Python str nan check

How To Check NaN Value In Python

How To Check NaN Value In Python

in this post, We’ll learn how to check NAN value in python. The NaN stands for ‘Not A Number’ which is a floating-point value that represents missing data.

You can determine in Python whether a single value is NaN or NOT. There are methods that use libraries (such as pandas, math, and numpy) and custom methods that do not use libraries.

NaN stands for Not A Number, is one of the usual ways to show a value that is missing from a set of data. It is a unique floating-point value and can only be converted to the float type.

In this article, I will explain four methods to deal with NaN in python.

  • Check Variable Using Custom method
  • Using math.isnan() Method
  • Using numpy.nan() Method
  • Using pd.isna() Method

What is NAN in Python

None is a data type that can be used to represent a null value or no value at all. None isn’t the same as 0 or False, nor is it the same as an empty string. In numerical arrays, missing values are NaN; in object arrays, they are None.

Using Custom Method

We can check the value is NaN or not in python using our own method. We’ll create a method and compare the variable to itself.

def isNaN(num): return num!= num data = float("nan") print(isNaN(data))

Using math.isnan()

The math.isnan() is a Python function that determines whether a value is NaN (Not a Number). If the provided value is a NaN, the isnan() function returns True . Otherwise, False is returned.

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Let’s check a variable is NaN using python script.

import math a = 2 b = -8 c = float("nan") print(math.isnan(a)) print(math.isnan(b)) print(math.isnan(c))

Using Numpy nan()

The numpy.nan() method checks each element for NaN and returns a boolean array as a result.

Let’s check a NaN variable using NumPy method:

import numpy as np a = 2 b = -8 c = float("nan") print(np.nan(a)) print(np.nan(b)) print(np.nan(c))

Using Pandas nan()

The pd.isna() method checks each element for NaN and returns a boolean array as a result.

The below code is used to check a variable NAN using the pandas method:

import pandas as pd a = 2 b = -8 c = float("nan") print(pd.isna(a)) print(pd.isna(b)) print(pd.isna(c))


Проверить значения NaN в Python

В этом посте мы обсудим, как проверить NaN (не число) в Python.

1. Использование math.isnan() функция

Простое решение для проверки NaN в Python используется математическая функция math.isnan() . Он возвращается True если указанный параметр является NaN а также False в противном случае.

2. Использование numpy.isnan() функция

Чтобы проверить NaN с NumPy вы можете сделать так:

3. Использование pandas.isna() функция

Если вы используете модуль pandas, рассмотрите возможность использования pandas.isna() функция обнаружения NaN ценности.

4. Использование != оператор

Интересно, что благодаря спецификациям IEEE вы можете воспользоваться тем, что NaN никогда не равен самому себе.

Это все о проверке значений NaN в Python.

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How to Check If String is NaN in Python

To check if a string is NaN in Python, you can use the “!= operator” or “math.isnan()” method.

Method 1: Using ! operator

The != operator returns True if the given argument is a NaN and returns False otherwise.


import numpy as np def checkNaN(str): return str != str print(checkNaN(np.nan)) print(checkNaN("AppDividend"))

To create a NaN value in Python, you can use the np.nan.

In this example, we defined the checkNaN() function that returns True if the string is NaN; otherwise, it returns False.

You can see that the np.nan value returns True, and the “AppDividend” string returns False.

Method 2: Using math.isnan() function

The math.isnan() method is used to check if the value is NaN or not. The math.isnan() method returns the Boolean value, which returns True if the specified value is a NaN; otherwise, False.


import numpy as np import math def checkNaN(str): try: return math.isnan(float(str)) except: return False print(checkNaN(np.nan)) print(checkNaN("AppDividend")) 

To handle a ValueError exception, use the try-except block. To convert any value to a float value in Python, use the float() function.

In the above example, we defined a checkNaN() function that returns True if the string is NaN; otherwise False.


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