Python tuple from array

How to convert a list into a tuple in Python?

List and Tuple in Python are the class of data structure. The list is dynamic, whereas the tuple has static characteristics. We will understand list and tuple individually first and then understand how to convert a list into a tuple.


Lists are a popular and widely used data structures provided by Python. A List is a data structure in python that is mutable and has an ordered sequence of elements. Following is a list of integer values −

If you execute the above snippet, it produces the following output −


A tuple is a collection of python objects that are separated by commas which are ordered and immutable. Immutable implies that the tuple objects once created cannot be altered. Tuples are sequences, just like lists. The differences between tuples and lists are, that tuples cannot be changed unlike lists and tuples use parentheses, whereas lists use square brackets.

tup=('tutorials', 'point', 2022,True) print(tup)

If you execute the above snippet, produces the following output −

('tutorials', 'point', 2022, True)

In this article, we convert a list into a tuple by using a few methods. Each of these methods are discussed below.

Using the tuple() built-in function

An iterable can be passed as an input to the tuple () function, which will convert it to a tuple object. If you want to convert a Python list to a tuple, you can use the tuple() function to pass the full list as an argument, and it will return the tuple data type as an output.

Example 1

In the following code, we convert a list to a tuple using the tuple() built-in function.

list_names=['Meredith', 'Kristen', 'Wright', 'Franklin'] tuple_names= tuple(list_names) print(tuple_names) print(type(tuple_names))


(‘Meredith’, ‘Kristen’, ‘Wright’, ‘Franklin’)

Example 2

Following is an another example of this −

my_list = [1, 2, 3] my_tuple = tuple(my_list) print(my_tuple)


This will give the output −

Using a loop

This method is similar to the above one, but in this case, we do not send the complete list as an argument whereas we retrieve each element from the list using a for loop to send it as an argument for the tuple() built-in function.


The following is an example code to convert a list to a tuple using a loop.

list_names=['Meredith', 'Kristen', 'Wright', 'Franklin'] tuple_names= tuple(i for i in list_names) print(tuple_names) print(type(tuple_names))


(‘Meredith’, ‘Kristen’, ‘Wright’, ‘Franklin’)

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Using unpack list inside the parenthesis(*list, )

This method is faster when compared to others, but it is not efficient and difficult to understand. Inside the parenthesis, you can unpack the list elements. The list just unpacks the elements within the tuple literal, which is generated by a single comma (,).

In this example code, we use the unpacking method to convert a list to a tuple.

list_names=['Meredith', 'Kristen', 'Wright', 'Franklin'] tuple_names= (*list_names,) print(tuple_names) print(type(tuple_names))


(‘Meredith’, ‘Kristen’, ‘Wright’, ‘Franklin’)


Python Tuple from Array: Methods and Tips for Conversion

Learn how to convert numpy arrays to tuples in Python using various methods. Discover the differences between lists, arrays, and tuples and best practices for working with tuples.

  • Methods to convert a numpy array to a tuple in Python
  • Converting a tuple to an array and vice versa
  • Convert A Numpy Array To A Tuple
  • Differences between lists, arrays, and tuples in Python
  • Important points to consider
  • Helpful tips and tricks
  • Other examples of Python tuple from array code
  • Conclusion
  • How to convert array to tuple in Python?
  • How do you access a tuple in an array?
  • Can you store tuples in an array?
  • Can you make an array of tuples Python?

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used in the field of data science and machine learning. One of the most common data structures used in Python is the array, which is a collection of elements of the same data type. However, there are times when it is necessary to convert an array to a tuple or vice versa, and this is where the conversion methods and tips come in handy. In this article, we will explore various methods and tips for converting a numpy array to a tuple in Python and discuss if it is possible to convert a tuple to an array and vice versa.

Methods to convert a numpy array to a tuple in Python

Typecasting using tuple()

The first method to convert a numpy array to a tuple in Python is by using the tuple() function. Typecasting is the process of converting one data type to another. In this case, we are converting an array to a tuple. The tuple() function takes the array as an argument and returns a tuple.

import numpy as np# Create an array arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])# Convert array to tuple tup = tuple(arr)# Print the tuple print(tup) 

Generator expression

The second method to convert a numpy array to a tuple in Python is by using a generator expression. A generator expression is a concise way to create a generator object. In this case, we are using a generator expression to create a tuple.

import numpy as np# Create an array arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])# Convert array to tuple tup = tuple(i for i in arr)# Print the tuple print(tup) 

np.asarray() function

The third method to convert a numpy array to a tuple in Python is by using the np.asarray() function. The np.asarray() function is used to convert a given input to an array. In this case, we are converting the array to a tuple by passing it as an argument to the tuple() function.

import numpy as np# Create an array arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])# Convert array to tuple tup = tuple(np.asarray(arr))# Print the tuple print(tup) 

Converting a tuple to an array and vice versa

Converting a tuple to an array using list constructor

In Python, it is possible to convert a tuple to an array by using the list constructor. The list constructor takes the tuple as an argument and returns a list. Then, the list can be converted to an array using the np.array() function.

import numpy as np# Create a tuple tup = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)# Convert tuple to array arr = np.array(list(tup))# Print the array print(arr) 

Converting an array to a tuple using generator expression

In Python, it is possible to convert an array to a tuple using a generator expression. A generator expression is used to create a generator object that returns a tuple.

import numpy as np# Create an array arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])# Convert array to tuple tup = tuple(i for i in arr)# Print the tuple print(tup) 

Convert A Numpy Array To A Tuple

Sometimes you need to convert a Numpy array into a Tuple or list of tuples. In this video, we Duration: 1:42

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Differences between lists, arrays, and tuples in Python

In Python, there are three commonly used data structures — lists, arrays, and tuples. While they may seem similar, there are several differences between them in terms of their characteristics and how they store data types.

Characteristics of lists, arrays, and tuples

  • Lists are mutable, which means that their elements can be changed after they are created.
  • Arrays are fixed in size and are used to store elements of the same data type.
  • Tuples are similar to lists, but they are immutable, which means that their elements cannot be changed after they are created.

Storing data types in lists, arrays, and tuples

  • Lists can store elements of different data types.
  • Arrays can only store elements of the same data type.
  • Tuples can store elements of different data types.

Important points to consider

Obtaining the shape of a Python tuple or list

In Python, it is possible to obtain the shape of a tuple or list using the shape attribute. The shape attribute returns a tuple that contains the dimensions of the tuple or list.

# Create a tuple tup = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)# Get the shape of the tuple print(tup.shape) 
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'shape' 

Accessing tuples using brackets

In Python, tuples can be accessed using brackets. The first element of a tuple has an index of 0, the second element has an index of 1, and so on.

# Create a tuple tup = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)# Access the second element of the tuple print(tup[1]) 

Using the array module

The array module is a built-in module in Python that is used to create arrays. Arrays created using the array module are more efficient than lists or tuples because they are stored as contiguous blocks of memory .

import array as arr# Create an array a = arr.array('i', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])# Print the array print(a) 

Helpful tips and tricks

Advantages and disadvantages of using tuples

Tuples have several advantages over lists and arrays. They are immutable, which means that their values cannot be changed after they are created. This makes them useful for situations where you need to store data that should not be changed. Tuples are also faster than lists because they are stored in a contiguous block of memory . However, tuples have one major disadvantage — they cannot be modified.

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Best practices for using tuples

When using tuples in Python, it is important to follow some best practices. First, use tuples to store data that should not be changed. Second, use tuples to store data that needs to be passed between functions. Third, use tuples to store data that needs to be returned from a function.

Common issues when working with tuples

One common issue when working with tuples is that they cannot be modified. This means that if you need to change the value of an element in a tuple, you will need to create a new tuple with the modified value. Another common issue is that tuples can be confusing to work with because they are similar to lists, but they have some important differences.

Other examples of Python tuple from array code

In Python , in particular, from array to tuple python code sample

def arrayToTuple(arr): for i in range(len(arr)): try: arr[i] = tuple(arr[i]) except: arr[i] return arr


Converting a numpy array to a tuple in Python is a common task that can be accomplished using several methods. In this article, we explored various methods and tips for converting a numpy array to a tuple in Python and discussed if it is possible to convert a tuple to an array and vice versa. We also discussed the differences between lists, arrays, and tuples in python and provided some important points to consider when working with tuples. By following the best practices and tips discussed in this article, you can ensure that your code is efficient and easy to maintain.


Как перевести список в кортеж в Python

Чтобы создать список в Python, используйте квадратные скобки([]). Чтобы создать кортеж, используйте круглые скобки(( )). Список имеет переменную длину, а кортеж имеет фиксированную длину. Следовательно, список может быть изменен, а кортеж — нет.

Преобразование списка в кортеж в Python

Чтобы перевести список Python в кортеж, используйте функцию tuple(). tuple() — это встроенная функция, которая передает список в качестве аргумента и возвращает кортеж. Элементы списка не изменятся при преобразовании в кортеж. Это самый простой способ преобразования.

Сначала создайте список и преобразуйте его в кортеж с помощью метода tuple().

В этом примере мы определили список и проверили его тип данных. Чтобы проверить тип данных в Python, используйте метод type(). Затем используйте метод tuple() и передайте список этому методу, и он вернет кортеж, содержащий все элементы списка.

Список Python в кортеж, используя (* list, )

Из версии Python 3.5 и выше вы можете сделать этот простой подход, который создаст преобразование из списка в кортеж(*list, ).(*list, ) распаковывает список внутри литерала кортежа, созданного из-за наличия одиночной запятой(, ).

Вы можете видеть, что(*mando, ) возвращает кортеж, содержащий все элементы списка. Никогда не используйте имена переменных, такие как tuple, list, dictionary или set, чтобы улучшить читаемость кода. Иногда это будет создавать путаницу. Не используйте зарезервированные ключевые слова при присвоении имени переменной.

В Python 2.x, если вы по ошибке переопределили кортеж как кортеж, а не как кортеж типа, вы получите следующую ошибку:

TypeError: объект ‘tuple’ не вызывается.

Но если вы используете Python 3.x или последнюю версию, вы не получите никаких ошибок.


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