Python programming an introduction to computer science by john zelle

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

This book is designed to be used as the primary textbook in a college-level first course in computing. It takes a fairly traditional approach, emphasizing problem solving, design, and programming as the core skills of computer science. However, these ideas are illustrated using a non-traditional language, namely Python. Although Python is the language, teaching Python is not the main point of this book. Rather, Python is used to illustrate fundamental principles of design and programming that apply in any language or computing environment. In some places, certain Python features and idioms that are not generally found in other languages are avoided. There are already many good books about Python on the market; this book is intended as an introduction to computing.

First published December 1, 2003

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Profile Image for John Zelle.

John Zelle

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Profile Image for Shayan Kh.

This was one of the best books for beginner programmers I’ve seen. First, it is not a Python introduction book, it is a programming introduction book. There is a huge difference between the two. Many books targeted at beginners don’t take into account that some concepts are hard to grasp and miss some crucial explanation with the examples they give. Not this one.
Zelle introduces hard concepts at a good pace and has nice examples to go with them. And he also introduces Computer Science and a bit of software design to go with this book.
Many introductory books skip the GUI part of programming and stick with CLI programming, which I think is terrible. Because the back end of a program is not as much fun to write for beginners. Writing an app that beginners can show it to others makes a great sense of accomplishment and is an ego boost which in the end, makes programming more fun. This book, on the other hand, starts graphical programming even before it talks about lists! Which is great in my opinion.
The only problem is that it uses a custom module that the author prepared for this book specifically. Which made me skip most of the GUI parts because I didn’t think they would benefit me in the long run( because I’m trying to learn Kivy and it is very different from Tkinter).
Yet this minor issue aside, I recommend this book to anyone who doesn’t have any prior knowledge of programming. It might be a good read for professionals too, but not as much.

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Profile Image for Bhakta Kishor.

This book is a very good first programming book for beginners. On reading the title, my first (cynical) reaction was, «Python as an introduction to computer science? Why not RPG or Snobol?» The point was that it seems on the surface quite difficult to introduce computer science adequately merely by teaching a somewhat exotic, string-oriented, high-level functional interpreter. For that matter, what does computer science as rigorously construed have to do with the languages used in modern software engineering? Computer programmers are evermore dealing less and less in computer science: We’re becoming tailors using a set of patterns preordained by the language designer, patterns to which we cut our fabric all day. Like fish, we hardly notice the water in which we swim, live, and breathe.


Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science pdf – John Zelle

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science John Zelle 2nd Edition pdf Download

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science is a primary textbook targeted for college-level first course studies in computer programming. Here, I’ve included a pdf version of the book as a download link preview which can be accessed from the links in this post. With the book, John Zelle has updated his famous introduction to programming using Python to cover Python 3.0.

This book is a more traditional one as its approach to programming is such; it focuses on problem solving, design and implementation, and programming as the fundamental skills of computer science. But the ideas are presented using Python, a non-traditional language for many programmers.

Book Description:

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science John Zelle 2nd Edition pdf Download

  • Title : Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science
  • Author : John Zelle
  • Edition : 2nd Edition
  • Pages : 415
  • Format : pdf Preview
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The contents in Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science include a couple topics on Computers & Programs and Writing Simple Programs at first two chapters. These include discussion on The Magic of Python, Inside a Python Program, The Software Development Process, Elements of Programs, Definite Loops, etc.

Other aspects covered in the book are Computing with Numbers, Objects & Graphics, Sequences: Strings, Lists, & Files, Defining Functions, Decision Structures, Loop Structures & Booleans and Simulation & Design. Defining Classes, Data Collections, Object-Oriented Design, Algorithm Design & Recursion are also covered in the latter chapters.

The book uses Python 3.0 as an introduction to programming using Python programming language. Overall, the book contains 13 Chapters with various example programs that are easy to understand. Further, chapter summary and exercises have been provided at the end of each chapter in the book.

The key features of the 2nd Edition of Python Programming by John Zelle are:

  • Extensive utilization of computer graphics
  • Readable prose
  • Good coverage of various aspects of Python and programming in general
  • Simple interesting examples
  • Problems at the end of each chapter
  • Brief summary at the end of each chapter

Teaching Python is not what “Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science” aims at. The book rather emphasizes the illustration of basic programming cum design principles that are required in any computer programming environment. You can find other good programming books here.


Python programming an introduction to computer science by john zelle

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Продолжаем слушать книги серии «Технология среди нас» с четвертой части, так как третья не прошла цензуры. Коротко, что было в третьей: команда разработчиков вложила сексуальные предпочтения в по моделей и


Python programming an introduction to computer science by john zelle

книжка скорее всего для разового чтения,для меня.Сюжет не замылен,но некоторые штампы просто раздражают.Не совсем понравился гл.герой,на мой взгляд,его образ слишком уж ни какой,в чем-то даже примитивен.И


Метаэтика. Теоретический обзор

Очень подробный и толковый учебник. Материал излагается четко, последовательно и доступно. Самое важное то, что это единственная книга по метаэтике на русском языке.


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Муж моей сестры

Что же это было?!Наверное фэнтази и боевая фантастика в одном флаконе.Оценку ставить не буду, так как даже не могу найти точку отсчёта для этого произведения.


Сказка об очередной золушке.Понятная своими первыми страницами, в чём-то наивная и банальная.Похожа на книжки-малышки своим сюжетом.но есть плюс:неплохо написана и такая складная в своих событиях.На мой

Маскарад [bg]

Защо е пусната част от книгата? Наистина ли си мислите, че някой ще влезне тук за да купува ?

Детские игрушки — куклы

Продолжаем слушать книги серии «Технология среди нас» с четвертой части, так как третья не прошла цензуры. Коротко, что было в третьей: команда разработчиков вложила сексуальные предпочтения в по моделей и


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