Python read file word by word

Python Program to Read File Word by Word

We will learn about how to read a file word to word in Python language. Here, a file must be taken as an input and we have to print the words present inside the file one by one. Let us understand the above statement using the following sample input and output.


Hello everyone, this is aniket malik.


Hello everyone, this is aniket malik.

In the above example, the line “Hello everyone, this is aniket malik.” should be stored inside a file, and by using Python language we need to read each word inside the file and print it.


➤ Open a file in read mode.
➤ Use a for loop to read each line in the file.
➤ Use another for loop to read each word from the line.
➤ Print each word from each line.

Here, words are separated whenever whitespace is identified. Let us see the Python program to read file word to word by using the above example.

Python Program

with open('sample.txt', 'r') as file: for line in file: for word in line.split(): print(word) 


Hello everyone, this is aniket malik.


with open('sample.txt', 'r') as file: 

The above line of code was used to open a file (i.e., sample.txt) in read mode and stored inside a variable name ‘file’

This is the first for loop, this loop is used to read each line inside the file ‘sample.txt’. The lines are temporarily stored inside the variable ‘line’.

This inner loop is used to read each word from each line in the file ‘sample.txt’. Here, each word is temporarily stored inside the variable ‘word’, and the split() function is used to split each line.

The split() method in python is used to split a string into a list of strings after breaking the given string by a specified condition.

By using a simple print statement all the words are printed.


We have learned about the procedure to read a file word to word, the associated Python code used to read a file word to word, and the usage of the split() function.


Using Python to Read File Word by Word

To read a file word by word using Python, you can loop over each line and then loop over all of the words in the line.

with open("example.txt","r") as f: for line in f: for word in line.split(" "): #do something here

When reading files, the ability to read files sequentially word by word can be very useful.

Reading text from a file is easy with the Python open() function. Then, once you have the file open, you can read it line by line, word by word, and even character by character with some extra logic.

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To read a file word by word in Python, you can loop over each line in a file and then get the words in each line by using the Python string split() function.

Below is a simple example showing you how to read a file word by word in Python.

with open("example.txt","r") as f: for line in f: for word in line.split(" "): #do something here

How to Read File Line by Line Using Python

If you want to iterate over all lines in a file using Python, we can take the example from above and make a few adjustments.

To read a file character by character in Python, you can loop over each line in a file with a simple for loop.

Below is a simple example showing you how to read a file line by line by iterating through each line in a file using Python.

with open("example.txt","r") as f: for line in f: #do something here

How to Read File Character by Character Using Python

If you want to read a file character by character using Python, we can take the example from above and make a few adjustments.

Instead of using the string split() function, we can just loop over all characters in each line.

Below is an example showing how you can read a file character by character using Python.

with open("example.txt","r") as f: for line in f: for char in line: #do something here

Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to read a file word by word in Python.

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About The Programming Expert

The Programming Expert is a compilation of a programmer’s findings in the world of software development, website creation, and automation of processes.

Programming allows us to create amazing applications which make our work more efficient, repeatable and accurate.

At the end of the day, we want to be able to just push a button and let the code do it’s magic.

You can read more about us on our about page.


Read word by word python – Python Program to Read File Word by Word

Program to Read File Word by Word

Read word by word python: A file is a piece of data or information stored on a computer’s hard drive. You’re already familiar with a variety of file kinds, including music, video, and text files. Manipulation of these files is trivial with Python. Text files and binary files are the two types of files that are commonly used. Binary files contain binary data that can only be read by a computer, whereas text files include plain text.

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For programmers and automation testers, Python file handling (also known as File I/O) is a crucial topic. Working with files is required in order to write to or read data from them.

In addition, if you didn’t know, I/O activities are the most expensive techniques via which software might fail. As a result, when implementing file processing for reporting or any other reason, you should proceed with caution. The construction of a high-performance application or a robust solution for automated software testing can benefit from optimizing a single file activity.

Given a file, the task is to print all words in the given file using python.

Program to Read File Word by Word using Python

  • Make a single variable to store the path of the file. This is a constant value. This value must be replaced with the file path from your own system in the example below.
  • Open the file in read-only mode. In this case, we’re simply reading the contents of the file.
  • Iterate through the lines of the file using the For loop.
  • Split the words of the line using the split() function and store them in a variable(it is of type list).
  • Loop in the above list using another Nested For loop and print all the contents of the list using the print() function.
  • The Exit of the Program.

Below is the implementation:

# Make a single variable to store the path of the file. This is a constant value. # This value must be replaced with the file path from your own system in the example below. givenFilename = "samplefile.txt" # Open the file in read-only mode. In this case, we're simply reading the contents of the file. with open(givenFilename, 'r') as givenfilecontent: # Iterate through the lines of the file using the For loop. print('The words in the given file : ') for gvnfileline in givenfilecontent: # Split the words of the line using the split() function and store them in a variable(it is of type list). gvnfilewords = gvnfileline.split() # Loop in the above list using another Nested For loop # and print all the contents of the list using the print() function. for words in gvnfilewords: print(words)
The words in the given file : hello this is btechgeeks Good morning this is btechgeeks By now you might be aware that Python is a Popular Programming Language used right from web developers to data scientists. Wondering what exactly Python looks like and how it works? The best way to learn the language is by practicing. BTech Geeks have listed a wide collection of Python Programming Examples.


  • The file path is stored in the variable ‘file name.’ Change the value of this variable to the path of your own file.
  • Dragging and dropping a file onto the terminal will show its path. The code will not run unless you change the value of this variable.
  • The file will be opened in reading mode. Use the open() function to open a file. The path to the file is the method’s first parameter, and the mode to open the file is the method’s second parameter.
  • When we open the file, we use the character ‘r’ to signify read-mode.
  • The split() method separates all of the words in the given file, which we then print word by word.
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hello this is btechgeeks Good morning this is btechgeeks By now you might be aware that Python is a Popular Programming Language used right from web developers to data scientists. Wondering what exactly Python looks like and how it works? The best way to learn the language is by practicing. BTech Geeks have listed a wide collection of Python Programming Examples.

Sample Implementation in google colab:


Using Python to Read File Character by Character

To read a file character by character using Python, you can loop over each line in a file and then loop over each character in each line.

with open("example.txt","r") as f: for line in f: for char in line: #do something here

When reading files, the ability to read files sequentially character by character can be very useful.

Reading text from a file is easy with the Python open() function. Then, once you have the file open, you can read it line by line, word by word, and even character by character with some extra logic.

To read a file character by character in Python, you can loop over each line in a file and then loop over each character in each line.

Below is a simple example showing you how to read a file character by character in Python.

with open("example.txt","r") as f: for line in f: for char in line: #do something here

How to Read File Word by Word Using Python

If you want to read a file word by word using Python, we can take the example from above and make a few adjustments.

To read a file word by word in Python, you can loop over each line in a file and then get the words in each line by using the Python string split() function.

Below is an example showing how you can read a file word by word using Python.

with open("example.txt","r") as f: for line in f: for word in line.split(" "): #do something here

Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to read a file character by character in Python.

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About The Programming Expert

The Programming Expert is a compilation of a programmer’s findings in the world of software development, website creation, and automation of processes.

Programming allows us to create amazing applications which make our work more efficient, repeatable and accurate.

At the end of the day, we want to be able to just push a button and let the code do it’s magic.

You can read more about us on our about page.


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