Python turtle window close

Turtle: How to stop all processes and close window when I click X button?

You can either work standalone the turtle level and reach down to tkinter, or you can work embedded in tkinter: The program creates and immediately withdraws the tkinter window. I am using Python 3.7 on Spyder 3.3.1 and Jupyter 5.6.0, on Windows 10 This is what I have tried I works fine, but if I close the window and try to run the same code again, I get the following error: I have tried multiple combinations of , and

Turtle: How to stop all processes and close window when I click X button?

I’m coding a program in Python 3.7 that draws flowers where the user clicks on the screen, but I can’t figure out how to detect if the user presses the X button while the functions are still being executed, and then stop all processes and close the window.

I looked for solutions and tried using this answer about using winfo_toplevel but I couldn’t make that work either.

import turtle, random from sys import exit window = turtle.Screen() window.setup(1000,500) #my functions to draw go here, but aren't included since the question is about closing the program def stop(): turtle.bye() root.destroy() exit() window.onclick(chooseFlower) window.listen() canvas = window.getcanvas() root = canvas.winfo_toplevel() root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", stop) while not root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW"): turtle.mainloop() 

I get this bunch of errors:

tkinter.TclError: can't invoke "destroy" command: application has been destroyed 
raise Terminator turtle.Terminator 
_tkinter.TclError: invalid command name ".!canvas" 

Your code is destroying the window before you click on the X button. The while loop condition is wrong. I think your code should run without that. Also, turtle.bye() will close the window for you without any error. you do not require the destroy function to do so. Try changing code as per below. It should work.

 root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", stop) # while root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW"): turtle.mainloop() 

How to close the Python turtle window after it does its, 3 Answers. turtle.bye (), aka turtle.Screen ().bye (), closes a turtle graphics window. Usually, a lack of turtle.mainloop (), or one of its variants, will cause the window to close because the program will exit, closing everything. turtle.mainloop () should be the last statement executed in a turtle graphics …

Python Game Coding: Close the Turtle Window With No

Here’s another question I get ALL THE TIME. «How do I close the window without that weird error message popping up?» Here ya go — it takes 6 lines of code.

How can I close a window after using Turtle

I am trying to use Turtle in Spyder and Jupyter but I am having trouble when I try to close the window.

I am using Python 3.7 on Spyder 3.3.1 and Jupyter 5.6.0, on Windows 10

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This is what I have tried

import turtle as trtl trtl.forward(100) trtl.left(90) trtl.forward(100) trtl.left(90) trtl.forward(100) trtl.left(90) trtl.forward(100) trtl.exitonclick() 

I works fine, but if I close the window and try to run the same code again, I get the following error:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terminator Traceback (most recent call last) in () 1 import turtle as trtl 2 ----> 3 trtl.forward(100) 4 trtl.left(90) 5 trtl.forward(100) ~\Anaconda3\lib\ in forward(distance) Terminator: 

I have tried multiple combinations of done() , bye() and exitonclick() but I cannot make it work

A little late, but I think that the best option to solve this problem in Jupyter is:

import importlib import turtle importlib.reload(turtle) turtle.forward(1) turtle.exitonclick() 

The problem is that the TK Application is created in the import turtle and terminated when you invouce to bye when clicking in the window. When you try to execute some turtle instruction after that, the TK Application is terminated and then the error take place. So reloading the turtle package solve the problem

Here is an excerpt from the turtle documentation:

If the value “using_IDLE” in the configuration dictionary is False (default value), also enter mainloop. Remark: If IDLE with the -n switch (no subprocess) is used, this value should be set to True in turtle.cfg. In this case IDLE’s own mainloop is active also for the client script.

Thus, you can add using_IDLE = True to turtle.cfg file to solve this issue. This will prevent exitonclick() to enter the mainloop.

Python — Turtle graphics — How do I control when the, I have a small python script which draws some turtle graphics. When my script has finished running, the turtle screen automatically closes, so to be able to see the graphics for a while I have to use time.sleep(5) at the end of the script to delay the closing.. Is there any way I can make this more dynamic, i.e. tell python … Code sampleturtle.forward(100)turtle.left(90)turtle.forward(100)turtle.getscreen()._root.mainloop() #

How to not open the turtle window when i instantiate it

Is there a way to make an instance of turtle.Turtle() and not open the window?

I’ve tried using turtle.Screen.bye immediately but that just opens it then closes it.

Is there a way to make an instance of turtle.Turtle() and not open the window?

You can emulate this using the tkinter underpinnings of the turtle library. You can either work standalone the turtle level and reach down to tkinter, or you can work embedded in tkinter:

from tkinter import Canvas, Tk from turtle import RawTurtle (window := Tk()).withdraw() canvas = Canvas(window, width=500, height=500) canvas.pack() (turtle := RawTurtle(canvas)).hideturtle() turtle.speed('fast') for _ in range(9): turtle.left(40) window.deiconify() window.mainloop() 

The program creates and immediately withdraws the tkinter window. It then takes its time drawing a turtle graphic. When it’s done (about 10 seconds on my system), it opens the window for the user to see. Or, never open the window if, for example, you want to extract a polygon and print it for the user.

We can draw this graphic faster, I chose to draw it slow enough to demonstrate the principle. There are likely other ways to do this from Tk, e.g. setting the alpha of the window to make invisible and then setting it back to opaque.

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Python — How to control opening and closing of the turtle, Here’s something demonstrating how to hide and redisplay the turtle-graphics window without requiring user input to do so. It uses the tkinter after () method to schedule a future call to the function I’ve named do_turtle_stuff () (if you’re interested). It accomplishes this by «reaching under the covers» and …


How to close the python turtle window after it does its code?

Python’s turtle module is a powerful tool for creating graphics and animations. The turtle window remains open after executing turtle code, which can be a problem when running multiple turtle scripts. To close the turtle window after the code has completed, there are several methods that can be used, which we will explore below.

Method 1: turtle.done()

To close the Python turtle window after it does its code, you can use the turtle.done() function. This function waits for the user to close the turtle window before continuing with the rest of the code. Here are some examples:

Example 1: Basic Usage

In this example, turtle.done() is called after the turtle code. This will wait for the user to close the turtle window before continuing with the rest of the code.

Example 2: Using turtle.bye()

This example uses the turtle.bye() function to close the turtle window. This function immediately closes the turtle window and terminates the turtle graphics application.

Example 3: Using a while loop

import turtle while True: if turtle.window_width()  0: break

This example uses a while loop to wait for the user to close the turtle window. The turtle.window_width() function returns the width of the turtle window. The loop will continue until the user closes the window, at which point the loop will break and the program will continue with the rest of the code.

Example 4: Using a try / except block

import turtle try: turtle.mainloop() except: turtle.bye()

This example uses a try / except block to handle any errors that may occur when closing the turtle window. The turtle.mainloop() function starts the turtle graphics application and waits for the user to close the window. If an error occurs, the except block will execute and the turtle window will be closed using the turtle.bye() function.

These are just a few examples of how to close the Python turtle window after it does its code using turtle.done() . There are many other ways to accomplish this task, depending on your specific needs and requirements.

Method 2: turtle.exitonclick()

You can use the turtle.exitonclick() method to close the Python turtle window after it does its code. This method waits for a mouse click on the turtle window and then closes the window.

import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() for i in range(4): t.forward(100) t.right(90) turtle.exitonclick()

In this code, we first create a turtle object and then use a for loop to draw a square. Finally, we use the turtle.exitonclick() method to wait for a mouse click and then close the window.

Here is another example code:

import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() turtle.exitonclick()

In this code, we create a turtle object and then use the method to draw a circle. Finally, we use the turtle.exitonclick() method to wait for a mouse click and then close the window.

In summary, the turtle.exitonclick() method is a simple and effective way to close the Python turtle window after it does its code. It waits for a mouse click and then closes the window.

Method 3: sys.exit()

To close the Python turtle window after it does its code, you can use the sys.exit() function. This function is used to exit the Python interpreter by raising the SystemExit exception. Here is an example code:

import turtle import sys t = turtle.Turtle() for i in range(4): t.forward(100) t.right(90) sys.exit()

In this example, we first import the turtle and sys modules. Then, we create a turtle object named t . We use the turtle object to draw a square. Finally, we use the sys.exit() function to exit the turtle window.

Here is another example that shows how to use sys.exit() with a keyboard event:

import turtle import sys t = turtle.Turtle() def exit_on_keypress(): sys.exit() turtle.onkey(exit_on_keypress, "q") turtle.listen() for i in range(4): t.forward(100) t.right(90) turtle.mainloop()

In this example, we create a turtle object named t . We define a function named exit_on_keypress() to handle the key event. We use the turtle.onkey() function to listen for a key event. When the user presses the «q» key, the exit_on_keypress() function is called, which in turn calls the sys.exit() function to exit the turtle window. We use the turtle.mainloop() function to keep the turtle window open.

These are just a few examples of how to use sys.exit() to close the Python turtle window after it does its code. There are many other ways to achieve the same result.

Method 4: window close button

To close the Python turtle window after it does its code, you can use the bye() method from the turtle module. However, if you want to close the window with the «X» button, you can use the exitonclick() method.

import turtle turtle.exitonclick()

This will close the turtle window when the user clicks on the «X» button.

Another way to achieve the same result is by using the Screen() object from the turtle module. This object represents the window where the turtle graphics are displayed. You can use the bye() method on this object to close the window.

import turtle screen = turtle.Screen() screen.bye()

This will close the turtle window after your code has finished executing.

You can also use the mainloop() method from the turtle module to keep the window open until the user closes it. This method starts the event loop that listens for user input.

import turtle turtle.mainloop()

This will keep the turtle window open until the user closes it manually.

In summary, there are multiple ways to close the Python turtle window after it does its code. You can use the exitonclick() method, the bye() method on the Screen() object, or the mainloop() method.


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