Python sys not defined

Solving the «sys is not defined» Error in Python: Tips and Best Practices

Learn how to resolve the «sys is not defined» error in Python with our comprehensive guide. Follow our best practices and troubleshoot common issues today.

Python is a versatile programming language that is used for various purposes, such as web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. The sys module is a built-in module in Python that is always present and holds the data structures to track imports. It provides access to some variables used or maintained by the interpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter. If importing sys fails, it may indicate a larger issue in the code. This blog post will provide information on how to resolve the “sys is not defined” error in Python.

Subheading 1: Understanding the sys module

The sys module is a built-in module in Python that provides information about constants, functions, and methods of the Python interpreter. It enables the user to manipulate different parts of the Python runtime. Some of the functions and attributes that can be accessed through the sys module include:

  • sys.argv: A list in Python, which contains the command-line arguments passed to the script.
  • sys.path: A list of strings that specify the search path for modules.
  • sys.version: A string that contains the version number of the Python interpreter.

Subheading 2: Importing the sys module

To resolve the “sys is not defined” error, the user should import the sys module before using it. It is important to note that the name “sys” is used in the imported module, so the module has to import sys. Importing it in the calling code doesn’t help. The following code shows how to import the sys module in python :

The sys module comes packaged with Python and does not need to be downloaded separately using the PIP package manager.

Subheading 3: Common Issues with the sys module

The “sys is not defined” error may occur during import or while running a command. One of the common causes of this error is when the filepath is referred to before it is defined. Another common issue is when support for mongodb+srv:// URIs requires dnspython, and the user needs to use pip install pymongo[srv] to resolve the issue.

Subheading 4: Troubleshooting the “sys is not defined” error

To troubleshoot the “sys is not defined” error, the user needs to check if the sys module is imported before using it. They should also check if the name “sys” is used in the imported module, if the filepath is defined before it is referred to, and if the required packages are installed properly. Here are some tips for troubleshooting the “sys is not defined” error:

  • Check if the sys module is imported before using it in the code.
  • Check if the name “sys” is used in the imported module.
  • Check if the filepath is defined before it is referred to.
  • Check if the required packages are installed properly.
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Subheading 5: Best Practices for using the sys module

To avoid encountering the “sys is not defined” error, it is recommended to always import the sys module before using it in the code. The import protocol is invoked to find and load a module that is not found in sys.modules. This protocol ensures that the module is only loaded once, which can prevent errors from occurring. Additionally, the sys.exit function is used to safely exit from the program in progress. Here are some best practices for using the sys module:

  • Always import the sys module before using it in the code.
  • Use the import protocol to find and load a module that is not found in sys.modules.
  • Use the sys.exit function to safely exit from the program in progress.

The sys module is a built-in module in Python that provides access to some variables used or maintained by the interpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter. To resolve the “sys is not defined” error, the user should import the sys module before using it. Troubleshooting the error involves checking if the sys module is imported before using it, if the name “sys” is used in the imported module, if the filepath is defined before it is referred to, and if the required packages are installed properly. Best practices for using the sys module include always importing it before using it in the code, using the import protocol to find and load a module that is not found in sys.modules, and using the sys.exit function to safely exit from the program in progress. By following these tips and best practices, the user can avoid encountering the “sys is not defined” error and write efficient code in python .


Python sys not defined

Last updated: Feb 1, 2023
Reading time · 3 min


# NameError: name ‘sys’ is not defined in Python

The Python «NameError: name ‘sys’ is not defined» occurs when we use the sys module without importing it first.

To solve the error, import the sys module before using it — import sys .

nameerror name sys is not defined

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

print('before') # ⛔️ NameError: name 'sys' is not defined print(sys.version) print(sys.exit()) print('after')

# Import the sys module before using it

To solve the error, we have to import the sys module.

# 👇️ import sys first import sys print('before') print(sys.version) print(sys.exit()) print('after')

import sys module before using it

Even though the sys module is in the Python standard library, we still have to import it before using it.

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Make sure you haven’t used a capital letter s when importing sys because module names are case-sensitive.

# Make sure to not import the sys module in a nested scope

Also, make sure you haven’t imported sys in a nested scope, e.g. a function.

def get_version(): import sys print(sys.version) # ⛔️ NameError: name 'sys' is not defined print(sys.exit())

importing sys module in nested scope

We imported the sys module in a function, so we aren’t able to use it outside of the function.

Import the module at the top level to be able to use it throughout your code.

import sys def get_version(): print(sys.version) get_version() print(sys.exit())

import the sys module at the top level

The import statement for the sys module has to come at the top of the file before any code that makes use of it.

# Make sure to not import the sys module in a try/except statement

You also should be importing the sys module in a try/except statement.

try: # 👉️ code here could raise an error import sys print(sys.version) except ImportError: print(sys.platform) print(sys.platform)

dont import sys module in try except statement

The code sample works, however, if the code in the try statement raises an error, the sys module won’t get imported successfully.

This would cause the error because we are trying to access properties on the sys module in the outer scope and the except block.

Instead, move the import statement to the top of the file.

import sys try: print(sys.version) except ImportError: print(sys.platform) print(sys.platform)

# Importing functions and constants from the sys module

An alternative to importing the entire sys module is to import only the functions and constants that your code uses.

from sys import version, exit print('before') print(version) print(exit()) print('after')

The example shows how to import the exit() function and the version constant from the sys module.

Instead of accessing the members on the module, e.g. sys.exit() , we now access them directly.

This should be your preferred approach because it makes your code easier to read.

For example, when we use an import such as import sys , it is much harder to see which functions from the sys module are being used in the file.

Conversely, when we import specific functions, it is much easier to see which functions from the sys module are being used.

The sys module provides access to variables used by the Python interpreter and to functions that interact with the interpreter.

You can view all of the functions and constants the sys module provides by visiting the official docs.

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Fix Python NameError: name ‘sys’ is not defined

Python shows the NameError: name ‘sys’ is not defined error message when you call the sys module without importing it.

To fix this error, you need to import the sys module at the beginning of your script.

The sys module is a built-in Python module that provides access to system-related information, such as the version of your Python interpreter, the OS platform, or the command-line arguments added.

When you try to access the module as shown below:

If you didn’t add an import statement at the top of the file, Python will respond with the following error:

To fix this error, add an import statement at the top of your Python script file as shown below:

 Also, please make sure that you are not importing the sys module in a nested scope as shown below:
  The example above imports the sys module inside the print_sys_info() function.

When accessing the sys.platform constant outside the function, the error occurs.

This is because importing a module inside a function only makes it available within that function scope. The module won’t be available globally.

If you need the module outside of the function, then place the import statement at the top-level as shown below:

Alternatively, you can import only specific functions and constants you need into your code:
Named imports as shown above give you more clarity as to which part of the module you used in the code.

You also optimize your Python code by importing only specific functions and constants that you need.

You can read all of the functions and constants defined in the sys module on the Python sys documentation page.


To summarize, the Python NameError: name ‘sys’ is not defined error occurs when the sys module is not imported.

To solve this error, make sure to import the sys module at the beginning of your script and use its functions and variables as you need.

Good work solving the error! 👍

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