Python print not found

Python Script Not Showing Output [SOLVED]

It may happen that you execute a Python script and nothing happenes, i.e. it seems that it “hangs” without showing any output.

Even if you explicitly include some print() statements to debug the issue, it may still not print anything to a terminal.

One of the reasons of why your Python script does not show any output is because it buffers stdout and stderr steams instead of printing them.

This also can happen if you execute the Python script from a CI/CD pipeline (e.g. using Jenkins, Gitlab-CI, TeamCity, etc.) or if you run it using a Dockerfile .

This short note shows how to solve the issue when the Python script “hangs” and doesn’t show any output.

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Python Script Not Showing Output

To force the stdout and stderr streams to send the output of a Python script straight to a terminal (or a log file), you can set the PYTHONUNBUFFERED environment variable (to any value different from 0 ) or execute the python command with the -u option.

The PYTHONUNBUFFERED environment variable can be set as follows:

# Shell $ export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true $ python # Dockerfile ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=true CMD [ "python", "" ]

Or you can simply run the python command with the -u option:

# Shell $ python -u # Dockerfile CMD [ "python", "-u", "" ]

After using any of the methods above, your Python script should start printing the output.

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Bash: print: command not found

Solution 3: Also, be aware that this form of print (print-as-command) is changing to print-as-a-function when you convert to Python 3. Just downloaded BBEedit and suddenly having problems executing script, either from BBedit or Textwrangler.

Bash: print: command not found

I’ve just added a .profile to my bash shell. However, I’ve noticed the error «-bash: print: commant not found» keeps on appearing even if you are changing to a valid directory. My .profile just contains a few exports.

[rob@mypc:/home/rob]cd apps -bash: print: command not found [rob@mypc:/home/rob/apps]cd util -bash: print: command not found [rob@mypc:/home/rob/apps/util] 

Can anyone point out why this error keeps on showing?

it might give some clues, or else you might have cd aliased to something, so check the output of:

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Look in your .bash_profile and .bashrc and see if anything is using the print command.

Change the occurence of print in ~/.profile , ~/.bash_profile , or /etc/profile (system wide) to echo .

Print Command not working, Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Services > (right-click) Start as Administrator > Windows print spooler service > restart If the print spooler service restarts then …

From the korn shell, I keep getting print command not found. When I run print from the shell, it says the same thing. How would I go about fixing this? printf works fine, but for some reason print is not.

This is redhat 5.5 and the ksh is 3.2.25-release.

Could we have a little more information, please? «print» is a shell built-in function for ksh, and it should always be there. Here’s some information from my own redhat system:

$ cat /etc/redhat\-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.3 (Santiago) $ /bin/ksh --version version sh (AT&T Research) 93t+ 2010-06-21 $ whence -v print print is a shell builtin 

You might also check to see that you have no aliases named «print». I don’t have any executables named «print» in /usr/bin, or /bin, etc. You might check whether that is also true for you. Start a new instance of the shell (type «/bin/ksh») and then say

There’s no such version of ksh. This is the version of bash on RHEL 5.5, however, so it looks like you’re using bash. Are you looking for the ksh builtin? Use echo or printf instead. Or run ksh (which might not be installed, bash is the de facto standard shell on non-embedded Linux installations).

Here’s a guide to translation print options to POSIX-compliant printf .

  • No option or -e : printf ‘%b\n’
  • With -n : omit \n from the format ( printf %b or printf %s )
  • -p : if you need coprocesses, you need ksh
  • With -r or -R : printf ‘%s\n’
  • -s : redirect to the desired output file explicitly, with >> for appending
  • -u : use redirection, e.g. printf … >&3

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Bash: Print Command not found

I am setting up Zimbra Mail Server on CentOS 8.8.12 server OS. while installing zimbra, I am getting following error. ./util/ line 2314: print: command not found Please guide.

There are two problems coming together:

  1. You are not running bash, as you can see from the wording of the error message. A bash error message would start with the word bash , i.e. bash: print: command not found
  2. Since print is not an internal command to bash (it would be one in, say, zsh), you need to have a file named print in one of the directories listed in your PATH , and this file needs to have executable permission.
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Customize «command not found» message in Bash, Macbook Air:~/Public]$ lfe -bash: lfe: #!&**! command not found. Depends on your setup. For me (Ubuntu 16.04), there is a Python script at …

A quickie: python, terminal «print command not found»

Been using terminal to run python scripts written in textwrangler for about 18 months. Decided to look at possibility of moving to an IDE so downloaded a couple of trial versions. Just downloaded BBEedit and suddenly having problems executing script, either from BBedit or Textwrangler. The following code:

print "Please work" for i in range(50): print i 

yields the following error message:

/Users/paulpatterson/Documents/Python/Scripts/ line 1: print: command not found /Users/paulpatterson/Documents/Python/Scripts/ line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `(' /Users/paulpatterson/Documents/Python/Scripts/ line 3: `for i in range(50):' 

Some files still work okay, but I’m struggling to figure out why others now aren’t — not even sure if BBedit download has caused the problem. Can anyone help?

at the top of the script. The program is trying to execute it like a shell script instead of running it through python.

It’s running the script as a shell script, not a Python script.

Also, be aware that this form of print (print-as-command) is changing to print-as-a-function when you convert to Python 3. So:

will have to be changed to:

Enable Command Not Found messages in Other Shells, 1 Answer. That appears to be because /etc/zsh_command_not_found invokes /usr/lib/command-not-found with the —no-failure-msg option: % cat …


python: command not found на команду print

Всем привет уважаемые программисты и разработчики. Начал изучать языки программирования, в частности Python, и споткнулся с самого начала. В отчаянии решил обратиться сюда, надеюсь на теплый прием). Суть проблемы такая: в Visual Studio Code ввожу элементарную команду print(‘Hello World’), а в ответ получаю python: command not found. Интерпретатор выбран Python 3.11.0 64-bit.Всё это дело запускаю на MacBook air. Подскажите люди добрые куда копать то (

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TOSHIBA B-EV4-T command print in Windows 7
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Так он платный, мне, как начинающему, пока не целесообразно платить за редактор кода. На видео, которые смотрю для начинающих, там пользуются Visual Studio Code и все работает.

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Sorry, command-not-found has crashed!
Sorry, command-not-found has crashed! Please file a bug report at.

Puts: command not found
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git bash: command not found
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Python 2.7: no documentation found when typing help(‘print’)

I opened a Python 3 shell (is it called like that) typing python3 from a terminal. If I issue the command help(‘print’) everything works fine and I can read the documentation. However if I open a Python 2.7 shell ( python from a terminal) when I type help(‘print’) I get the following message:

2 Answers 2

This looks like a bug of Python 2 as something like help(«dir») works properly. It probably does not work because print is a special keyword, unlike Python 3. Stick to Python 3 or run the following command instead of help(«print») :

That documentation is always installed , because it is embedded on the source files. The specified command does not work because in python2.7 print is both a statement and a function, so it may be confusing the help function.

If you use, for example help(‘os’) or help(«if») you should get the correct information:

$ python -c "help('if')" The ``if`` statement ******************** The ``if`` statement is used for conditional execution: if_stmt ::= "if" expression ":" suite ( "elif" expression ":" suite )* ["else" ":" suite] It selects exactly one of the suites by evaluating the expressions one by one until one is found to be true (see section *Boolean operations* for the definition of true and false); then that suite is executed (and no other part of the ``if`` statement is executed or evaluated). If all expressions are false, the suite of the ``else`` clause, if present, is executed. 

So the documentation is installed and that behavior you see should be a bug.


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