Python online courses free


Welcome to the interactive Python tutorial.

Whether you are an experienced programmer or not, this website is intended for everyone who wishes to learn the Python programming language.

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After you complete the tutorials, you can get certified at LearnX and add your certification to your LinkedIn profile.

Just click on the chapter you wish to begin from, and follow the instructions. Good luck!

Learn the Basics

  • Hello, World!
  • Variables and Types
  • Lists
  • Basic Operators
  • String Formatting
  • Basic String Operations
  • Conditions
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Classes and Objects
  • Dictionaries
  • Modules and Packages

Data Science Tutorials

Advanced Tutorials

  • Generators
  • List Comprehensions
  • Lambda functions
  • Multiple Function Arguments
  • Regular Expressions
  • Exception Handling
  • Sets
  • Serialization
  • Partial functions
  • Code Introspection
  • Closures
  • Decorators
  • Map, Filter, Reduce

Other Python Tutorials

  • DataCamp has tons of great interactive Python Tutorials covering data manipulation, data visualization, statistics, machine learning, and more
  • Read Python Tutorials and References course from After Hours Programming

Contributing Tutorials

This site is generously supported by DataCamp. DataCamp offers online interactive Python Tutorials for Data Science. Join over a million other learners and get started learning Python for data science today!

Ready to take the test? Head onto LearnX and get your Python Certification!


Learn Python for Free 7 Best Places to Learn Python in 2023 [Websites + Platforms]

Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from the different links provided in this article. Believe it or not, but Python has inspired many people to learn to code, and it’s continually inspiring them. I know a handful of people who are learning Python for different reasons, starting from web development to machine learning. I have seen new people learning Python to write web apps using Django, create a Machine learning Model using Python, and just to write some handy scripts to automate the boring stuff. Python is currently the world’s #1 programming language and its popularity is growing every passing day, thanks to Data Science and Machine learning and awesome Python libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and TensorFlow. So, if you are also thinking to learn Python in 2023 or already started coding with Python but still looking for some free resources then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared a lot of useful free Python resources like books and free courses. And today, I am going to share some of the websites, free tutorials, and portals where you can learn Python for free. Learning from free resources is fantastic as you don’t need a credit card or no need to pay for the course. All you need is time and hunger to learn. Though, it’s not easy as there are a lot of free Python resources available out there and its difficult task to choose the right one. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack, and that’s where this article will help you. Btw, if you don’t mind paying a few bucks for learning something as valuable and useful as Python, then I also suggest you check out Josh Portilla’s The Complete Python 3 Bootcamp on Udemy. You will learn Python quickly and in a more structured way, and you can baught this course in just $10 on Udemy’s sale.

Top 7 Platforms and Free Python Tutorials for Beginners in 2023

Here you will find some of the best places to learn Python for free, I have handpicked these resources with a couple of Python experts. I have purposefully chosen as few resources as possible but still with some options. Just in case if you have any other useful Python websites which teach Python development for free then feel free to suggest.

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1. Coursera

All courses are also free-to-audit, which means you can join them free and learn. But, you cannot participate in assignments and quizzes and won’t get any certification until you pay.

Python for Everybody Coursera free course

If you want all those and accreditation, then you need to enroll in Specialization which is not free. If you can afford and appreciate the course, by all means, you should subscribe, its utterly worth of your time and money.

I recommend joining [Coursera Plus], a subscription plan from Coursera which gives unlimited access to many courses, certifications and projects. If you want to join multiple courses or certification in Coursera this is probably the best way to learn, not just python but also data science and cloud.

2. Udemy

It’s another popular online course platform, which probably has the biggest collection of online courses on earth. I like Udemy because you can virtually find a course on anything you want to learn and that too for free.

Unlike Codecademy, you don’t need any subscription, you just need to create a free account, and then you can enroll in free Python courses. Most of the instructors keep their course free when they first launch them so that they can get some traction, reviews, and social proofs.

But, there are also good quality Python courses that are entirely free. You can join them to learn Python 3. Here are some of my favorite free classes to learn Python in depth.

The strong point of Udemy is that you get to learn from experts, but it’s not as interactive as CodeCademy. Though, if you like to learn from videos, there is no better place than Udemy. And if you can afford some money, you can also get awesome, bootcamp style courses like The Complete Python 3 Bootcamp at a throwaway price like $10 on their flash sales.

5 Websites to Learn Python for FREE

3. CodeCademy

If you like interactive learning, then there is no better place than CodeCademy. They first teach you theory in as few words as possible and then ask you to write code online using that concept. The best thing is you don’t need to do any setup like installing Python in your machine.

You can run Python code right from your browser. Another good thing is that you don’t need to write a complete program until you are ready. You need to make small changes and execute them. This is a great and fun way to learn Python programming.

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I have learned JavaScript, Java, Python, and Linux using their interactive platform. Earlier they were completely free but not they have a freemium model where some of their lessons or a course will only be available for paid members.

Currently, their Learn Python 2 course is free, and Python 3 course is only available for paid members. If you can afford and appreciate CodeCademy, by all means, subscribe, but if you can’t just start with their Python 2 course, it’s perfect for beginners having no coding experience.

free interactive course to learn Python online

4. Google’s Python Class

If you don’t know, Google also has an excellent set of Python tutorials for beginners, known as Google’s Python class. This is a free class for people with a little bit of programming experience and who want to learn Python. The course includes written tutorials, lecture videos, and lots of code exercises to practice Python coding.

The first exercises work on basic Python concepts like strings and lists, building up to the next exercises, which are full programs dealing with text files, processes, and http connections.

Google itself uses Python for a lot of its projects. And, these materials are generally used within Google to teach Python to people who have just started coding or have little programming experience.

The best part of this material is that lecture videos are available on YouTube. Hence you don’t need any other account. It also teaches you to set up your own Python development environment, which does produce initial challenge but great for the long run.

5. Microsoft’s Free Python Course\

If Google has a Python class, then how come Microsoft can be left behind? Well, it also has a free Python course on Edx, another popular online portal for free education. This course is called Introduction to Python: Absolute Beginner, which is a free course to learn Python, taught by Eric Camplin, Senior Content Developer.

This course will teach you Python in Jupyter Notebooks, an online browser-based coding editor for Python, which means you don’t need to install Python. It’s a 5-week course with 3 to 4 hours of study every week.

This course is also part of the Microsoft Professional Program in Entry-Level Software Development, which is also free. You only need to pay when you need a certification. Something which you can add into your resume or LinkedIn profile as shown below:

best Python certification courses free

6. Learn Python — Full Course for Beginners [Tutorial] by FreeCodeCamp

This course will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts in python. Follow along with the videos and you’ll be a python programmer in no time! You can watch it on YouTube for free, here is a table of content

⭐️ Contents ⭐
⌨️ (0:00) Introduction
⌨️ (1:45) Installing Python & PyCharm
⌨️ (6:40) Setup & Hello World
⌨️ (10:23) Drawing a Shape
⌨️ (15:06) Variables & Data Types
⌨️ (27:03) Working With Strings
⌨️ (38:18) Working With Numbers
⌨️ (48:26) Getting Input From Users
⌨️ (52:37) Building a Basic Calculator
⌨️ (58:27) Mad Libs Game
⌨️ (1:03:10) Lists
⌨️ (1:10:44) List Functions
⌨️ (1:18:57) Tuples
⌨️ (1:24:15) Functions
⌨️ (1:34:11) Return Statement
⌨️ (1:40:06) If Statements
⌨️ (1:54:07) If Statements & Comparisons
⌨️ (2:00:37) Building a better Calculator
⌨️ (2:07:17) Dictionaries
⌨️ (2:14:13) While Loop
⌨️ (2:20:21) Building a Guessing Game
⌨️ (2:32:44) For Loops
⌨️ (2:41:20) Exponent Function
⌨️ (2:47:13) 2D Lists & Nested Loops
⌨️ (2:52:41) Building a Translator
⌨️ (3:00:18) Comments
⌨️ (3:04:17) Try / Except
⌨️ (3:12:41) Reading Files
⌨️ (3:21:26) Writing to Files
⌨️ (3:28:13) Modules & Pip
⌨️ (3:43:56) Classes & Objects
⌨️ (3:57:37) Building a Multiple Choice Quiz
⌨️ (4:08:28) Object Functions
⌨️ (4:12:37) Inheritance
⌨️ (4:20:43) Python Interpreter

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free Python tutorials and platforms

7 Learn Python from Scratch by Educative

If you don’t know is a text based interactive platform that allows you to learn and code from your browser. You can learn concepts and just code in the next line without worrying about downloading the necessary software and setting up your development environment. This is the biggest advantage for any beginner learning any programming language as most of them stuck in this setup part.

If you want to learn Python in 2023 then this course is the perfect place to start. The course begins by exploring the basic building blocks before moving on to higher-level concepts such as functions and loops. Fun quizzes and coding challenges will accompany you along the way to help enforce all the concepts covered in the course.

By the end of the course, you’ll be familiar with the concept of data structures and functional programming in Python. This is a free course, so you can join it without paying anything, all you need is to create an account to access this course.

free tutorials to learn Python in 2023

That’s all about some of the websites where you can learn Python for FREE. All of these are awesome resources, and you can choose the one you like. You don’t need to enroll in all of them, that would be ridiculous and time-consuming. Instead, choose the one which best suits your learning style.

For example, if you like interactive learning, choose CodeCademy, if you like non-formal video courses then choose Udemy and if you like structured education like in universities and school then choose Coursera.

And, if you like text-based learning, remember reading is faster than watching videos, then Google’s Python class is best.

Apart from these Scrimba is another nice place to learn Python coding for FREE.

Other Python Articles and Resources you may like

  • 10 Reasons to learn Python in 2023
  • Top 5 Course to Learn Python for Beginners
  • Top 5 Web Development Frameworks for Python Developers
  • Python vs JavaScript — Which is better to start with?
  • 10 Free Online course to learn Python in depth
  • Top 8 Python libraries for Data Science and Machine Learning
  • Python vs Java — Which Programming language Beginner should learn?
  • 5 Data Science and Machine Learning course in Python
  • The Complete Web Developer RoadMap
  • 10 Free Python Programming Books for Programmers
  • Top 5 Python Books for Data Science

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these websites, please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, please drop a note.

P. S. — If you just want to do one thing at this moment to kickstart your Python programming journey, just go and join The Complete Python 3 Bootcamp course by Jose Portilla on Udemy. You will learn Python quickly and never regret your decision.


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