Python put to clipboard

Copy and paste text to the clipboard with pyperclip in Python

In Python, you can copy text (string) to the clipboard and paste (get) text from the clipboard with pyperclip. You can also monitor the clipboard to get the text when updated.

import pyperclip pyperclip.copy('text to be copied') print(pyperclip.paste()) # text to be copied 

This article describes the following contents.

  • How to install pyperclip
  • Copy text to the clipboard: pyperclip.copy()
  • Paste (get) text from the clipboard: pyperclip.paste()
  • Monitor the clipboard: pyperclip.waitForPaste() , waitForNewPaste()
  • Note: pyperclip can only handle text (string)

Pandas provides a function to process clipboard contents as a DataFrame .

As mentioned in the last section, pyperclip can only handle text (string). You can get the image from the clipboard with Pillow.

The following contents are checked with pyperclip version 1.8.2 . Note that it may work differently on other versions.

How to install pyperclip

You can install pyperclip with the command pip / pip3 .

For Linux, the xclip or xsel command (installed with apt , etc.) and the gtk or PyQt4 module (installed with pip ) are required. See the official documentation for details.

Copy text to the clipboard: pyperclip.copy()

You can copy text to the clipboard with pyperclip.copy() .

pyperclip.copy('text to be copied') 

Paste (get) text from the clipboard: pyperclip.paste()

You can paste (get) text from the clipboard with pyperclip.paste() .

print(pyperclip.paste()) # text to be copied print(type(pyperclip.paste())) # 

Of course, you can also assign it to a variable.

s = pyperclip.paste() print(s) # text to be copied 

Monitor the clipboard: pyperclip.waitForPaste() , waitForNewPaste()

You can monitor the clipboard with pyperclip.waitForPaste() , pyperclip.waitForNewPaste() .

If pyperclip.waitForPaste() is executed when the clipboard is empty, it waits for new text to be copied. When new text is copied, pyperclip.waitForPaste() returns it.

If it is executed with some text already copied on the clipboard, the text is returned.

pyperclip.copy('') print(pyperclip.waitForPaste()) # some text 

When pyperclip.waitForNewPaste() is executed, it waits for new text to be copied. If the text on the clipboard is updated, pyperclip.waitForNewPaste() returns it.

print(pyperclip.waitForNewPaste()) # new text 

You can specify the number of seconds to check. If no new text is copied and the specified time elapses without a return value, these functions raise PyperclipTimeoutException .

# pyperclip.waitForNewPaste(5) # PyperclipTimeoutException: waitForNewPaste() timed out after 5 seconds. 

Example of exception handling:

try: s = pyperclip.waitForNewPaste(5) except pyperclip.PyperclipTimeoutException: s = 'No change' print(s) # No change 

Note: pyperclip can only handle text (string)

Pyperclip can only handle text (string). Even if you copy a numeric value with pyperclip.copy() , pyperclip.paste() returns the string str .

pyperclip.copy(100) print(pyperclip.paste()) # 100 print(type(pyperclip.paste())) # 

Use int() or float() to convert strings to numbers.

i = int(pyperclip.paste()) print(i) # 100 print(type(i)) # 

If an image is copied to the clipboard, pyperclip.paste() returns an empty string » . You can get the image from the clipboard with Pillow.


Copy Text to Clipboard in Python

Copy Text to Clipboard in Python

  1. Use the pyperclip Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python
  2. Use the pyperclip3 Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python
  3. Use the clipboard Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python
  4. Use the xerox Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python
  5. Use the pandas Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python

A clipboard is a temporary buffer provided by the operating system used for short-term storage. It’s also used for transferring content between and within the applications running on the system.

This tutorial discusses the several methods available to copy text to the clipboard in Python.

Use the pyperclip Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python

The pyperclip module is utilized to achieve cross-platform copy and pasting in Python. It is a cross-platform library, making it usable in different operating systems. Additionally, cross-platform copy-pasting was earlier absent in Python.

The pyperclip module provides copy() and paste() functions to help with the inflow and outflow of text from the clipboard. The pyperclip module can be simply installed by using the pip command.

The following code uses the pyperclip module to copy text to the clipboard in Python.

import pyperclip as pc a1 = "Hey, nice to see you" pc.copy(a1) a2 = pc.paste() print(a2) print(type(a2)) 

Both the copy() and paste() functions from the pyperclip module are at work here. pyperclip converts every data type it encounters into a string.

Use the pyperclip3 Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python

The pyperclip3 is similar to the previously mentioned pyperclip module, as the former contains all the functions available to use in the latter. The pyperclip3 module differs from the pyperclip module because pyperclip3 converts all the data types into bytes.

The following code uses the pyperclip3 module to copy text to the clipboard in Python.

import pyperclip3 as pc a1 = "Hey, nice to see you" pc.copy(a1) a2 = pc.paste() print(a2) print(type(a2)) 

Use the clipboard Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python

The clipboard module is a simple yet efficient module that provides only two functions, copy() and paste() , to successfully complete the process of copying and pasting from the operating system’s clipboard.

The following code uses the clipboard module to copy text to the clipboard in Python.

import clipboard as c a1 = "Hey, nice to see you" pc.copy(a1) a2 = pc.paste() print(a2) print(type(a2)) 

Use the xerox Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python

The xerox module was introduced solely for the purpose of copying and pasting for Python. It aims to provide a simple way of achieving copy and pasting through the clipboard. This also module supports Windows, Linux, and macOS X.

The module can be installed using the pip command.

The following code uses the xerox module to copy text to the clipboard in Python.

import xerox xerox.copy(u'Hey, nice to see you') x = xerox.paste() print(x) 

We should note that in order to use xerox on Windows, the pywin32 module also needs to be installed first.

Use the pandas Module to Copy Text to the Clipboard in Python

The pandas module, mainly used for Data Analysis and Machine Learning, also has built-in clipboard support. The function to_clipboard() can be utilized to copy the text to the clipboard of the pandas , provided that it is entered or passed through a pandas DataFrame .

The following code uses the pandas module to copy text to the clipboard in Python.

import pandas as pd df=pd.DataFrame(['Text to copy']) df.to_clipboard(index=False,header=False) 

Apart from these methods mentioned above, some other modules like Tkinter and PYQT have their own separate ways of performing the clipboard operations.

Vaibhhav is an IT professional who has a strong-hold in Python programming and various projects under his belt. He has an eagerness to discover new things and is a quick learner.


How to Copy Text to Clipboard in Python

To copy text to the clipboard in Python, use the pyperclip module.

Before you can use the module, you need to install it with:

Then you can use its copy() method to copy text to the clipboard by:

import pyperclip s1 = "Hello world" pyperclip.copy(s1) s2 = pyperclip.paste() print(s2)


Thanks for reading. I hope you found what you were looking for.

Further Reading

About the Author

Hi, I’m Artturi Jalli!

I’m a Tech enthusiast from Finland.

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Pyperclip – копирование и вставка в буфер обмена

Язык программирования Python

Pyperclip – это небольшой кроссплатформенный (Windows, Linux, OS X) модуль для копирования и вставки текста в буфер обмена, разработанный Элом Свейгартом. Он работает на Python 2 и 3 и устанавливается с помощью pip:


В системах Microsoft Windows дополнительный пакет не требуется, поскольку он взаимодействует непосредственно с Windows API через модуль ctypes.

В дистрибутивах Linux модуль использует одну из следующих программ: xclip и xsel. Если какие-либо из них не установлены по умолчанию, их можно получить, выполнив команду:

sudo apt-get install xclip sudo apt-get install xsel
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Если таковых нет, pyperclip может использовать функции Qt (PyQt 4) или GTK (недоступно в Python 3), если они установлены.

В Mac OS X для этого используются pbcopy и pbpaste.


>>> import pyperclip as clipboard # Копирование текста в буфер обмена. >>> clipboard.copy("Текст для копирования") # Получить доступ к содержимому (вставить). >>> clipboard.paste() 'Текст для копирования'
Code language: PHP (php)


Use Python to copy pictures to the clipboard


Today I tried to develop my side project, I found I need a function to copy the screenshot picture to system clipboard, so I researched some methods.

So far, I have only tested this method on the Windows operating system. Others OS may have to try to see if they can work properly.

Unfortunately, due to other work to be done next, I don’t know when this side project will be completed.

Use Pillow package to take a screenshot

Using Python package Pillow to take a screenshot is very easy. May be you can refer: Recording with Python —— Provided a sample code

If you are using pywin32 in the first time, you need to use the following command to install:

sudo pip3 install win32clipboard

And we can start to coding.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
import win32clipboard as clip
import win32con
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import ImageGrab

First, import the module we need. ImageGrab() is a function to take the screenshot in Pillow . And win32clipboard can make us to copy the image to our clipboard.

Use key a to screenshot so that we put the captured full-screen image into the variable image. Remember this is stored in RGB format, if you want to use a module to display such as OpenCV, you need to convert it to BGR.

Copy to clipboard

output = BytesIO() 
image.convert('RGB').save(output, 'BMP')
data = output.getvalue()[14:]
clip.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_DIB, data)

It should be noted here that after OpenClipboard() , emptyClipboard() should be used to empty the clipboard. Otherwise, if something is stored in the original clipboard, an error will occur in our program.

After running the above program, find a place to paste it and you can see our screenshot.


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