Python printing strings with variables

Using Python to print variable in strings

In this short tutorial, we look at how you can use Python print variable in strings. We look at all the various methods along with their limitations and caveats.

Table of Contents — Python Print Variables

Python print variables:

While printing strings, it is common to print a variable’s values inside it. A common example is you might want to print the first and last name in a sentence and these values are stored in two variables respectively.

These values cannot be hardcoded into the string and need to be passed dynamically, hence Python comes with a few inbuilt functions that allow you to print variable values.

Printing variables using f-string:

Using f-strings in Python to print variables is the most commonly used method and I would personally recommend using this method.

In this method, an ‘f’ is placed before the opening quotation mark of a string. Braces <> are placed around the names of variables that you are looking to print. Python replaces these variables with their values when the code is executed and the string is displayed.

Such strings are called f-strings. Python further allows you to format these strings by using methods like ‘.upper’ or ‘.title’ etc.

Code — f-string

language = "Python" #Adding the language variable into a string print(f"Hello World!") #Output = “Hello Python World!” 

Note: These f-strings were introduced only in Python 3.6. In case you are using Python versions earlier than that you would have to use the ‘format()’ method. The syntax for that is as follows:

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Python Print Variable — format() Code

language = "Python" #Adding the language variable into a string print("Hello <> World!".format(language)) #Output = “Hello Python World!” 

Using string concatenation:

String concatenation is a method that can be used to add strings together. This is done by using the “+” character between two variables or strings. This way we can use Python to print variable values along with the string.

Python Print Variable — String Concatenation:

language = "Python" #Adding the language variable into a string print("Hello" +" "+ language +" "+ "World!") #Output - “Hello Python World!” 

While using this method, spaces are not added and you would have to manually add them and hence this method is not used very often.

Python print variables using a comma “,”:

This method is another commonly used method in Python to print variables. This method is quite similar to the string concatenation method; however, here we use “,” between the variables.

Additionally the “,” itself adds a space to the string and you would not have to add it.

Python Print Variable — Using “,”:

language = "Python" #Adding the language variable into a string print("Hello", language, "World!") #Output - "Hello Python World!" 

Limitations & Caveats — Python print variables

  • While using the first method do keep your version of PYthon in mind as f-strings would only work on Python 3.6 and above
  • The string concatenation method is not widely used however feel free to try it out for your better understanding
  • While using the “,” methods be careful not to add spaces between variables as the comma itself adds them for you
  • I would recommend using methods 1 & 2, you could try them and choose whichever method you are comfortable with


7 Methods for Printing Variables with Strings in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to print variables along with strings in Python using 7 different methods. This comprehensive guide details each method and provides examples.

Python is a powerful programming language that is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It’s widely used in web development, scientific computing, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. One of the most basic tasks in Python programming is printing variables along with strings. This can be done using various methods, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will detail the different methods available for printing variables with strings in Python.

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Using the comma (”,») to separate strings and variables

The comma can be used to separate strings and variables in the print() function. This method is simple and easy to use. Here’s an example:

variable_name = "John" print("The name is", variable_name) 

However, this method does not provide much control over the formatting. It’s not possible to use string formatting options like padding, precision, and alignment.

Using str.format() to interpolate variables in strings

The str.format() method can be used to insert a variable into a string. This method allows for more control over the formatting of the output. Here’s an example:

variable_name = "John" print("The name is <>".format(variable_name)) 

This method requires more manual effort compared to the comma method. It’s necessary to add the placeholders <> and use the format() method to replace them with variables.

In this tutorial we look at three different methods you can use to print variables in a print
Duration: 6:09

Using f-strings to print variables with strings

The “f” before a string literal and within the string literal can be used to print the string literal with the variable var inserted. This method is only available in Python 3.6 or later and is more efficient compared to other methods. It also allows for more control over the formatting of the output. Here’s an example:

variable_name = "John" print(f"The name is ") 

This method is the most efficient and provides the most control over formatting. It’s also the simplest to use. However, it’s only available in Python 3.6 or later.

Using string concatenation to add strings together

The “+” character can be used to concatenate strings together. This method is simple and easy to use, but can get cumbersome with more complex strings. It also does not provide much control over the formatting. Here’s an example:

variable_name = "John" print("The name is " + variable_name) 

This method is useful when printing short strings that do not require much formatting.

Using str() to concatenate strings and integers

The str() function can be used to convert integers to strings and concatenate them with other strings. This method is useful when printing variables that are not already strings. Here’s an example:

variable_integer = 42 print("The answer is " + str(variable_integer)) 

However, it can require more manual effort compared to other methods.

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Using formatted string literals for variable names and values

Formatted string literals (f-strings) can be used to print a variable’s name and value without spaces. This method is useful for debugging and displaying variable information. It also provides more control over the formatting of the output. Here’s an example:

variable_name = "John" variable_age = 30 print(f" is years old") 

Output: John is 30 years old

This method is useful for printing the variable’s name and value in a compact and informative way.

Using formatted string literals for printing variables without spaces

Formatted string literals (f-strings) can also be used to print variables without spaces. This method is useful for printing variables without spaces between the string and variable. It also provides more control over the formatting of the output. Here’s an example:

variable_name = "John" print(f"The name is") 

This method is useful when printing variables that require precise formatting.

Other helpful code examples for printing variables with strings in Python

In python, how to print variables in a string python code example

name = "Steven"# Using f-strings print(f"Hi, !")# Using format() print("Hi, <>!".format(name))

In python, python print variables and string code example

# This prints out "John is 23 years old." name = "John" age = 23 print("%s is %d years old." % (name, age)) # note: the letter is based on the datatype. %s = string, %d = decimal

In python, print string and variable python code example

x = input("Enter the first number: ") y = input("Enter the second number: ") z = int(x)+int(y) #Just use a comma print("The sum of the numbers you entered =",z)


There are multiple methods available for printing variables with strings in Python. The comma method is simple and easy to use, but lacks control over formatting. The str.format() method requires more manual effort but provides more control over formatting. The f-strings method is the most efficient and provides the most control over formatting. Using the correct method depends on the specific use case and desired output. By knowing these methods, you can easily print variables along with strings in Python and make your code more readable and informative.


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