Python pyqt5 контекстное меню

How To Create Context Menu In PyQt5

In this PyQt5 article i want to show you How To Create Context Menu In PyQt5. so first of all let’s talk about PyQt5.

What is PyQt5 ?

PyQt5 is Python binding for the Qt cross platform application framework and it allows developers to create desktop applications with graphical user interface (GUI) using Python programming language. PyQt5 is developed by Riverbank Computing and is licensed under the GPL and commercial licenses.

Qt is popular framework for developing graphical user interfaces, and PyQt5 provides access to all of Qt’s functionality, including support for widgets, layouts, graphics, multimedia and networking and it also provides Pythonic API for working with Qt that makes it easy to create and manage GUIs in Python.

Some of the key features of PyQt5 include:

  1. Cross-platform support: PyQt5 allows developers to create applications that run on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS and Linux.
  2. Qt Designer integration: PyQt5 includes integration with Qt Designer, Qt Designer visual tool for designing and laying out GUIs.
  3. Extensive documentation: PyQt5 provides extensive documentation and examples, that make it easy to learn and use.
  4. Support for modern Python features: PyQt5 supports the latest features of Python, such as type annotations, async/await and f-strings.
  5. Large community: PyQt5 has large and active community of developers and it provides support, guidance and contributions to the project.

PyQt5 is often used in desktop application development for creating GUIs with different functionality, such as data visualization, multimedia playback and database integration. it is also often used in scientific and engineering applications for creating custom visualization and analysis tools.

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You can use pip for the installation of PyQt5.


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