Python selenium run javascript

Perform Actions Using JavaScript in Python Selenium WebDriver

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In this tutorial, let’s analyze the least used but most powerful feature of Selenium WebDriver. Yes, I am going to discuss the JavaScript executor, and show you a few different ways to execute JavaScript statements through Python Selenium WebDriver.

It may so happen that in some real-time projects, Selenium WebDriver cannot perform an action on a particular web element. For example, since WebDriver simulates end-user interaction, it is natural that it will refuse to click on an element that is not visible to the end user (sometimes it also happens even though the web element is visible on the page). There can be several other similar reasons or scenarios.

In these cases, we can rely on JavaScript to click or perform actions on that web element, and these JavaScript statements can be executed through WebDriver.

You can do everything that the WebElement interface does and more with JavaScript.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting language that runs on client side, i.e, on the browser, and does some magic things when you surf through web pages. For more details, search for the keyword «JavaScript» on DZone.

How Do We Use JavaScript in WebDriver?

Python Selenium WebDriver provides a built-in method:

driver.execute_script("some javascript code here");

There are two ways we can execute JavaScript within the browser.

Method 1: Executing JavaScript at Document Root Level

In this case, we capture the element that we want to work with, using JavaScript-provided methods, then declare some actions on it and execute this JavaScript using WebDriver.

javaScript = "document.getElementsByName('username')[0].click();" driver.execute_script(javaScript)

What Are We Doing Here?

Step 1: We are inspecting and fetching the element by a property ‘name’ using JavaScript. (Also, ‘id’ and ‘class’ properties can be used.)

Step 2: Declare and perform a click action on an element using JavaScript.

Step 3: Call execute_script() method and pass the JavaScript that we created as a string value.

Notice [0] in the getElementsByName(‘username’)[0] statement above. JavaScript functions getElementsByName , getElementsByClassName , and so on return all matching elements as an array. In our case, we need to act on the first matching element that can be accessed via index [0] . If you know what you are doing, i.e., if you know the index of the element you want to operate, you can directly use the index, such as getElementsByName(‘username’)[2] .

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However, if you are using the JavaScript function ‘ getElementById ‘, you do not need to use any indexing, as it will return only one element (‘id’ should be unique).

While executing, WebDriver will inject the JavaScript statement into the browser and the script will perform the job. In our example, it performs a click operation on the target element. This JavaScript has its own namespace and does not interfere with the JavaScript in the actual web page.

Method 2: Executing JavaScript at Element Level

In this case, we capture the element that we want to work with using WebDriver, then we declare some actions on it using JavaScript and execute this JavaScript using WebDriver by passing the web element as an argument to the JavaScript.

Is this confusing? Let’s break it down.

For example:

userName = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@name='username']") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", userName)

What Are We Doing Here?

Step 1: Inspect and capture the element using WebDriver-provided methods like ‘ find_element_by_xpath ‘:

userName = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@name='username']")

Step 2: Declare and perform a click action on the element using JavaScript:

Step 3: Call execute_script() method with the JavaScript statement that we created as a string value and web element captured using WebDriver as arguments:

driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", userName)

The above two lines of code can be shortened to the format below, where we find an element using WebDriver, declare some JavaScript functions, and execute the JavaScript using WebDriver.

driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();", driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@name='username']"))

Another issue faced more frequently is the need to scroll to the bottom of the web page. You can perform this operation in a single line of code:

driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")

Also, you can have more than one JavaScript action in your statement.

For example:

userName = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@name='username']") password = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[@name='password']") driver.execute_script("arguments[0].click();arguments[1].click();", userName, password)

In this case, usage of the order of web elements matters. Accessing index with [0] anywhere inside a JavaScript statement will retrieve the first web element passed.

 driver.execute_script("arguments[1].click();arguments[0].click();", userName, password) 

How to Return Values

Another important aspect of the JavaScript executor is that it can be used to fetch values from web elements. That means the execute_script() method can return values.

For example:

print driver.execute_script('return document.getElementById("fsr").innerText')

Note that if you want something returned by JavaScript code, you need to use return. Also, elements can be located with Selenium and passed into the script.

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What Happens When an Element Is Not Found?

When JavaScript cannot find an element to operate on, it throws a WebDriver exception with the respective error message.

Scenario 1: We’re trying to read a property using ‘ print driver.execute_script(‘return document.getElementById(«fsr»).innerText’) ‘ but there is no such element available in the web page. We get the following message in the exception trace:

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: Cannot read property 'innerText' of null

Scenario 2: We’re trying to use an invalid operation or error function name inside JavaScript, like ‘ print driver.execute_script(‘document.getElementById(«fsr»).clic();’) ‘. (Note the spelling mistake in the click() method name.)

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: document.getElementById(. ).clic is not a function 


Here is a summary of a few potential actions for which JavaScript could be used.

  • get elements text or attribute
  • find an element
  • do some operation on an element, like click()
  • change attributes of an element
  • scroll to an element or location on a web page
  • wait until the page is loaded

Basic knowledge of JavaScript helps a lot when handling the DOM with Selenium. You can find more details and articles on the allselenium website.

Published at DZone with permission of Arunkumar Velusamy . See the original article here.

Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.


Selenium WebDriver and Execute JavaScript

You can execute Javascript with the Selenium WebDriver. In this tutorial you will learn how you can run js directly from your Python code.

You an use selenium to do automated testing of web apps or websites, or just automate the web browser. It can automate both the desktop browser and the mobile browser.
Selenium webdriver can execute Javascript. After loading a page, you can execute any javascript you want. A webdriver must be installed for selenium to work.

All it takes to execute Javascript is calling the method execute_script(js) where js is your javascript code.

Related course:


What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting languages that was made to run on top of websites (client side). It used to be to only make a webpage interactive, but these days there are complete frameworks that let you build the front-end of apps.

How to Execute Javascript?

Before you can use selenium, make sure it is installed and that you also have the right web driver. You can initialize selenium the way you always do.

If you load a website with Python selenium, you can manually inject JavaScript onto that page. If you named your webdriver object driver, then you can execute it like so:

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driver.execute_script(«some javascript code here»);

The program below runs a one line javascript command after loading the page. This will show the alert box in the webpage.

from selenium import webdriver

js = ‘alert(«Hello World»)’

selenium execute javascript

This means you can also use Javascript inside selenium to click on items, like on a button.

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

To scroll the browser window, you can use Javascript too:

driver.execute_script(«window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);»

But of course, you can also do this the Pythonic way by using the selenium module instead.

Selenium firefox headless


Python selenium run javascript

  • add_cookie driver method – Selenium Python
  • back driver method – Selenium Python
  • close driver method – Selenium Python
  • create_web_element driver method – Selenium Python
  • delete_all_cookies driver method – Selenium Python
  • delete_cookie driver method – Selenium Python
  • execute_async_script driver method – Selenium Python
  • execute_script driver method – Selenium Python
  • forward driver method – Selenium Python
  • fullscreen_window driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_cookies driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_log driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_screenshot_as_base64 driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_screenshot_as_file driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_screenshot_as_png driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_window_position driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_window_rect driver method – Selenium Python
  • get_window_size driver method – Selenium Python
  • implicitly_wait driver method – Selenium Python
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  • minimize_window driver method – Selenium Python
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  • refresh driver method – Selenium Python
  • set_page_load_timeout driver method – Selenium Python
  • set_script_timeout driver method – Selenium Python
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Element Methods

  • is_displayed() element method – Selenium Python
  • is_enabled() element method – Selenium Python
  • get_property() element method – Selenium Python
  • get_attribute() element method – Selenium Python
  • send_keys() element method – Selenium Python
  • click() element method – Selenium Python
  • clear() element method – Selenium Python
  • screenshot() element method – Selenium Python
  • submit() element method – Selenium Python
  • value_of_css_property() element method – Selenium Python
  • location element method – Selenium Python
  • screenshot_as_png element method – Selenium Python
  • parent element method – Selenium Python
  • size element method – Selenium Python
  • tag_name element method – Selenium Python
  • text element method – Selenium Python
  • rect element method – Selenium Python
  • screenshot_as_base64 element method – Selenium Python

Project Examples


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