Python with ignore exception

Python Exception Handling: How to Ignore Exceptions with Best Practices

Learn how to ignore exceptions in Python with best practices. Explore various approaches, including using the `pass` statement, `try` without `except`, and `contextlib.suppress` function. Avoid common pitfalls and write more reliable code.

  • Using pass statement in except block
  • Empty except block
  • try without except
  • contextlib.suppress function
  • Avoid using bare except clause
  • Other code examples for ignoring exceptions in Python
  • Conclusion
  • Can except block be empty in Python?
  • How do I ignore exceptions in Python?
  • Can I use try-except in Python?
  • What can I use instead of try-except in Python?

Python is a popular programming language used in various fields of software development and information technology. One of the key features of Python is its robust exception handling mechanism that allows developers to handle errors gracefully and prevent crashes. However, in some cases, developers may want to ignore exceptions and continue with the code execution without handling the exception. This blog post will explore various ways to ignore exceptions in Python and provide tips and best practices for exception handling .

Using pass statement in except block

To ignore exceptions in Python, you can use the pass statement in the except block instead of handling the exception. The pass statement does nothing and can be used when a statement is required syntactically. This approach is useful when you want to ignore the exception and continue with the code execution. Here’s an example:

try: # code that may raise an exception except: pass 

In this example, if an exception is raised in the try block, the exception will be ignored, and the program will continue to execute without any interruption.

Empty except block

An empty except block is not recommended as it indicates that the programmer intended to handle the exception but didn’t write the code to do so. It is better to use the pass statement in the except block to clearly indicate that the exception is being ignored. Here’s an example:

try: # code that may raise an exception except Exception: pass 

In this example, if an exception of type Exception is raised in the try block, the exception will be ignored, and the program will continue to execute without any interruption.

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try without except

Using try without except is possible by using the pass statement. This approach is useful when you want to execute a block of code regardless of whether an exception occurs or not. Here’s an example:

try: # code that may raise an exception finally: pass 

In this example, the code in the finally block will always execute, regardless of whether an exception is raised in the try block or not.

contextlib.suppress function

The contextlib library provides a function called suppress to handle known exceptions elegantly without using try-except blocks. This approach is more readable and maintainable than using try-except blocks for known exceptions. Here’s an example:

from contextlib import suppresswith suppress(FileNotFoundError): # code that may raise FileNotFoundError 

In this example, if a FileNotFoundError exception is raised in the with block, the exception will be ignored, and the program will continue to execute without any interruption.

Avoid using bare except clause

Using a bare except clause is not recommended as it catches all exceptions, including system exit and keyboard interrupt. It is better to use specific exception types in the except block to handle the expected exceptions. Here’s an example:

try: # code that may raise an exception except Exception: # handle the exception 

In this example, if an exception of type Exception is raised in the try block, the exception will be handled in the except block.

Other code examples for ignoring exceptions in Python

In Python case in point, except do nothing python

try: do_something() except Exception: pass 


ignoring exceptions in python can be done using various approaches such as using the pass statement in the except block, try without except , and the contextlib.suppress function. It is important to avoid using an empty except block or a bare except clause as they can hide important information about the exception and make it harder to debug the code. best practices for exception handling in python include using specific exception types, handling exceptions at the appropriate level of abstraction , and logging exceptions. By following these tips and best practices, developers can write more reliable and maintainable code in Python.

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Suppressing Exceptions in Python with contextlib.suppress, not try/except/pass

When programming, it is common to perform an operation that is expected to fail at times, but should not throw an error. In Python, try/except clauses are frequent. In human terms, try/except means, «try this operation, and if it fails for this reason, then do this other thing.» For instance, you can try the following out in your console.

friends = "Nguyen": "tacos", "Hannah": "borscht"> def get_food(friend_name): try: food = friends[friend_name] except KeyError: food = "baklava" friends[friend_name] = food return food get_food("Nguyen") # "tacos" get_food("Ahmed") # "baklava" friends # 

The above in simple language: if the key isn’t in the dictionary, don’t fret, just add it with a default value. What if you don’t have an alternate course of action? What if you just want to silence the error? Let’s say you want to make a directory, and if the directory is already there, don’t whine about it, just ignore. Some developers use try/finally for this case as well:

import os os.mkdir("frivolous_directory") try: os.mkdir("frivolous_directory") except FileExistsError: pass 

So, the above works, it is common practice, and one doesn’t have to do any special imports. Awesome. No shame if you have good reason to use this pattern. However, in human terms, the above try/except block reads like this: make the directory, but if that fails because it already exists, then perform the following action: um, nothing. So, from a utility standpoint, it works fine. From a semantic standpoint, it is not particularly meaningful.

A meaningful alternative: contextlib.suppress

If the desire is to simply suppress an error, rather than perform some sort of branching logic, the Python standard library has a paradigm for that: contextlib.suppress() . It works like this:

import contextlib import os os.mkdir("frivolous_directory") with contextlib.suppress(FileExistsError): os.mkdir("frivolous_directory") 

The FileExistsError in the above was silenced. This was two less lines of code than the previous try/except example (OK, we had to add import contextlib as well, so one less line in this example). More importantly, it is very clear what is happening in the code. We don’t mind if the operation fails for the specific reason given. There is no pass with unclear intent. We are not try ing something nor are we seeking to intercept the error for further logic or processing.


This isn’t so much about working code as it is about readable and reasonable code. Using contextlib.suppress is a worthwhile practice. Reading a bit about the treasures in contextlib may be worth your time as well!


try Without except in Python

try Without except in Python

Exceptions in Python are the errors detected during the execution of the code. Different types of exceptions are NameError , TypeError , ZeroDivisionError , OSError and more.

The try statement in Python is used to test a block of code for exceptions, and the except statement is used to handle those exceptions. When the code in the try block raises an error, the code in the except block is executed.

We can catch all the exceptions, including KeyboardInterrupt , SystemExit and GeneratorExit . This method should not be used to handle exceptions since it is a general statement and will hide all the trivial bugs.

We will discuss how to use the try block without except in Python. To achieve this, we should try to ignore the exception.

We cannot have the try block without except so, the only thing we can do is try to ignore the raised exception so that the code does not go the except block and specify the pass statement in the except block as shown earlier. The pass statement is equivalent to an empty line of code.

We can also use the finally block. It will execute code regardless of whether an exception occurs or not.

try:  a = 1/0 except:  pass finally:  print("Example") 

In the above code, if the try block raises an error, the except block will print the raised exception.

To ignore exceptions, we can use the suppress() function from the contextlib module to handle exceptions in Python

The suppress() function from the contextlib module can be used to suppress very specific errors. This method can only be used in Python 3.

from contextlib import suppress  with suppress(IndexError):  a = [1,2,3]  a[3] 

In the above example, it will not raise the IndexError .

Related Article — Python Exception

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