "001":55,  "002":90,  "003":65,  >,  "Grade":< // Declaring the grade of the student  "0011":"C",  "002":"A",  "003":"B",  > > 

    Follow the steps below to be able to convert

    • Load JSON files with a pandas data frame.
    • Merge the data frames.
    • Create a CSV file from the concatenated data.

    The result is shown in the code.

    import pandas as pd df1 = pd.read_json('first.json')# print(df1) df2 = pd.read_json('second.json') print(df2) df = pd.concat([df1,df2]) print(df) df.to_csv("CSV.csv",index=False) result = pd.read_csv("CSV.csv") print(result) 


    Creating a data frame using CSV files

    As with an excel file, CSV files include comma-separated values. Pandas is the core Python data science module. When evaluating data, we often deal with large datasets in CSV format. Creating a pandas data frame from CSV files is easy.

    Download the example CSV file here.

    A dataframe can be created by:

    Let’s look at an example using the read_table() method.

    import pandas as pd df = pd.read_table("dataframe.csv", delimiter =", ") print(df.head()) 



    Thank you for reading till the end. This tutorial taught us how to work with CSV files in Python. We learned how to write and read CSV files, work with large CSV files, convert multiple JSON files to CSV files, and finally, create a data frame using CSV files.

    Peer Review Contributions by: Odhiambo Paul


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