Python multiprocessing lock file

Multiprocessing, file locking, SQLite and testing

Testing for concurrency problems is harder and takes more time, but you can’t do without it.

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I was working on a project with SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL. For a few tables, I wanted to limit the number of rows per user, and did this by adding a PostgreSQL check function and trigger.

Manual testing every thing appeared to be working fine but what if a user would start multiple processes and add rows at exactly the same time? I added the ‘pg_advisory_xact_lock’ but will this really work? Did I really understand the documentation?

In this post I show a universal TaskRunner class that can be used for testing simultaneous (concurrent) actions. As a test case, we use a SQLite database that we write with separate processes.

We start all processes from a single process. In this case, we can use Multiprocessing.Lock() to control access to SQLite. But I also implemented a file locker that can be used when we have fully independent processes.

As always I am running this on Ubuntu 22.04.

Starting actions at the same time

In our test setup we use Multiprocessing.Event() to make all processes wait at the same line in the task code, one line before the ‘critical action’. Then, when all processes have reached this point, we ‘release’ the processes and see what happens.

 stop & release | v task1 |--------------------->|--------> task2 |----------------->|--------> task3 |--------------->|--------> | taskN |-------->|--------> --------------------------------------> t
class TaskRunner: . def run_parallel_tasks(self, parallel_tasks_count): . self.mp_event = multiprocessing.Event() . for task_no in range(parallel_tasks_count): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.func_task, args=(self, task_no)) . # release waiting all processes time.sleep(self.release_time) self.mp_event.set() . 
def task(task_runner, task_no): . # all tasks will wait here task_runner.mp_event.wait() # critical action . 

Incrementing a SQLite table field

In our test, the tasks (processes) simultaneously try to increment a SQLite table field, ‘counter’,

If we have 100 tasks, then the result in the table field must be 100. Any other value is wrong.

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A task cannot reliably perform the increment operation without gaining exclusive access to SQLite. Here, we use a lock external from SQLite.

We can distinguish the following:

  1. The (concurrent) tasks are started by a single process
  2. The (concurrent) tasks are independent

In the first case, we can use Multiprocessing.Lock() and share this lock between all our tasks. For testing purposes this is fine.

The second case is a more real world scenario. We cannot use Multiprocessing.Lock() here but we can use Linux file locking. This is fast and reliable.

Locking — Multiprocessing.Lock()

I want to use Multiprocessing.Lock() as a context manager. Unfortunately, we then cannot specify a timeout. This means we must write the context manager ourselves:

# multiprocessing locker context manager with timeout class mp_locker: def __init__( self, mp_lock=None, timeout=10, ): self.mp_lock = mp_lock self.timeout = timeout def __enter__(self): self.mp_lock.acquire(timeout=self.timeout) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.mp_lock.release()

Locking — File locking

There are many examples on the internet on how to do this. Again I want to use this as a context manager. Here I only show the ‘__enter__()’ method.

# file locker context manager . def __enter__(self): while True: if (time.time() - ts) > self.timeout: raise Exception('pid = <>: acquire lock timeout') try: self.lock_file_fo = open(self.lock_file, 'a') fcntl.flock(self.lock_file_fo, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) break except BlockingIOError as e: # another process locked the file, keep trying time.sleep(self.wait_secs) # propagate other exceptions

We stay in the ‘while-loop’ until we acquire the lock or a timeout occurs.

The TaskRunner class

The TaskRunner contains all logic to start multiple tasks (processes).

  • Number of concurrent tasks.
  • Number of times to repeat.
  • Waiting tasks release-time (after start).
  • Logging level.
  • Multiprocessing.Lock() locking, or file locking
  • Lock timeout.

Important: All your functions are called with the TaskRunner object as the first parameter. This means you have access to TaskRunner attributes and methods like:

The code

The code consists of the following parts:

  • TaskRunner class and support classes
  • Your task functions
  • TaskRunner instatiation with your parameters
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When you run the code, The output is something like:

Here is the code in case you want to try yourself:

import fcntl import logging import multiprocessing import os import sys import time import sqlite3 class DummyLogger: def __getattr__(self, name): return lambda *args, **kwargs: None # file locker context manager class f_locker: def __init__( self, lock_file=None, timeout=10, logger=DummyLogger(), wait_secs=.01, ): self.lock_file = lock_file self.timeout = timeout self.logger = logger self.wait_secs = wait_secs # keep lock_file opened self.lock_file_fo = None def __enter__(self): pid = os.getpid() ts = time.time() while True: self.logger.debug('pid = <>: trying to acquire lock . '.format(pid)) if (time.time() - ts) > self.timeout: raise Exception('pid = <>: acquire lock timeout') # keep trying until lock or timeout try: self.lock_file_fo = open(self.lock_file, 'a') fcntl.flock(self.lock_file_fo, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) self.logger.debug('pid = <>: lock acquired'.format(pid)) break except BlockingIOError as e: # another process locked the file, keep trying self.logger.debug('pid = <>: cannot acquire lock'.format(pid)) time.sleep(self.wait_secs) # propagate other exceptions return True def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.logger.debug('exc_type = <>, exc_value = <>, exc_tb = <>'.format(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)) pid = os.getpid() self.logger.debug('pid = <>: trying to release lock . '.format(pid)) fcntl.flock(self.lock_file_fo, fcntl.LOCK_UN) self.logger.debug('pid = <>: lock released . '.format(pid)) # multiprocessing locker context manager with timeout class mp_locker: def __init__( self, mp_lock=None, timeout=10, logger=DummyLogger(), ): self.mp_lock = mp_lock self.timeout = timeout self.logger = logger def __enter__(self): = os.getpid() self.logger.debug('pid = <>: trying to acquire lock . '.format( self.mp_lock.acquire(timeout=self.timeout) self.logger.debug('pid = <>: lock acquired'.format( def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.logger.debug('exc_type = <>, exc_value = <>, exc_tb = <>'.format(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)) self.logger.debug('pid = <>: trying to release lock . '.format( self.mp_lock.release() self.logger.debug('pid = <>: lock released . '.format( class TaskRunner: def __init__( self, loop_count=1, parallel_tasks_count=1, release_time=1., # functions func_before_tasks=None, func_task=None, func_after_tasks=None, func_result_ok=None, func_after_result=None, # logging logger_level=logging.DEBUG, # locking lock_timeout=10, use_file_locking=False, lock_file='./lock_file', lock_wait_secs=.01, ): self.loop_count = loop_count self.parallel_tasks_count = parallel_tasks_count self.release_time = release_time # functions self.func_before_tasks = func_before_tasks self.func_task = func_task self.func_after_tasks = func_after_tasks self.func_result_ok = func_result_ok self.func_after_result = func_after_result # logging self.logger_level = logger_level # locking self.lock_timeout = lock_timeout self.use_file_locking = use_file_locking self.lock_file = lock_file self.lock_wait_secs = lock_wait_secs def get_logger(self, proc_name, logger_level=None): if logger_level is None: logger_level = self.logger_level logger = logging.getLogger(proc_name) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_logger_format = '%(asctime)s %(proc_name)-8.8s %(levelname)-8.8s [%(filename)-20s%(funcName)20s():%(lineno)03s] %(message)s' console_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(console_logger_format)) logger.setLevel(logger_level) logger.addHandler(console_handler) logger = logging.LoggerAdapter(logger, ) return logger def get_lock(self, timeout=None): timeout = timeout or self.lock_timeout if not self.use_file_locking: return mp_locker(self.mp_lock, timeout=timeout, logger=self.logger) return f_locker(self.lock_file, timeout=timeout, wait_secs=self.lock_wait_secs) def run_parallel_tasks(self, parallel_tasks_count): # before tasks if self.func_before_tasks: self.func_before_tasks(self) self.mp_lock = multiprocessing.Lock() self.mp_event = multiprocessing.Event() tasks = [] for task_no in range(parallel_tasks_count): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.func_task, args=(self, task_no)) p.start() tasks.append(p) # release waiting processes time.sleep(self.release_time) self.mp_event.set() # wait for all tasks to complete for p in tasks: p.join() # after tasks if self.func_after_tasks: return self.func_after_tasks(self) return None def run( self, loop_count=None, parallel_tasks_count=None, ): self.logger = self.get_logger('main') if loop_count is not None: self.loop_count = loop_count if parallel_tasks_count is not None: self.parallel_tasks_count = parallel_tasks_count start_time = time.time() for loop_no in range(self.loop_count): self.logger.debug('loop_no = <>'.format(loop_no)) result = self.run_parallel_tasks(self.parallel_tasks_count) if self.func_result_ok: if not self.func_result_ok(self, result): self.logger.error('result = <>'.format(result)) break else:'result ok') if self.func_after_result: self.func_after_result(self) run_secs = time.time() - start_time'ready in <> seconds'.format(run_secs)) # ### YOUR CODE BELOW ### # def before_tasks(task_runner): # create a table, insert row with counter = 0 with sqlite3.connect('./test_tasks.db') as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tasks""") cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE tasks (counter INTEGER)""") cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO tasks (counter) VALUES (0)""") conn.commit() def task(task_runner, task_no): logger = task_runner.get_logger('task' + str(task_no)) pid = os.getpid() # wait for event logger.debug('pid = <> waiting for event at <>'.format(pid, time.time())) task_runner.mp_event.wait() # wait for lock lock = task_runner.get_lock() logger.debug('pid = <> waiting for lock at <>'.format(pid, time.time())) with lock: # increment counter field with sqlite3.connect('./test_tasks.db', timeout=10) as conn: cursor = conn.cursor() counter = cursor.execute('SELECT counter FROM tasks').fetchone()[0] logger.debug('counter = <>'.format(counter)) counter += 1 cursor.execute("""UPDATE tasks SET counter=?""", (counter,)) conn.commit() def after_tasks(task_runner): conn = sqlite3.connect('./test_tasks.db') cursor = conn.cursor() counter = cursor.execute('SELECT counter FROM tasks').fetchone()[0]'counter = <> 


We wanted an easy way to test concurrent operations. In the past I used the Python package 'Locust' to test concurrency, see the post 'Using Locust to load test a FastAPI app with concurrent users'. This time I wanted to keep it small, flexible and extensible.
Besides that, I also wanted a multiple processes file lock context manager. We implemented both, the tests passed. Time to get back to my other projects.


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