Python print array of lines

Python print array with new line

Solution 2: Your bug/issue was in your logic specifically in your else block. for David your index is so it will go into block and in block you are writing line as so is being added on same line as and then new line is added. If you want to print without a new line i suggest storing what you need to print in a temporary variable and printing it only when you exit the inner loop Question: Current code: output: Require flexibility to move the columns around and also manipulate the date as shown below with array or list Solution 1: You didn’t provide sample data, but I think this may work: Solution 2: Try to the line first, then print the list in your desired order Solution 3: Why don’t you store the output as a string itself and use the method to split the string at each space and then use another split method for the index 1 (The index that will contain the date) and split it again at each (So that you can then manipulate the date around).

Python print array with new line

I’m new to python and have a simple array:

op = ['Hello', 'Good Morning', 'Good Evening', 'Good Night', 'Bye'] 

When i use pprint, i get this output:

['Hello', 'Good Morning', 'Good Evening', 'Good Night', 'Bye'] 

Is there anyway i can remove the quotes, commas and brackets and print on a seperate line. So that the output is like this:

Hello Good Morning Good Evening Good Night Bye 

You could join the strings with a newline, and print the resulting string:

For Python 3, we can also use list unpack

print('Hello', 'Good Morning', 'Good Evening', 'Good Night', 'Bye', sep='\n') 

You seem to be confused. Let me help you clarify some things in your mind =)

  1. First of all what you have there is a list , not an array. The difference is that the list is a far more dynamic and flexible data structure (at list in dynamic languages such as python). For instance you can have multiple objects of different types (e.g have 2 string s, 3 int s, one socket , etc)
  2. The quotes around the words in the list denote that they are objects of type string .
  3. When you do a print op (or print(op) for that matter in python 3+) you are essentially asking python to show you a printable representation of that specific list object and its contents. Hence the quotes, commas, brackets, etc.
  4. In python you have a very easy for each loop, usable to iterate through the contents of iterable objects, such as a list . Just do this:
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for greeting in op: print greeting

for word in op: print word 

This has the advantage that if op happens to be massively long, then you don’t have to create a new temporary string purely for printing purposes.

How to print a dictionary line by line in Python?, @theprowler The closest I can get to recreating the problem is if cars = <1:4, 2:5>then cars[x] is an integer mapped to the key x rather than a set mapped to the key x.In this case, you don’t need to use the for y in cars[x]: line because there’s only one value you’re retrieving, unless you’re using something like a list or …

How to print the contents of an array line by line in a text file?

I am trying to document the name of employees who have been short listed as successful applicants for a job in a text file with the name of each person in a separate line on the text file, there is a counter index variable that is checked inside the loop to tell the program on when to break a line and when not to break a line. Except that the code I have prints two names on the first line, below is my logic. Help me tell this program to print a single name on each line

applicants = ["Timothy", "David", "Mary", "Drew", "Titus", "Samuel","Avery"] # sort the names of the applicants applicants.sort() #initialize the index variable index = 0 #write the name of each applicant to the file for el in applicants: # write the name of the worker to the text file if index == 0: # this is the first line no need for a line break file.write(el) # increment the index for later iterations index += 1 elif index == len(names)-1:# this is the last line no need for a line break file.write(el) index += 1 else: # these are the middle lines and it is essential to break a line file.write(el+"\n") index += 1 

You can use more pythonic approach to achieve desired output.


Your bug/issue was in your logic specifically in your else block.
for David your index is 1 so it will go into else block and in else block you are writing line as el+»\n» so David is being added on same line as Avery and then new line is added. I hope it cleared your doubt. So if in else block you can do file.write(«\n»+el) and in elif too.

with open("Fiddle.txt","w") as file: file.writelines("\n".join(applicants)) # will join elements of list with "\n" 

will print names on new lines.

you should simply print your line break at the start of each line instead of the end. That way you do not need to account for the last line too ! You also can get rid of the incrementing of the index.

for el in applicants: # write the name of the worker to the text file if index == 0: # this is the first line no need for a line break file.write(el) # increment the index for later iterations index += 1 else: # these are the middle lines and it is essential to break a line file.write("\n"+el) 
applicants = ["Timothy", "David", "Mary", "Drew", "Titus", "Samuel","Avery"] # sort the names of the applicants applicants.sort() with open("sample.txt", "w+") as f: for name in applicants: f.write(str(name) + "\n") 

Python — print list elements line by line, As for just printing elements line by line, of course, the more obvious way, that wouldn’t require you to build one long string with line breaks, would be to loop over the items and just print them one-by-one: for item in my_list: print

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Python: print array of strings to stdout line by line

I need to print to stdout (but next step is print to file) an array of strings, containing the info to build-up a shape. Below, the for loop:

for i in range(0, xMax): for j in range(0, yMax): print arena_shape[ j + i*yMax] print('\r') 

The array arena_shape[] contains the chars to built-up a 2D figure, figure with i = [0, xMax] rows and j = [0, yMax] columns. I expect the output to be :

i=0 ---------- ------ i=1 | | | | | | | | | | | | i=xMax -------------------- 

instead to get the first line (i=0, j=[0,yMax]) in «horizontal» as I would expect, I get it displayed in vertical, even if I tell python to \r only when changing row i and not at each column j

I don’t understand why this is not changing line after the print(«\r») instruction. Thank you in advance for the help.

The print function in Python always prints in a new line. If you want to print without a new line i suggest storing what you need to print in a temporary variable and printing it only when you exit the inner for loop

for i in range(0, xMax): temp_variable = '' for j in range(0, yMax): temp_variable += arena_shape[ j + i*yMax] print temp_variable 

Print lists in Python (5 Different Ways), Printing a list in python can be done is following ways: Using for loop : Traverse from 0 to len (list) and print all elements of the list one by one using a for loop, this is the standard practice of doing it. Without using loops: * symbol is use to print the list elements in a single line with space.

Storing lines into array and print line by line

filepath = "C:/Bg_Log/KLBG04.txt" with open(filepath) as fp: lines = with open(filepath, "w") as fp: for line in lines: print("KLBG04",line,line[18], file=fp) 
KLBG04 20/01/03 08:09:13 G0001 G 

Require flexibility to move the columns around and also manipulate the date as shown below with array or list

KLBG04 03/01/20 G0001 G 08:09:13 

You didn’t provide sample data, but I think this may work:

filepath = "C:/Bg_Log/KLBG04.txt" with open(filepath) as fp: lines = with open(filepath, "w") as fp: for line in lines: ln = "KLBG04 " + line + " " + line[18] # current column order sp = ln.split() # split at spaces dt = '/'.join(sp[1].split('/')[::-1]) # reverse date print(sp[0],dt,sp[3],sp[-1],sp[-2]) # new column order # print("KLBG04",line,line[18], file=fp) 

Try to split() the line first, then print the list in your desired order

from datetime import datetime # use the datetime module to manipulate the date filepath = "C:/Bg_Log/KLBG04.txt" with open(filepath) as fp: lines = with open(filepath, "w") as fp: for line in lines: date, time, venue = line.split(" ") # split the line up date = datetime.strptime(date, '%y/%m/%d').strftime('%d/%m/%y') # format your date print("KLBG04", date, venue, venue[0], time, file=fp) # print in your desired order 

Why don’t you store the output as a string itself and use the split() method to split the string at each space and then use another split method for the index 1 (The index that will contain the date) and split it again at each / (So that you can then manipulate the date around).

 for line in lines: String output ="KLBG04",line,line[18], file=fp # Rather than printing store the output in a string # x = output.split(" ") date_output = x[1].split("/") # Now you can just manipulate the data around and print how you want to # 
for line in lines: words = line.split() # split every word date_values = words[0].split('/') # split the word that contains date #create a dictionary as follows date_format = ['YY','DD','MM'] date_dict = dict(zip(date_format, date_values)) #now create a new variable with changed format new_date_format = date_dict['MM'] + '/' + date_dict['DD'] + '/' + date_dict['YY'] print(new_date_format) #replace the first word [index 0 is having date] with new date format words[0] = new_date_format #join all the words to form a new line new_line = ' '.join(words) print("KLBG04",new_line,line[18]) 

Python print array with new line, When you do a print op (or print(op) for that matter in python 3+) you are essentially asking python to show you a printable representation of that specific list object and its contents. Hence the quotes, commas, brackets, etc.

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How to Print an Array in Python

To print an array in Python, you can use the “print()” function. The print() function takes the name of the array containing the values and prints it.

import numpy as np arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) print(arr)

We created a ndarray object using the np.array() function. The print() function takes an arr as an argument and prints the array directly to the console. The printed array is a One-dimensional array because we created a one-dimensional array.

Printing an array using for loop

To print the elements of the array line by line or with a custom format, you can use the for loop.

import numpy as np # Create a NumPy array array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # Print the elements line by line for element in array: print(element)

Printing a two-dimensional array in Python

To print a two-dimensional array in Python, you can use the print() function.

import numpy as np arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]) print(arr)

And we printed the 2D Python array using the print() function.

Printing a multidimensional array

If you are working with a multidimensional array, you can use nested for loops to print the elements.

import numpy as np # Create a 2D NumPy array array = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) # Print the elements line by line for row in array: for element in row: print(element, end=" ") print()

Printing a list

To print the list in Python, you can use the print() function. Python does not have a built-in Array data type, but it has a list you can consider an array in some cases.

list = [11, 19, 21, 46] print(list)

And that’s how you print the list and array in Python.

That’s it for this tutorial.

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