Python print number with spaces

How do you print numbers with spaces in Python?

In Python, you can print numbers with spaces in them by using the format «%s» % number. For example, if you wanted to print the number «5» with spaces in it, you would use the format «%s 5».

Assume you have some strings and want to print them to the terminal with a single or multiple spaces between them.

Question: How would we go about writing code to print spaces?

We can complete this task using one of the following methods:

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)

Method 1: Use replace()

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)

The preceding code declares a comma-delimited row containing an employee’s information, which is saved to

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)

A Guide to Python String Replace

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Method 2: Use Multiplication Operator

The multiplication operator is used in this example to display

fname = 'James' lname = 'Smith' print(f'  ')
fname = 'James' lname = 'Smith' print(f'  ')
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)

The preceding code declares a comma-delimited row containing an employee’s information, which is saved to

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
fname = 'James' lname = 'Smith' print(f'  ')
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)

Python Multiplication — Deep Dive

Method 3: Make use of f string and chr().

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
fname = 'James' lname = 'Smith' print(f'  ')
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)

The output is sent to the terminal.

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)

Method 4: Use the split() and join() functions.

This example prints multiple spaces between a split string using

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)

The code above saves an employee’s information to

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)

The output is sent to the terminal.

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)

Python String Methods [Ultimate Guide]

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Method 5: Use %s

To create spaces between each word, this example employs the

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)

The code above accomplishes the following.

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)
employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' '*5) print(spaced)

We get five (5) spaces before James and three (3) spaces before Smith when the results are output to the terminal.

employee = 'James,Smith,Teacher,[email protected],Toronto,Canada' spaced = employee.replace(',', ' ') print(spaced)


This article has provided five (5) different ways to print spaces for you to choose the best fit for your coding needs.

In Python, how do you add a space when printing?

print: We can add spaces between words by listing them in the print() statement as commas separated. listing them as commas separated in the print() statement .

In Python, how do you print numbers with tab spaces?

The shorthand abbreviation ‘t’ is the simplest way to print a tab character in Python. To see the tab spaced character in the REPL, wrap any variable containing a tab character in the built-in print() function. use the short-hand abbreviation ‘\t’ . To see the tab spaced character in the REPL wrap any variable containing a tab character in the built-in print() function.

In Python, how do you code spacing?

You can write Python code with either tabs or spaces to indicate indentation, but if you’re using Python 3, your choice must be consistent.Otherwise, your code will not run. PEP 8 suggests using four consecutive spaces to indicate indentation. always use 4 consecutive spaces to indicate indentation .

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What is the best way to print a space code?

In HTML, type for each blank space to add; for example, to create five blank spaces between two words, type the entity five times between the words. type for each space to add . For example, to create five blank spaces between two words, type the entity five times between the words.


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