Python where to buy

Newcomer / Intro New Player — where can I buy Python

Even though I have been playing ED since 2014, I’m relatively new to the game. I used to just login once in a while and play for about an hour or so when I had some free time — solo play. Since I got my HTC Vive in December 2016 however I have been a bit more involved with the game. I pretty much only focus (for now) on trade missions and I have not yet ventured too far away from my home base/system — Azeban City/Eranin. I’m close to getting 60 million credits and I’m very much interested to buy Python, so I would like to kindly ask experienced players what’s the closest system/location where I can buy Python.


Check out EDDB, this will tell you the nearest system where you can get one, plus lots more:

Oh, and make sure you have enough credits left over for a rebuy or 3.

Tyres O’Flaherty

With 60mil you may be a bit shy of A rating everything. And yes, don’t forget that rebut — I hear a basic-ish Python can lead to a Freewinder




Can I also suggest that once you have your Python, your first priority should be to get the thrusters engineered. The basic, unengineered ship is awful to fly — but once you’ve got the thrusters sorted, it’s a very nice allrounder.

Going by your original post, I’m imagining that you’ve not done a lot of engineering (apologies if I’m wrong about this), so your best bet is probably to go to Felicity Farseer. She’s one of the first engineers most pilots get access to, and she can get your thrusters improved up to grade 3.

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To go to grade 5, you’d need to work with Professor Palin. He requires a little more work, you’ll need to get a reputation with Elvira Martuuk and Marco Qwent first, and then go hunting for some alien technology. But it’s not too demanding, and there’s good fun to be had on the way.



Go to Li_Yong-Rui systems you’ll get 15% off everything.
Before you get anything even c rated, go for the cargo racks, they are not cheap.
You can have 280t if you get a 3 rated shield and the rest all cargo, i have no scanner in mine, if needed i buy it where i am or go look for one and directly sell it after the job is done.
Try to get A rated things cost alot, so go C rated first exept for the FSD. dont expect them to be cheap. best friend


Spike K

To quote from above:
To go to grade 5, you’d need to work with Professor Palin. He requires a little more work, you’ll need to get a reputation with Elvira Martuuk and Marco Qwent first, and then go hunting for some alien technology. But it’s not too demanding, and there’s good fun to be had on the way.

I find this statement, informative as it may be.. with all good intents. to be a little .. misleading.

In the swing of things.. this could be more than 20 play-hours to achieve. Heck, there is a 5000 ly (and back- if you choose to do so) trip involved!

My question is : How many hours a week (7 being very low 70 being very high) do you play Elite?

I think you should buy a ship that you can use to double your 60 mil before getting the python -0- then sell the ship.. or shelf it)
Asp Explorer or Diamondback Explorer.. go do the roads to riches :

That will fill your boots and give you rep to spread. Dont sell it all at one place!

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If you have those two ships,, then try a Dolphin or even a Krait. Point is, you have ‘purchase-itis’ and need to buy some thing.. anything new. Get it out of your system.. let it blow up a few times.. get used to losing it. THEN get the ship you desire!

Oh and BEWARE HUTTON ORBITAL posts.. they are sure to show up soon.


It’s half price this week at Hutton orbital in Alpha Centauri..
And you get a mug!

Psst..FYI look up Hutton orbital in these forums before going. 😉


To quote from above:
To go to grade 5, you’d need to work with Professor Palin. He requires a little more work, you’ll need to get a reputation with Elvira Martuuk and Marco Qwent first, and then go hunting for some alien technology. But it’s not too demanding, and there’s good fun to be had on the way.

I find this statement, informative as it may be.. with all good intents. to be a little .. misleading.

In the swing of things.. this could be more than 20 play-hours to achieve. Heck, there is a 5000 ly (and back- if you choose to do so) trip involved!

My question is : How many hours a week (7 being very low 70 being very high) do you play Elite?

I think you should buy a ship that you can use to double your 60 mil before getting the python -0- then sell the ship.. or shelf it)
Asp Explorer or Diamondback Explorer.. go do the roads to riches :

That will fill your boots and give you rep to spread. Dont sell it all at one place!

If you have those two ships,, then try a Dolphin or even a Krait. Point is, you have ‘purchase-itis’ and need to buy some thing.. anything new. Get it out of your system.. let it blow up a few times.. get used to losing it. THEN get the ship you desire!

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Oh and BEWARE HUTTON ORBITAL posts.. they are sure to show up soon.


Best place to buy a Python?

Afternoon. Just wondering if there’s a preferred place to buy a Python? I’m heading back in to the bubble, hoping to make it there today, and quite fancy buying one. Just wondering if there’s a cheaper place to get them.


interestingly enough I was seriously thinking about firing up ED today (not played for months) and doing just this, if I do and if I find somewhere I’ll let you know


Founders world but youll need one elite ranking in one of the 3 rankings, shinrarta i think the system is, jamesons world has all ships and modules and a discount

Its where i get all my ships and modules


Li Yong-Rui controlled stations are 15% cheaper for any ship, and all modules/weapons.
Use this site to aid in the modules search before you buy the ship.

CMDR Cosmic Spacehead

Any system owed by Li Yong-Rui (LYR) powerplay faction gives you 15% off.

Pythons an excellent ship, but be careful with non-A Rated setups.
And keep a rebuy or two handy.


Sadly not Elite at anything yet (but I’m close in exploration). Anywhere else do discounts?


Any system owed by Li Yong-Rui (LYR) powerplay faction gives you 15% off.

Pythons an excellent ship, but be careful with non-A Rated setups.
And keep a rebuy or two handy.


CMDR Cosmic Spacehead

Today’s top tip:
Don’t splurge out on the 47,000,000cr 7A powerplant.
The 6A with mild modifications can output more power, and with a good roll, run cooler.
It’s also lighter, and cheaper.
This also reduces the rebuy.

Armour isn’t all that necessary either unless you’re venturing in to CZs regularly.
I run Modified stock hull, but with 1100mj of shields, it rarely gets touched.


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