Python tkinter install linux

How to Install Python Tkinter on Linux

Tkinter is a Python library that is used to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It is a standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit, which is widely used in the Linux operating system. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Tkinter on a Linux system using either pip or apt-get.


To install Python’s Tkinter module on a Linux system, you will need to have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Python: Tkinter is a module for Python, so you will need to have Python installed on your system. Most Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed, but if you don’t have it installed you can use your distribution’s package manager to install it.
  • Tcl/Tk: Tkinter is built on top of the Tcl/Tk libraries, so you will need to have these libraries installed in order to use Tkinter. Most Linux distributions come with Tcl/Tk pre-installed, but if you don’t have them installed you can use your distribution’s package manager to install them.
  • A development environment: In order to install Tkinter, you will need to have a development environment set up on your system. This typically includes a compiler (such as GCC) and the make utility. If you don’t have these tools installed, you can use your distribution package manager to install them.

Install Tkinter in Linux

Python Tkinter library packages are available under the default package repositories. You can install it using the system’s package manager to install the Python Tkinter module based on the operating system.

    On Debian-based Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Pop!_OS):

sudo apt-get install python3-tk 
sudo yum install -y tkinter tk-devel 
sudo dnf install python3-tkinter 

This will install the Tkinter module on your system.

Verify the Tkinter installation

Once the Python Tkinter module is successfully installed on your system. The following command will show you the Tkinter versions.

The below screenshot shows that Python Tkinter 8.6 is installed.

How to Install Python Tkinter on Linux

Running an Example with Tkinter

Let’s make a sample Python program using the Tkinter module. Create a file `` file with the following content.


Install Tkinter

Install Tkinter

  1. Install Tkinter on Windows
  2. Install Tkinter on Linux
  3. Install Tkinter on Mac Operating System
  4. Install Tkinter in Pycharm

This tutorial will demonstrate how to install Tkinter on multiple platforms. Every platform has individual commands to install Tkinter in Python.

Install Tkinter on Windows

Tkinter offers multiple GUI libraries to develop GUI applications. The Tkinter is one of the popular libraries to build GUI system interfaces.

To install Tkinter, we have to install Python; if it is already installed, we can move on to install Tkinter. When we start the installation of Python, we can check td or tk and IDLE Tkinter during installation.

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This way, this Tkinter will come along with Python packages, and we do not need to install it separately. However, if we lose installing Tkinter during the installation of Python, we can do it later using the pip command.

We can confirm the Python version using this command.

Pip ’s version is checked using this command.

Now we are ready to install Tkinter.

Now we can use the tkinter library. To confirm the tkinter library is installed, write the code in the shell.

import tkinter tkinter._test() 

If you are an Anaconda user, you can use the following command.

conda install -c anaconda tk 

Install Tkinter on Linux

There are different variants of the Linux operating system. This section will learn how to install Tkinter in multiple variants.

Use this command if you’re using a Debian-based Linux operating system.

# python2 user sudo apt-get install python-tk 
# python3 user sudo apt-get install python3-tk 

Use this command if you’re using one of these: RHEL, CentOS, Oracle Linux.

sudo yum install -y tkinter tk-devel 

The Fedora-based Linux operating system uses this command.

Use this command to confirm the tkinter library is installed successfully.

Install Tkinter on Mac Operating System

There are two ways to install the tkinter library in MacOS. The Mac user will follow these steps.

Run the below command to check that python3 is installed.

Run the below command to check that pip3 is installed.

If your pip is outdated, please upgrade your pip using the below command.

We will use pip3 as the first method. Write the following command to install Tkinter.

The second method needs a file to install the Tkinter.

We have to download the latest version of Tkinter in python3 using this command.

curl 742b342fd642e672fbedecde725ba44db44e800dc4c936216c3c6729885a/tk-0.1.0.tar.gz > tk.tar.gz 

Write the following command to extract the downloaded package.

Go to the extracted folder and run this command.

To ensure the tkinter library is installed, run this code in the Python terminal.

Install Tkinter in Pycharm

The installation process is very simple in Pycharm IDLE. Pycharm IDLE is more convenient for users.

There is an interface to install the tkinter library without running a command.

Go to File>Settings>Project>Python Interpreter and click the + button, search tk , and click the Install Package button. You can select the specific version.

Click here to read more about Tkinter.

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What is Tkinter and How to Install it (Windows, macOS, Linux)

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Python has a wide array of frameworks that are used for building GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications. However, the only framework that is included in the Python standard library is Tkinter .

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So, since Tkinter is already part of the standard Python library, it typically comes included with installations of Python. However, if you’re yet to install Python or your version of Python doesn’t include Tkinter, don’t worry!

In this guide, we’ll go over how to install Tkinter on Windows, macOS, Linux , and also the visual elements that are included in Tkinter.

So, let’s jump right into it!

Table of Contents

What is Tkinter and Why Do You Need it?

Tkinter is the de-facto Python framework for building GUI applications, and with good reason.

Tkinter is widely used due to the fact that it’s cross-platform , has a native look and feel , and provides a lot of customizability . Additionally, Tkinter has also been praised for being easily understandable thanks to its smaller library size .

While having many advantages, Tkinter also has disadvantages . So, Tkinter has been said to have a UI that isn’t always reliable and it also doesn’t include advanced widgets . However, many people would argue that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Overall, Tkinter is useful for many different people and needs, including those who want to get a working and native-feeling application that runs on multiple operating systems quickly and efficiently.

Now, that we have a basic understanding of what it is, let’s jump right into the steps to install it!

Installing Tkinter on Windows

If you would like to install Tkinter on a Windows machine:

  1. First, verify if python is installed on your system by opening the Command Prompt and entering python –version .

If python is installed on your system, the version will be displayed. Else, if you don’t have python installed, you can install it from here.

  1. Next, verify if pip is installed on your system as we will be using pip to install Tkinter. So, enter pip help in the command line.

Again, if pip is installed, the version will be displayed. Else if you don’t have pip installed, you can learn how to install it here .

install PIP for Python

  1. Third, install Tkinter by entering pip install tk in the command line. Once Tkinter has been installed, you will receive a confirmation message that looks like the following:

succesfully installed Tkinter on Windows

  1. Lastly, enter import tk in the Python Terminal once Tkinter has been installed to verify if it works. There should be no error message shown once imported. You can also enter tkinter._test() after importing, and a small GUI window should appear that looks like this.

installing Tkinter on Windows

Installing Tkinter on macOS

If you would like to install Tkinter on a macOS machine:

  1. First, verify if python is installed on your system by opening the Terminal and entering python3 –version .

If python is installed on your system, the version will be displayed. Else, if you don’t have python installed, you can install it from here.

  1. Second, verify if pip is installed on your system as we will be using pip to install Tkinter. So, enter pip3 –version or pip help in the Terminal.

If pip is installed, the version will be displayed. Else, if you don’t have pip installed, learn how to do it here .

  1. Third, install Tkinter by entering pip install tk in the Terminal. You will receive a confirmation message that looks similar to the one listed in the Windows section once Tkinter has been installed.
  1. Lastly, enter import tk in the Python Terminal once Tkinter has been installed to verify if it works. There should be no error message shown once imported.
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Installing Tkinter on Linux

  1. First, verify if python is installed on your system by opening the Linux Terminal and entering python3 –version .

If python is installed on your system, the version will be displayed. Else, if you don’t have python installed, you can install it from here.

  1. Second, assuming you are using a Debian-based distribution of Linux, install Tkinter by entering sudo apt-get install python-tk in the Linux Terminal.
sudo apt-get install python-tk
  1. Then, enter your password if prompted and enter “y” to confirm the installation.
  2. Lastly, enter import tk in the Python Terminal once Tkinter has been installed to verify if it works. There should be no error message shown once imported.

Overview of the Widgets Used to Create GUIs

Widgets are basic elements and they are essential to the creation of GUIs using Tkinter. Without widgets, users wouldn’t be able to interact with and use an application properly.

Therefore, below are a few examples of common widgets used in the Tkinter library:

  1. Label
    • A label is a one-line widget used to display text or an image on the screen.
    1. Frame
      • A frame is a container widget used to group and organize widgets.
      1. Button
        • A button is a widget that may contain text and when clicked, performs an action.
        1. Entry
          • An entry is a one-line text field that is used to get input from the user.
          1. Text
            • A text is a widget that allows users to input multi-line text.
            1. Canvas
              • A canvas widget is used to draw in your GUI. You can create shapes, graphs, and more.
              1. Checkbutton
                • A checkbutton widget is a button that is used to execute an on/off choice. A checkbutton is commonly used for customization purposes where users can choose whether they want to turn a setting on or off.


                Learning how to develop a GUI application can be a very beneficial skill to add to your skillset.

                There are many reasons why someone may want to develop a GUI application. These range from wanting to add on to their programming skills to develop a user-friendly version of their project that previously ran on the command line. The latter can be very helpful when it comes to getting a non-computer savvy person to use an application as navigating through a GUI is far easier than the command line.

                That being said, in this article, we looked at how to install Tkinter on Windows , macOS , and Linux machines and verifying that it works. Additionally, we looked at the basic building blocks of GUIs on Tkinter, called widgets .

                Having said that, we hope you’ve found this guide helpful when it comes to installing Tkinter and understanding the basics of widgets.

                Feel free to share this post with your fellow coders to guide them through installing Tkinter!


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