Python string with slash

Python Raw Strings

In this article, we will see how to take care of a backslash combined with certain alphabet forms literal characters which can change the entire meaning of the string using Python. Here, we will see the various ways to use the string text as it is without its meaning getting changed.

When to use raw strings in Python ?

Raw strings are particularly useful when working with regular expressions, as they allow you to specify patterns that may contain backslashes without having to escape them. They are also useful when working with file paths, as they allow you to specify paths that contain backslashes without having to escape them. Raw strings can also be useful when working with strings that contain characters that are difficult to type or read, such as newline characters or tabs. In general, raw strings are useful anytime you need to specify a string that contains characters that have special meaning in Python, such as backslashes, and you want to specify those characters literally without having to escape them.

str = r'Python\nis\easy\to\learn' Output: Python\nis\easy\to\learn Explanation: As we can see that the string is printed as raw, and it neglected all newline sign(\n) or tab space (\t).

Count occurrences of escape sequence in string

In this example, we will find the length of the string by using the Python len() function. Then, we replace backslash ( \ ) with double backslashes ( \\ ) in the string and now find the length of the update string. Later, we find the difference between the lengths of the updated string and the original string to calculate the count of escape sequences in the string.


How to use back slashes Python

Question: How do I use slashes in Python strings? The key here is to understand the distinction between source code string literals, the way an object is represented , and what the actual value of the string object is.

How to use back slashes Python

How do I use slashes in Python strings? To be more clear, I need to use a backward slash with a Python string. I know that \ is considered a keyword in Python for the escape character . My problem is, I am trying to write a string that uses \ inside of a file path name but when I try to write the full path name inside of the string, the back slash keeps me from using the string because of this error: SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal . I have been around Python just long enough to know this is a syntax error dealing with a string that doesn’t have a ‘ at the end of it but even after I add one, I still get the same error. Does anyone know how I can use it?

I have also tried adding random data to the string and replacing it with the back slash but that gives the same error. My code requires the system drive name ( C: ) to be a string called SYSTEM_DRIVE and then a separate string called USERNAME . I am using getpass.getuser() to grab the username of the current running user and store the output in USERNAME . Afterwards I am combining the SYSTEM_DRIVE with USERNAME and adding the directory and file name of the needed document to one final string and that string be used for the needed operations.

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Note: This is written in Python 2.7 ( Yes, I know Python 2.7 is about to expire but it’s the Python version i started with and I am trying to finish this project in it before I migrate to 3. I am working on learning C++ before I switch over).

import os, getpass SYSTEM_DRIVE = "C:\" USERNAME = getpass.getuser() + '\' FILE_PATH = SYSTEM_DRIVE + USERNAME + 'Example\TEXT_FILE.txt' if os.path.isfile(FILE_PATH): print (' [*] File is present on the system [*] ') else: print (' [*] No file was found [*] ') 

This example does not feature my full path. I just used Example and TEST_FILE as a holder. Edit: Sorry everyone for the confusion someone changed my question title or i must have made something not clear.

Stop using ‘\’ character — it’s not portable and might not work on a different platform. Use os.path.join() instead, or os.path.sep , if you really need that:

>>> import os >>> os.path.sep '/' >>> os.path.join( 'folder', 'file.txt') 'folder/file.txt' >>> 

JFYI, I’m on Linux. Windows machine will give you a different output.

Easy fix here. Using a \ with another one cause it to escape the previous one so if the backslash is your challenge then use \\ this will escape the backslash and output it as a normal string so «C:\\path\\to\\file» . Another option would be to make it a raw string by adding an r in front of it so something like r»C:\path\to\html.text» and this should also output a string for you and not escape any characters

How do I escape backslash and single quote or double, If you want to write down a string that afterwards has a backslash in it, you have to protect the backslash you enter. You have to keep Python from thinking it has special meaning. You do that by escaping it — with a backslash. One way to do this is to use backslashes, but often the easier and less confusing way …

In Python, how do I have a single backslash element in a list?

To start, I’m running Python 3.6 on windows 10.

The backslash character in python is a special character that acts as an «escape» for strings. Because of this, it cannot be printed directly. If I want to print a single backslash , doing this will not work:

The way to get around this is to simply add another backslash, like so:

So far so good. However, when you make a list of string elements, like below:

list_of_strings = ['','\u20AC','\u00A3','$','\u00A5','\u00A4','\\'] print(list_of_strings) 

The following is printed out: [», ‘€’, ‘£’, ‘$’, ‘¥’, ‘¤’, ‘\\’] Which is not ideal. Trying to use just one backslash(‘\’) in the string will result in the same EOL error as mentioned in the beginning. If you try to directly print out the backslash using a single instance of its unicode (u005C), like so:


One other thing I tried was this:

bs = "\\" print(bs) #prints a single \ list_of_strings = ['a','b','c','d',bs] print(list_of_strings) #prints ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', '\\'] 

So is there a way for me to be able to set this up so that a single backslash will be printed out as a string element in a list?

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I appreciate any help you can give me!

When printing a list in python the repr () method is called in the background. This means that print(list_of_strings) is essentially the same thing (besides the newlines) as:

>>> for element in list_of_strings: . print(element.__repr__()) . '' '€' '£' '$' '¥' '¤' '\\' 

In actuality the string stored is ‘\’ it’s just represented as ‘\\’

>>> for element in list_of_strings: . print(element) . < >€ £ $ ¥ ¤ \ 

If you print out every element individually as above it will show you the literal value as opposed to the represented value.

Yes, the output will always have a double slash, because that is how string objects represent a single slash. And when you print a list, the list __str__ and __repr__ methods use the objects __repr__ methods to build up what is being printed.

But if you print(list_of_strings[-1]) you will see, it is a single slash. Why does this even matter? The key here is to understand the distinction between source code string literals, the way an object is represented , and what the actual value of the string object is.

If it really bothers you, write a function to print the list yourself:

>>> list_of_strings = ['','\u20AC','\u00A3','$','\u00A5','\u00A4','\\'] >>> def print_list(l): . innards = ','.join(l) . print(f'[]') . >>> print_list(list_of_strings) [,€,£,$,¥,¤,\] >>> 

Printing a list object directly should mainly be used for debugging. Whenever you need some particular output formatting, you should be handling that yourself.

Double backslashes is correct way to go. It may seem like it is printing out 2 backslashes is so you can copy/paste it into another script. If you type in print(list_of_strings[-1] you will see only 1 backslash. There is actually no problem here.

For some reason, in the list the back slash ‘\’ appears as double:

list_elements = [] string1 = "\\ string 1" list_elements.append(string1) print(list_elements) >> ['\\ string 1'] 

But when you access the element of the list, it comes with one backslash:

print(list_elements[0]) >> \ string 1 

So, if you need to use each element, you won´t have any problem.

Python — How to get single ‘\’ (backslash) printed by a, The string you are returning contains only a single backslash; it is only the string representation of that string that uses two backslashes. Compare >>> r’\mu_’ ‘\\mu_’ >>> print (r’\mu_’) \mu_ Share answered Oct 3, 2020 at 15:36 chepner 456k 66 478 620 This works fine within print.

How do I get a working backslash in python

I have an encoded string saved as a string in a file, it is possible to change that, if it works then. I wanna read it and get the real string back. Sorry I’m not good in explaining xD, here’s my code:

def saveFile(src, con): with open(src, "w") as f: f.write(str(con)) f.close() . string = "юра" saveFile("info", mlistsaver.encode()) 

this is the ‘info’ File:` b’\xd1\x8e\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0′ but when I use this:

def get(src): f = src if path.isfile(f): with open(f, "r") as f: return else: return None . get("info").encode('iso-8859-1').decode('utf-8') 

the string is just: b’\xd1\x8e\xd1\x80\xd0\xb0′ I know it has to do something with double \ but I couldn’t fix it. As already said I can save the string in whatever format you want, I think the way I did it is really ****.

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Thank you very much BpY and lenz, it’s working now, here’s my code:

def saveFile(src, con): with open(src, "wb") as f: f.write(con) f.close() def get(src): f = src if path.isfile(f): with open(f, "rb") as f: return else: return None . info="юра" saveFile("info", info.encode()) print(get("info").decode("utf-8")) 

Again thank you and have a nice day:)

Correctly escaping backslash in python, I tried to read around but I can’t find a solution to this. I know that the backslash \ is a special I actually use var to load a file into python and it just tells me that it can’t – Sayse. Sep 5, 2019 at 19:28. Can you provide input and required output? – Aniket Bote. Sep 5, 2019 at 19:28. Because this is XY

How to insert a backslash into a string in Python?

I’m writing a Python program that creates a JSON file as its output. In the JSON file there are strings, and within those strings there are quote marks . I want to escape those quote marks using a backslash, and the only way to do this would be to insert backslashes into the strings that I’m writing to this file. How can I insert a backslash into a string without it being «used up» as an escape character?

I’m trying to use the .replace string function to replace all instances of » with instances of \» . I’ve also tried replacing all instances of » with instances of \\» and \\\» , but none of those work.

string = "\"The strings themselves are quotes, formatted like this\" - Some Guy" string.replace("\"","\\\"") # Just doing \\" gives me an error as the backslashes cancel each other out, leaving you just three quote marks. 

I’m trying to get the string to output the exact phrase: \»The strings themselves are quotes, formatted like this\» — Some Guy

Ignoring the fact, that you should use the json methods for doing what you’re trying to achieve: Replace returns a new string with the modified substring. Thus, your approach was correct, you just need to assign it again:

string = "\"The strings themselves are quotes, formatted like this\" - Some Guy" string = string.replace("\"", "\\\"") print(string) 

\»The strings themselves are quotes, formatted like this\» — Some Guy

As advised by the previous comments, you might be looking for this:

import json string = "\"The strings themselves are quotes, formatted like this\" - Some Guy" print(json.dumps(string)) 

How do I get a working backslash in python, Don’t call str () on the value you want to write to a file. If con is a bytes object, you will have the b» prefix+quotes literally in the output file, and also escape sequences with literal backslashes. If con is a byte string, open the file in binary mode ( mode=»wb») and directly write to it. – lenz Apr 26, 2020 at 8:11 Add …


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