Python run exe command

How to run Exe from Python – 3 Easy methods?

Running an .exe file from Python can be a useful tool for automating certain tasks or for executing system commands.

including data analysis, machine learning, and web development. One of the many things that Python can do is run executable files (.exe) on a computer. This can be done using a few different methods, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will discuss how to run exe using Python.

In this article, we will explore how to run an .exe file from Python and discuss some of the benefits and limitations of this method.

1. Run exe with Python using Sub process

One way to run an .exe file from Python is to use the subprocess module. The subprocess module allows you to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes.

This means that you can run an .exe file as a subprocess and interact with it just as you would with any other process.

For example, to run an .exe file named “example.exe” from Python, you can use the following code:

import subprocess["example.exe"])

This code imports the subprocess module and uses the run() function to execute the “example.exe” file. The run() function takes a list of arguments, with the first argument being the name of the .exe file to run.

2. Run using OS Python Library

Another way to run an .exe file from Python is to use the os module. The os module provides a way of using operating system dependent functionality like reading or writing to files, starting new processes, killing processes etc.

To run an .exe file, you can use the os.system() function.

For example, to run an .exe file named “example.exe” from Python, you can use the following code:

import os os.system("path/to/example.exe")

This code imports the os module and uses the system() function to execute the “example.exe” file. The system() function takes a string argument, which is the command to be executed by the operating system shell.

Running an .exe file from Python can be a powerful tool for automating tasks, such as running system commands or launching other programs. However, it’s important to note that executing an .exe file can also be a security risk, as it can potentially allow malicious code to run on your system. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the .exe file you are running is from a trusted source before executing it.

3. Run Exe from Python using Win32Api

A third method is to use the “win32api” module, which is a python wrapper for Windows API. This module provides a way to access the Windows API, which can be used to run exe files. Here is an example of how to use the “win32api” module to run an exe file:

import win32api win32api.ShellExecute(0, "open", "path/to/exe", None, ".", 0)

This will run the exe file located at “path/to/exe” on your computer.

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In conclusion, Python provides several ways to run exe files, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The subprocess module is a powerful and flexible option that allows you to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. The os module provides a way of using operating system dependent functionality like reading or writing to files, starting new processes, killing processes etc. The “win32api” module is a python wrapper for Windows API which can be used to run exe files.

It is important to note that running exe files using python may require certain permissions, and it is important to ensure that the exe file is from a trusted source before running it. Always use proper caution and security measures when running exe files using python or any other method.

In conclusion, running an .exe file from Python can be a useful tool for automating certain tasks or for executing system commands. By using the subprocess or os module, you can run an .exe file as a subprocess and interact with it just as you would with any other process. However, it’s important to be aware of the security risks involved and to make sure that the .exe file you are running is from a trusted source before executing it.


How to Run .exe Files in Python: Methods and Tools Explained

Learn how to execute .exe files in Python using different methods and tools. Follow our step-by-step guide and best practices for successful execution.

  • Using subprocess module to run .exe files
  • Converting Python scripts to executable files using PyInstaller
  • How to execute a external program with python
  • Using auto-py-to-exe tool to convert Python files to executable files
  • Running .exe files on multiple devices using Python and psexec
  • Running .exe files with arguments from within Python
  • Other helpful code examples for executing .exe files in Python
  • Conclusion
  • How do I run a .exe file in Python?
  • How do I run a .EXE file?
  • How do I run an EXE file with arguments in Python?
  • Can I make executable file in Python?

Python is a versatile programming language that is used for various purposes, including scripting, automation, data analysis, and web development. It is also a popular choice for scientific computing and machine learning tasks. However, Python may not have all the functionality that a user may require. Therefore, it may be necessary to run external executable files, also known as .exe files, in Python. In this blog post, we will explore different methods and tools that can be used to execute .exe files in Python.

Using subprocess module to run .exe files

The subprocess module is a built-in library in Python that enables the user to spawn new processes, connect to their input/output/error pipes, and obtain their return codes. The module provides several functions for running external commands, including the run() function. This function allows the user to execute a command and wait for it to complete.

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To run a .exe file using the function, the user needs to specify the path to the .exe file as a string argument. For example, the following code runs the hello.exe file located in the C:\Program Files directory:

import["C:\\Program Files\\hello.exe"]) 

The function has several optional arguments that can be used to customize the behavior of the command. For example, the stdout and stderr arguments can be used to redirect the output and error messages of the command to a file or a variable. The check argument can be used to raise an exception if the command returns a non-zero exit code.

One of the benefits of using the subprocess module is that it provides a high level of control over the execution of the external command. However, it may not be the most convenient option for simple tasks that do not require advanced features.

Converting Python scripts to executable files using PyInstaller

PyInstaller is a third-party library for Python that can be used to convert Python scripts into standalone executable files that can be run on any machine without requiring Python to be installed. PyInstaller supports multiple platforms , including Windows, Linux, and macOS, and can package Python scripts with their required dependencies into a single executable file.

To install PyInstaller, the user needs to run the following command in the terminal:

To create an executable file from a Python script, the user needs to navigate to the directory containing the script and run the following command:

This command creates a dist directory containing the executable file and its required dependencies. The user can run the executable file by double-clicking on it or by running it from the command line.

PyInstaller provides several options for customizing the behavior of the generated executable file, including setting the file icon, adding command-line arguments, and specifying the application name and version.

How to execute a external program with python

Friends its very simple.1. import os module and run os.system(command)2. import subprocess Duration: 5:53

Using auto-py-to-exe tool to convert Python files to executable files

Auto-py-to-exe is a third-party tool that provides a graphical user interface for Converting Python scripts into standalone executable files. The tool is built on top of PyInstaller and provides a simple and intuitive interface for configuring the options of the generated executable file.

To install auto-py-to-exe, the user needs to run the following command in the terminal:

To use auto-py-to-exe, the user needs to launch the tool and select the Python script to convert. The tool provides several options for configuring the generated executable file, including setting the file icon, adding command-line arguments, and specifying the application name and version.

One of the advantages of using auto-py-to-exe is that it simplifies the process of creating executable files by providing a user-friendly interface. However, it may not provide the same level of customization as PyInstaller.

Running .exe files on multiple devices using Python and psexec

Psexec is a third-party tool that enables the user to execute commands on remote computers from within Python. The tool is developed by Sysinternals and is part of the Microsoft Windows Sysinternals suite of utilities.

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To use psexec, the user needs to install the tool on the local computer and on the remote computers that the command will be executed on. The user can then run the following code to execute a .exe file on the remote computers:

import["psexec", "\\\\remote_computer", "-u", "username", "-p", "password", "C:\\Program Files\\hello.exe"]) 

This code runs the hello.exe file located in the C:\Program Files directory on the remote_computer using the specified username and password. Psexec provides several options for customizing the behavior of the command, including specifying the working directory, redirecting the output and error messages, and running the command as a different user.

One of the benefits of using psexec is that it enables the user to execute commands on multiple devices without requiring manual intervention. However, it may require additional configuration and setup compared to other methods.

Running .exe files with arguments from within Python

Sometimes it may be necessary to run a .exe file with command-line arguments from within Python. The function can be used to achieve this by passing the arguments as a list of strings. However, parsing complex command lines can be tricky, especially if they contain spaces or special characters.

The shlex module is a built-in library in Python that can be used to parse complex command lines. The module provides a split() function that splits a command line into a list of arguments, taking into account quotes and backslashes.

For example, the following code runs the hello.exe file with two arguments:

import subprocess import shlexcommand_line = 'C:\\Program Files\\hello.exe "argument 1" "argument 2"' args = shlex.split(command_line) 

The shlex.split() function splits the command line into the following list of arguments: [‘C:\\Program Files\\hello.exe’, ‘argument 1’, ‘argument 2’] .

Other helpful code examples for executing .exe files in Python

In python, how to run a .exe through python code example

import os os.startfile("C:\Documents and Settings\flow_model\flow.exe")

In python, how to read a .exe file in python code example

f = open('filename.exe', 'r+b') //'r+b' means read and write binary 

In python, how to start an exe file in python code example

 import sys, string, os, arcgisscripting os.system("C:/Documents and Settings/flow_model/flow.exe")

In python, python run exe code example

##### Sol_1 import subprocess["path_to_exe.exe",'parameter_1','parameter_2'])##### Sol_2 import os os.startfile("path_to_exe.exe",'parameter_1','parameter_2')
Open your command promptpip install pyinstaller cd YourFilePath pyinstaller --onefile YourFileName


In this blog post, we have explored different methods and tools that can be used to execute .exe files in Python. We have discussed the subprocess module, PyInstaller, auto-py-to-exe tool, psexec, and Running .exe files with command-line arguments. Each method and tool has its own benefits and limitations, and the choice depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand.

When executing external executable files in Python, it is important to use the correct method and tool to ensure successful execution. We have provided tips and best practices for using each method and tool to assist the user in achieving their goals. By following the guidelines and examples provided in this blog post, the user can execute .exe files in Python with confidence and ease.


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