Python print in two columns

How to print output in columns python

You can create a list of values that should go into a line (city and temperatures), and then combine them with commas using . (Let’s not forget the trailing newline) I’ve assumed contains the city’s name as a string and the temperatures are numeric values that need to be stringified.

To achieve your desired OUTPUT you can try this.

us_states_list_with_population = [ ("Alabama" , "AL" , 4903185), ("Montana" , "MT" , 1068778), ("Alaska" , "AK" , 731545), ] row = [] num_of_columns = 2 for state_name , state_abbreviation , num_counties in us_states_list_with_population: row.append(f' ()') if len(row) == num_of_columns: print(("\t").join(row)) row.clear() print(("\t").join(row)) # print last row if there is a remainder 

Or if you want to learn more prettier tabulates check @cricket_007 comments.

You could separate them by tabs, rather than spaces.

for state_name , state_abbreviation , num_counties in us_states_list_with_population: print(state_name + "\t(" + state_abbreviation + ")") 

The \t there will get translated into a tab when printed.

Print columns in python Code Example, Queries related to “print columns in python” ·.format python ·.format() python 3 · how to create table format python console output without library · how to print

Python print columns

Formatting output: strings, floats, integers, columns

In this video, I demonstrate using Python’s built in format function for formatting output in the Duration: 22:00

Write only certain columns in output file

Typically, you’d put the selected days in a variable and then build the resulting line dynamically.

You can create a list of values that should go into a line (city and temperatures), and then combine them with commas using str.join .

# all seven days selected_days = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] # alternativeley, Tue and Fri #selected_days = [1, 4] f.write(','.join([city] + [str(out[i, day]) for day in selected_days]) f.write('\n') 

(Let’s not forget the trailing newline)

I’ve assumed city contains the city’s name as a string and the temperatures are numeric values that need to be stringified.

Given that this is a numpy array, you might as well use numpy.savetxt() to do this for you:

import numpy as np out = np.arange(7000).reshape((1000,7)) days = [0,2,4] # mon, wed, fri np.savetxt('/path/to/file.csv', out[:, days], delimiter=',', fmt='%.1f') 

How do I expand the output display to see more columns of a, Update: Pandas 0.23.4 onwards. This is not necessary. Pandas autodetects the size of your terminal window if you set pd.options.display.width = 0 .

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How to print in multiple columns?

I think the key is to use lists.

multiplications = [] for i in range(2, 13): multiplications.append([f"multiplication table of " if j == 0 else j*i for j in range(0, 13)]) for table in multiplications: print(table) 

Formatting output: strings, floats, integers, columns, In this video, I demonstrate using Python’s built in format function for formatting output in the Duration: 22:00

How to take the first column from the output table under specific conditions in python?

I hope that this code could be useful:

import subprocess import sys import pandas as pd def to_tabular(text): header = text.split('\n')[0] columns = [c.strip() for c in header.split(' ') if c != ''] columns_idx = [header.index(c) for c in columns] + [None, ] lines = [l for l in text.split('\n')[1:] if l.strip() != ''] all_files = [] for line in lines: file = <> for column, start_idx, end_idx in zip(columns, columns_idx[:-1], columns_idx[1:]): file[column] = line[start_idx:end_idx].strip() all_files.append(file) return all_files def run_process(exe): proc = subprocess.Popen(exe, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) while True: # returns None while subprocess is running return_code = proc.poll() char = if return_code is not None and len(char) == 0: break yield char.decode('utf-8') text = '' for char in run_process('sudo arp'.split()): sys.stdout.write(char) text += char # you have to modify your text file # in order to reflect the sample below text = """Internet Address Physical Address Type 3c-3f-12-fc-a7-ed dynamic 00-2b-00-80-d0-9c dynamic 01-00-5e-ff-66-12 static 00-00-5e-7f-ff-fa static 00-00-ff-ff-ff-ff static""" data = to_tabular(text) df = pd.DataFrame(data) print(df.head()) 

Python — String formatting: Columns in line, This is used for printing fields in the form ‘+000000120’. This alignment option is only valid for numeric types. ‘^’ Forces the field to be


How to print two columns in python

It turns our single string containing the entire data frame into a list of strings, each containing only a single line. pandas separates columns by two spaces, so finally we replace each occurrence of double spaces with the wanted delimiter via the builtin function. This will give you a pandas with only the first sheet of that excel file. pandas dataframes have an inbuilt method to iterate over all rows: Please also refer to the documentation of pandas.read_excel (this is for pandas version 0.19.1).

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Supply the column headers in the creation of the dataframe. Selecting specific columns is done using the .loc function.

df_heartdis = pd.read_csv('', na_values='?', names = ['age', 'sex', 'cp', 'trestbps', 'chol', 'fbs', 'restecg', 'thalach','exang', 'oldpeak', 'slope','ca', 'thal', 'num']) print('class labels = <>'.format(df_heartdis.loc[:, ['num', 'chol']])) 

Here, the .loc function selects all rows ( : ) of the num and chol columns.

Python — How to use pandas to print the difference of, I have two data sets 1 set it has a column with a list of email address: DF1 Email 2nd csv Dataframe2 Email xxxx@a

Python, printing two columns of numbers using for loop

You should do it using zip :

for i,j in zip(range(1,10,2), range(11,20,2)): print('<>\t<>'.format(i,j)) [OUTPUT] 1 11 3 13 5 15 7 17 9 19 

When you use nested loops, the problem is that you are printing the second column for each number in the first column, which is not what you want. Instead, you want to iterate through them simultaneously. That is where zip comes in handy.

You do not need a second for-loop or zip here. Instead, all you need is this:

>>> for n in range(1, 10, 2): . print(n, '\t', n + 10) . 1 11 3 13 5 15 7 17 9 19 >>> 

It works because the numbers in the second column are simply those in the first plus 10.

Adding two columns in Python, I am trying to add two columns and create a new one. This new column should become the first column in the dataframe or the output csv file. column_1 column_2 84 test 65 test Output should be . column column_1 column_2 trial_84_test 84 test trial_65_test 65 test I tried below given methods but they did …

How to use pandas to print the difference of two columns?

Option 1

df2[~df2.Email.isin(df1.Email)] Email 4 5 6 

Option 2

df2.query('Email not in @df1.Email') Email 4 5 6 

Option 3

pd.DataFrame.merge with indicator=True , enables you to see which dataframe the row came from. We can then filter on it.

df2.merge( df1, 'outer', indicator=True ).query('_merge == "left_only"').drop('_merge', 1) Email 20 21 22 
In [311]: df2[~np.in1d(df2.Email, df1.Email)] Out[311]: Email 4 5 6 

Python — Pandas How to Print a Certain Column, security_group test test_2 test_3 0 group a 1 Jon blue 1 group b 2 bob green I want to print (not delete from the dataframe, just simply print. I don’t want to actually modify the dataframe) 1 of the columns. For example: test_3 0 blue 1 green I tried doing the following:

How to print two columns of xls files on screen?

This is relatively easy to do with pandas.

import time import pandas as pd import os frame = pd.read_excel('myfile.xls') 

This will give you a pandas DataFrame with only the first sheet of that excel file.

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pandas dataframes have an inbuilt method to iterate over all rows:

for row in frame.iterrows(): print row time.sleep(5.5) os.system('clear') 

Please also refer to the documentation of pandas.read_excel (this is for pandas version 0.19.1).

Well, not properly testing this has come around to bite me in the bottom. It would appear that iterating over single rows of the DataFrame has unexpected side effects on formatting. To make sure this does not happen, the following code transforms the frame into a string via the to_string method that the DataFrame class features. We do not want to get the row index printed out as well so we set the parameter index to false .

To be able to iterate over this data row-wise, we need to split our string at each newline, this is what the splitlines function does. It is an inbuilt function of python strings. It turns our single string containing the entire data frame into a list of strings, each containing only a single line.

pandas separates columns by two spaces, so finally we replace each occurrence of double spaces with the wanted delimiter via the builtin replace function.

import time import pandas as pd import os frame = pd.read_excel('data.xls') for row in frame.to_string(index=False).splitlines(): os.system('clear') print 'value . ' + row.replace(' ', '------>') time.sleep(5.5) os.system('clear') 

For reference, also see the python manual on built in types, it lists the methods available for strings. Naturally, these are extremely helpful when trying to manipulate strings.

This is starting to get off topic, but here is a colored version as per your comment.

import time import pandas as pd import os frame = pd.read_excel('data.xls') blue = '\033[94m' green = '\033[92m' yellow = '\033[93m' plain = '\033[0m' colormap = [blue, green, yellow] delimiter = '------>' for row in frame.to_string(index=False).splitlines(): os.system('clear') line = 'value . ' for idx, column in enumerate(row.split(' ')): if idx > 0: line += delimiter line += colormap[idx % 3] + column + plain print line time.sleep(5.5) os.system('clear') 

Python printing list in columns, def print_sorted_list(data, rows=0, columns=0, ljust=10): «»» Prints sorted item of the list data structure formated using the rows and columns parameters «»» if not data: return if rows: # column-wise sorting # we must know the number of rows to print on each column # before we print the next column. But …


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