Python parameter self unfilled

Python parameter self unfiled phyton code example

There are two ways to execute instance methods: call directly using the class instance when a class uses an instance method, the instance is passed in as a parameter or Solution: A function defined in a class is a method. Try: You may still need to make some other fixes to your class though, since currently all of its attributes are class attributes (which are shared by all instances).

Unfilled «self» Parameter

From what I understood, you used

realgametime(window, text="play the game", width=13, command=play, bg=bgcolour, fg=fgcolour, state=DISABLED) .grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=W) # button A 

to create the button, but you did not assign it to any variable.

When you called realgametime.configure , you were calling the method on the class itself, not on the button you instantiated.

Trying something like this:

buttonA = realgametime(window, text="play the game", width=13, command=play, bg=bgcolour, fg=fgcolour, state=DISABLED) .grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=W) buttonA.configure(state=DISABLED) 

Self in class python Code Example, self represents the instance of the class. By using the “self” keyword we can access the attributes and methods of the class in python. It binds the attributes with the given arguments.

Parameter self unfilled, but when I fill it it gives expected type ‘ ‘ but got ‘Type[]’ warning

The attribute godHole of class Player , it is just a class, and no instantiation operation is performed, you directly use the instance method return_stones below, and pass in the class GodHole , which is wrong.

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There are two ways to execute instance methods:

  1. call directly using the class instance
  2. when a class uses an instance method, the instance is passed in as a parameter
class Player: def __init__(self): self.godHole = GodHole() self.pits = [] for i in range(0, 6): self.pits.append(Pit()) def return_stones(self): return self.godHole.return_stones() 
class Player: def __init__(self): self.godHole = GodHole self.pits = [] for i in range(0, 6): self.pits.append(Pit()) # def return_stones(self): # return self.godHole.return_stones(self.godHole()) def return_stones(self, obj: GodHole): # obj is an instance object of class GodHole return self.godHole.return_stones(obj) 

Python — «Parameter ‘self’ unfilled» when using «.get(), 1 Answer. You aren’t using StringVar properly. username_verify = StringVar does not create an object of type StringVar, it just makes username_verify the same as StringVar. The proper way to create an instance of StringVar is like this: Also, your use of StringVar is completely unnecessary. The …

When trying to invoke def, I get: parameter ‘self’ unfilled

A function defined in a class is a method. A method’s first argument will be filled automatically when you call it on an instance of the class. You’re defining a chooseListing method, but when you call it, you’re not creating an instance. If there’s no instance, there’s nothing that can be passed as self , which leads to your exception. Try:

You may still need to make some other fixes to your class though, since currently all of its attributes are class attributes (which are shared by all instances). If you create mutltiple DJ instances, they will all share the same arrayChosen list, which is probably not what you intend. You should move your assignments to an __init__ method, where you can make them instance attributes (by assigning on self ):

def __init__(self): self.dictSongs = < # this might still make sense as a class attribute if it is constant 'nevergonnagiveyouup': trackRickAstleyNever, 'shootingstars': trackShootingStars, >self.arrayChosen = [] # these however should certainly be instance attributes self.trackChosen = "" 

I left the Track instances out of the __init__ method, but that might not be correct if they have internal state that shouldn’t be shared between DJs.

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“parameter ‘self’ unfilled” when using decorators, even after instantiating object

I’m using a decorator with parameters to do something with an instance attribute (self.x in this example, if track_bool is true). However when running I get the “parameter ‘self’ unfilled” error when calling From what I understand this error is supposed to appear when calling an instance method before instantiating an object, so I don’t understand why it appears in this case when I’ve used b=B(). Is this something to do with the fact I’m using decorators ? Help please !

Edit: The code does run, but I would like to understand the error so that it doesn’t risk breaking anything when running with the rest of my code.

# make decorator def incrementor(track_bool): def wrapper(f): def wrapped_f(self, *args, **kwargs): if track_bool: self.x += 1 # do something with self.x print('increment') return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped_f return wrapper class B: def __init__(self): self.x = 0 @incrementor(track_bool=True) def do(self): print("this is a function with x" rel="nofollow noreferrer">PyCharm IDE message


Ok, this is PyCharm being a tiny bit too eager. You should submit a bug report for this because your code is actually working just fine and you don’t want to have to go round suppressing all calls to decorated methods.

Here is a work-around. You can change the decorator to not have an explicit self parameter:

">def incrementor(track_bool): def wrapper(f): def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs): if track_bool: self = args[0] self.x += 1 # do something with self.x print('increment') return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped_f return wrapper

Note how you can still get hold of self because it is guaranteed to be the first element of args .


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