Python print bin string

Python: 3 Ways to Convert a String to Binary Codes

Binary codes (binary, binary numbers, or binary literals) are a way of representing information using only two symbols: 0 and 1. They are like a secret language that computers are able to understand. By combining these symbols in different patterns, we can represent numbers, letters, and other data.

This concise, example-based article will walk you through 3 different approaches to turning a given string into binary in Python.

Using the ord() function and string formatting

  1. Loop through each character in the string.
  2. Convert each character to its corresponding Unicode code using the ord() function.
  3. Convert the Unicode code to binary using the format() function with a format specifier.
  4. Concatenate the binary codes to form the final binary string.
input = "Sling Academy" binary_codes = ' '.join(format(ord(c), 'b') for c in input) print(binary_codes)
1010011 1101100 1101001 1101110 1100111 100000 1000001 1100011 1100001 1100100 1100101 1101101 1111001

Using the bytearray() function

  1. Convert the string to a bytearray object, which represents the string as a sequence of bytes.
  2. Iterate over each byte in the bytearray.
  3. Convert each byte to binary using the format() function with a format specifier.
  4. Concatenate the binary codes to form the final binary string.
my_string = "Sling Academy" byte_array = bytearray(my_string, encoding='utf-8') binary_codes = ' '.join(bin(b)[2:] for b in byte_array) print(binary_codes)
1010011 1101100 1101001 1101110 1100111 100000 1000001 1100011 1100001 1100100 1100101 1101101 1111001

Using the bin() and ord() functions

This technique can be explained as follows:

  1. Iterate over each character in the string.
  2. Convert each character to its corresponding Unicode code using the ord() function.
  3. Use the bin() function to convert the Unicode code to binary.
  4. Remove the leading 0b prefix from each binary code.
  5. Concatenate the binary codes to form the final binary string.

Thanks to Python’s concise syntax, our code is very succinct:

text = "Sling Academy" binary_string = ' '.join(bin(ord(char))[2:] for char in text) print(binary_string)
1010011 1101100 1101001 1101110 1100111 100000 1000001 1100011 1100001 1100100 1100101 1101101 1111001


You’ve learned some methods to transform a given string into binary in Python. All of them are neat and delicate. Choose the one you like to go with. Happy coding & have a nice day!

Читайте также:  PHP Code


Python print bin string

Last updated: Jan 28, 2023
Reading time · 4 min


# Table of Contents

Use a formatted string literal to print the binary representation of a number, e.g. print(f») .

Formatted string literals enable us to use the format specification mini-language which can be used to get the binary representation of a number.

number = 13 # ✅ format number as binary (in base 2) string = f'number:b>' print(string) # 👉️ 1101 # ✅ Convert an integer to a binary string prefixed with 0b string = bin(number) print(string) # 👉️ 0b1101 # ✅ convert an integer to a lowercase hexadecimal string prefixed with 0x string = hex(number) print(string) # 👉️ 0xd

Formatted string literals (f-strings) let us include expressions inside of a string by prefixing the string with f .

var1 = 'bobby' var2 = 'hadz' result = f'var1>var2>' print(result) # 👉️ bobbyhadz

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces — .

Formatted string literals also enable us to use the format specification mini-language in expression blocks.

number = 13 string = f'number:b>' print(string) # 👉️ 1101

The b character stands for binary format and outputs the number in base 2.

You can prefix the b character with a digit to specify the width of the string.

number = 13 string = f'number:8b>' print(repr(string)) # 👉️ ' 1101'

If you need to pad the number with zeros instead of spaces, add a zero after the colon.

number = 13 string = f'number:08b>' print(repr(string)) # 👉️ '00001101'

You can also prefix the result with 0b if necessary.

number = 13 string = f'0bnumber:08b>' print(repr(string)) # 👉️ '0b00001101'

Alternatively, you can use the bin() function.

number = 13 string = bin(number) print(string) # 👉️ 0b1101 print(bin(3)) # 👉️ 0b11 print(bin(10)) # 👉️ 0b1010

The bin function converts an integer to a binary string prefixed with 0b .

You can also use a formatted string literal to add or remove the 0b prefix.

number = 13 string = f'number:#b>' print(string) # 👉️ 0b1101 string = f'number:b>' print(string) # 👉️ 1101

When used with integers, the # option adds the respective prefix to the binary, octal or hexadecimal output, e.g. 0b , 0o , 0x .

If you need to get the hexadecimal representation of a number, use the hex() function.

number = 13 string = hex(number) print(string) # 👉️ 0xd

The hex function converts an integer to a lowercase hexadecimal string prefixed with 0x .

# Convert the integer to an uppercase or lowercase hexadecimal string

You can also use a formatted string literal to convert an integer to an uppercase or lowercase hexadecimal string with or without the prefix.

number = 13 string = f'number:#x>' print(string) # 👉️ 0xd string = f'number:x>' print(string) # 👉️ d string = f'number:X>' print(string) # 👉️ D

The x character stands for hex format. It outputs the number in base 16 using lowercase letters for the digits above 9.

The X character does the same but uses uppercase letters for the digits above 9.

# Convert an integer to binary and keep leading zeros — Python

Use the format() function to convert an integer to binary and keep the leading zeros.

integer = 27 # ✅ convert integer to binary keeping leading zeros (with 0b prefix) result = format(integer, '#08b') print(result) # 👉️ 0b011011 # ✅ without 0b prefix (length 6) result = format(integer, '06b') print(result) # 👉️ 011011

We used the format function to convert an integer to binary and keep the leading zeros.

The function converts the provided value to a formatted representation according to the format_spec argument.

The syntax for the format_spec argument is determined by the format specification mini-language.

When used with integers, the # option adds the respective prefix to the binary, octal or hexadecimal output, e.g. 0b , 0o , 0x .

integer = 27 result = format(integer, '#08b') print(result) # 👉️ 0b011011

If you don’t need the 0b prefix, remove the # option.

integer = 27 result = format(integer, '06b') print(result) # 👉️ 011011

The 0 digit is the fill character and the digit after the 0 is the width of the string.

The b character stands for binary format and outputs the number in base 2.

You can prefix the b character with any digit to adjust the width of the string.

integer = 27 result = format(integer, '#010b') print(result) # 👉️ 0b00011011 result = format(integer, '08b') print(result) # 👉️ 00011011

# Convert an integer to binary and keep leading zeros using f-string

Alternatively, you can use a formatted string literal.

integer = 27 # ✅ with 0b prefix (length 8) result = f'integer:#08b>' print(result) # 👉️ 0b011011 # ✅ without 0b prefix (length 6) result = f'integer:06b>' print(result) # 👉️ 011011

Formatted string literals (f-strings) let us include expressions inside of a string by prefixing the string with f .

var1 = 'bobby' var2 = 'hadz' result = f'var1>var2>' print(result) # 👉️ bobbyhadz

Make sure to wrap expressions in curly braces — .

Formatted string literals also enable us to use the format specification mini-language in expression blocks.

integer = 27 result = f'integer:#08b>' print(result) # 👉️ 0b011011

Just like with the format function, the b character stands for binary format.

If you need to remove the 0b prefix, remove the # symbol.

integer = 27 result = f'integer:06b>' print(result) # 👉️ 011011

If you need to change the width of the string, adjust the digit before the b character.

integer = 27 result = f'integer:010b>' print(result) # 👉️ 0000011011

The number is formatted in base 2, left-filled with zeros to the specified width.

# Convert an integer to binary and keep leading zeros using str.format()

Alternatively, you can use the str.format() method.

integer = 27 result = ''.format(integer) print(result) # 👉️ 0b011011 result = ''.format(integer) print(result) # 👉️ 011011

The str.format method performs string formatting operations.

first = 'Bobby' last = 'Hadz' result = "His name is <> <>".format(first, last) print(result) # 👉️ "His name is Bobby Hadz"

The string the method is called on can contain replacement fields specified using curly braces <> .

The str.format() method also makes use of the format specification mini-language, so we used the same syntax as in the previous examples.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

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Функция bin() в Python

Функция bin() в Python используется для преобразования целого числа в строку двоичного формата. Форматированная строка имеет префикс «0b».

Функция bin() может использоваться с целыми числами, имеющими разные форматы, такие как восьмеричный, шестнадцатеричный. Функция позаботится о преобразовании их в двоичную строку. Давайте посмотрим на несколько примеров функции bin().

x = 10 y = bin(x) print(type(y)) print(bin(x))

Функция bin в python

Из вывода видно, что функция bin() возвращает строку, а не число. Функция ype() возвращает тип объекта.

С целыми числами другого формата

Давайте посмотрим на несколько примеров использования функции bin() с целыми числами в разных форматах.

x = 0b110 # 6 print(bin(x)) x = 0xF # 15 print(bin(x)) x = 0o70 # 56 print(bin(x))

Совет: Если вам не нужен префикс «0b» в двоичной строке, вы также можете использовать функцию format(). Вот быстрый пример, показывающий, как использовать функцию format().

x = 10 print(format(x, '#b')) # 0b1010 print(format(x, 'b')) # 1010 x= 0xF print(format(x, 'b')) # 1111 print(f'') # 1111 (If you knew this format, you are Python Ninja!)

С аргументом float

Давайте посмотрим, что произойдет, когда мы попытаемся запустить функцию bin() с аргументом float.

TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

С объектом

Если вы хотите иметь двоичное строковое представление объекта, вам нужно будет реализовать функцию __index __(), которая должна возвращать целое число. Давайте посмотрим на простом примере.

class Person: def __init__(self, i): = i def __index__(self): return p = Person(10) print(bin(p))

Если объект не определяет функцию __index __(), мы получим сообщение об ошибке, как TypeError: объект ‘Person’ не может быть интерпретирован как целое число.

Посмотрим, что произойдет, если функция __index __() вернет no-int. Просто измените функцию index() на следующую:

def __index__(self): return str(

Ошибка: TypeError: __index__ вернул no-int (тип str).

Это все, что касается функции bin() для преобразования целого числа в двоичную строку. Мы также узнали, что объект также можно преобразовать в двоичное строковое представление, реализовав функцию __index __(), которая возвращает целое число.


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