Python self function name

How to Get a Function Name as a String in Python?

In this python tutorial, we will learn how to get a function name as a string.

Table Of Contents

Get a function name as a string using __name__

Python3 version supports this method which is used to get the function name in string format. It also returns the module name.

Here, the function is the function name. If you want to check the type of the returned function, then you can use the type() function. It returns the string class type.

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In this example, we will create two functions and get the function names and their types using __name__ .

# Create a function named my_first_function. def my_first_function(): print ("This is my first function") # Call the function my_first_function() # Get the function name as string print ("Function name: ", my_first_function.__name__) # Get the type print ("Function type: ", type(my_first_function.__name__)) # Create a function named my_second_function. def my_second_function(): print ("This is my second function") # Call the function my_second_function() # Get the function name as a string print ("Function name: ", my_second_function.__name__) # Get the type print ("Function type: ", type(my_second_function.__name__))

This is my first function Function name: my_first_function Function type: This is my second function Function name: my_second_function Function type:

You can see that the function name is returned and the type is str, which represents the string.

In this example, we imported two modules and get the module name and its type using name .

import math import random # Get the math module name as string print ("Function name: ", math.__name__) # Get the type of math print ("Function type: ", type(math.__name__)) # Get the random module name as string print ("Function name: ", random.__name__) # Get the type of random print ("Function type: ", type(random.__name__))

Function name: math Function type: Function name: random Function type:

You can see that the module name is returned and the type is str, which represents the string.

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Get a function name as a string using func_name

Python2 version supports this method which is used to get the function name in string format. It is deprecated in the python3 version.

Here, the function is the function name. If you want to check the type of the returned function, then you can use the type() function. It returns the class type.

In this example, we will create two functions and get the function names and their types using func_name.

# Create a function named my_first_function. def my_first_function(): print ("This is my first function") # Call the function my_first_function() # Get the function name as string print ("Function name: ", my_first_function.func_name) # Get the type print ("Function type: ", type(my_first_function.func_name)) # Create a function named my_second_function. def my_second_function(): print ("This is my second function") # Call the function my_second_function() # Get the function name as a string print ("Function name: ", my_second_function.func_name) # Get the type print ("Function type: ", type(my_second_function.func_name))
This is my first function ('Function name: ', 'my_first_function') ('Function type: ', ) This is my second function ('Function name: ', 'my_second_function') ('Function type: ', )

You can see that the function name is returned and the type is str, which represents the string. This code will not work with python3, it will work with previous versions of Python.

Get a function name as a string using qualname

Python3 supports this method which is used to get the function name in string format. It also returns the names of the classes and methods.

Here, the function is the function name. If you want to check the type of the returned function, then you can use the type() function. It returns the class type.

In this example, we will create two functions and get the function names and their types using qualname .

# Create a function named my_first_function. def my_first_function(): print ("This is my first function") # Call the function my_first_function() # Get the function name as string print ("Function name: ", my_first_function.__qualname__ ) # Get the type print ("Function type: ", type(my_first_function.__qualname__ )) # Create a function named my_second_function. def my_second_function(): print ("This is my second function") # Call the function my_second_function() # Get the function name as a string print ("Function name: ", my_second_function.__qualname__ ) # Get the type print ("Function type: ", type(my_second_function.__qualname__ ))

This is my first function Function name: my_first_function Function type: This is my second function Function name: my_second_function Function type:

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You can see that the function name is returned and the type is str, which represents the string.

Example 2:
In this example, we will create a class and get the module name and its type using name .

# Define a class with a method - hello class My_class(): def hello(self): pass # Get the class name as a string print ("Class name: ", My_class.__qualname__ ) # Get the class type print ("Class type: ", type(My_class.__qualname__ )) # Get the method name as a string print ("Method name: ", My_class.hello.__qualname__ ) # Get the method type print ("Method type: ", type(My_class.hello.__qualname__ ))

Class name: My_class Class type: Method name: My_class.hello Method type:

In the above code, we created a class named My_class, and a method-hello is created inside it. using qualname, we returned the function name as a string.


In this tutorial, we discussed three ways to return a function name as a string in python. The func_name does not work in the python 3 versions. If you want to get the class name and methods names as strings, you can use qualname .


Get Name of Function in Python

To get the name of a function when using Python, you can access the __name__ property.

def function_example(): pass print(function_example.__name__) #Output: function_example

If you are in a function and want to know the name of that function, then you can use the Python inspect module.

import inspect def function_example(): frame = inspect.currentframe() return inspect.getframeinfo(frame).function print(function_example()) #Output: function_example

When working in Python, the ability to get the names of different objects or functions can be useful.

One such example is if you want to get the name of a function.

To get the name of a function when using Python, you can simply access the __name__ property.

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Below is a simple example showing you how to get the name of a function in Python.

def function_example(): pass print(function_example.__name__) #Output: function_example

Get Name of Function when Inside Function in Python

If you want to get the name of a function when you are already in a function, then you have to do a little more work.

To get the name of the function you are currently in, you can use the inspect module.

The inspect module provides several useful functions to help get information about live objects such as modules, classes, methods, functions, tracebacks, frame objects, and code objects.

To get the name of the function you are currently in, you can use inspect to get the current frame with currentframe(), and then use the function property.

Below shows you how to get the name of the function you are currently in in Python.

import inspect def function_example(): frame = inspect.currentframe() return inspect.getframeinfo(frame).function print(function_example()) #Output: function_example

Hopefully this article has been useful for you to be able to learn how to get the name of a function using Python.

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