Python modulenotfounderror no module named crypto

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘Crypto’ in Python

Python supports extensive modern libraries such as NumPy, pandas, sklearn, etc. that help developers to complete complex tasks easily. The “PyCrypto” module, replaced by “PyCryptodome”, is used for cryptography and security engineering.

To access this module in Python, you must import them at the beginning. If the “PyCrypto” module is imported without installation, then the “ModuleNotFoundError” arises in Python.

The Python post will demonstrate the reason and solutions for the “no module named Crypto” error using the following contents:

First, let’s dig into the first reason.

Reason: ‘Crypto’ Module is Not Installed

The primary reason which causes this “ModuleNotFoundError” in Python is when the user imports the “Crypto” module in Python without installing it. Here is an example of this error

The above output shows an error because the “Crypto” module is not found in Python.

Note: This error also occurs when we use the name “Crypto” for modules such as “” or initialize a variable with the name “Crypto”.

Solution (For Windows): Install the Python ‘Crypto’ Module

The best way to resolve this error is by installing the module in Python. To install the module, we use the “pip” package manager. The pip module comes with Python; if you don’t have a pip, you can install it by following this tutorial.

For an installation of the “Crypto” module, you can use the given below steps:

Step 1: Open CMD

To open the command prompt terminal, simply press the “Windows key + R” button and type the “cmd” command in the run dialog box:

Note: If you are using the Python editor that uses a virtual environment then it is recommended to open the editor shell rather than cmd and install the module on the IDE terminal.

Step 2: Install the ‘Crypto’ Module Using pip

To install the “Crypto” module using the “pip”, you can type the below command in the terminal:

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The above snippet shows that the module named “pycryptodome” successfully installed in Python.

If you get a permission error, then you can use the following command:

> pip install pycryptodome --user

Step 3: Verification of ‘Crypto’ Module in Python

To verify the “Crypto” module installation in Python, you can type the below code in terminal:

The above snippet shows the “pycryptodome” module name, version, and location.

How to Uninstall Crypto/pycryptodome Module in Python?

To uninstall the “pycryptodome” module, you can type the following command in the terminal:

> pip uninstall pycryptodome

The above snippet shows that the module has been successfully installed from Python using the “pip” command.

Install the ‘Crypto’ Module in Anaconda

To install the “Crypto” module in Anaconda Environment; you can use the following command:

> conda install -c conda-forge pycryptodome

Install the ‘Crypto’ Module in Jupyter Notebook

To install the “Crypto” module in Jupyter Notebook you can use the following code:

Solution (For Linux): Install Python ‘Crypto’ Module

To install the “Crypto” module in Python Linux you can use the pip package manager, you can type the given below command in the terminal to install the “Crypto” module:

$ sudo pip install pycryptodome

For Ubuntu 22.04

To install the “Crypto” module in Ubuntu 22.04, you first need to update the repository by typing the below command:

After updating now you can type the given below command to install the “Crypto” module in Ubuntu 22.04:

$ sudo apt -y install python3-pycryptodome

That’s all from this crypto module not found error.


The “ModuleNotFoundError” occurs when we try to import the “Crypto” module without installing it in Python. The error occurs when we install the module in an incorrect Python version. To resolve this error, install the module using the “pip” and “apt” commands. This article demonstrated a detailed guide on resolving Python’s “no module named Crypto” error.


How to fix ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘Crypto’ in Python

When dealing with cryptographic hashes in Python, you might get the following error:

This error occurs when Python can’t find the crypto library in the current environment.

In this tutorial, I will show you an example that causes this error and how to fix it in practice.

How to reproduce the error

Suppose you want to use the Crypto module to generate SSH public and private keys as shown below:

But you get the following error when running the code:

To my knowledge, the ModuleNotFoundError happens when Python can’t find the module you’re trying to import.

The Crypto module is commonly provided by crypto , pycrypto , or pycryptodome library, and it’s not bundled with Python so you need to install it first.

How to fix this error

To resolve this error, you need to install the pycryptodome library using the pip install command.

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If you have crypto or pycrypto library, I suggest you uninstall them first to avoid collisions:

 The pycryptodome library is the most recent and actively maintained library. Once the module is installed, you should be able to run the code that imports Crypto without receiving the error.

Install commands for other environments

The install command might differ depending on what environment you used to run the Python code.

Here’s a list of common install commands in popular Python environments to install the pycryptodome module:

Once the module is installed, you should be able to run the code without receiving this error.

Other common causes for this error

If you still see the error even after installing the module, it means that the Crypto module can’t be found in your Python environment.

  1. You may have multiple versions of Python installed on your system, and you are using a different version of Python than the one where pycryptodome is installed.
  2. You might have pycryptodome installed in a virtual environment, and you are not activating the virtual environment before running your code.
  3. Your IDE uses a different version of Python from the one that has pycryptodome
  4. The package is not installed in PyCharm

Let’s see how to fix these errors in practice.

1. You have multiple versions of Python

If you have multiple versions of Python installed on your system, you need to make sure that you are using the specific version where the pycryptodome module is available.

You can test this by running the which -a python or which -a python3 command from the terminal:

 In the example above, there are two versions of Python installed on /opt/homebrew/bin/python3 and /usr/bin/python3 .
  1. Install pycryptodome with pip using /usr/bin/ Python version
  2. Install Python using Homebrew, you have Python in /opt/homebrew/
  3. Then you run import Crypto in your code

The steps above will cause the error because pycryptodome is installed in /usr/bin/ , and your code is probably executed using Python from /opt/homebrew/ path.

To solve this error, you need to run the pip install pycryptodome command again so that pycryptodome is installed and accessible by the active Python version.

2. Python virtual environment is active

Another scenario that could cause this error is you may have pycryptodome installed in a virtual environment.

Python venv package allows you to create a virtual environment where you can install different versions of packages required by your project.

If you are installing pycryptodome inside a virtual environment, then the module won’t be accessible outside of that environment.

You can see if a virtual environment is active or not by looking at your prompt in the terminal.

When a virtual environment is active, the name of that environment will be shown inside parentheses as shown below:

Python has an active venv environment

In the picture above, the name of the virtual environment (demoenv) appears, indicating that the virtual environment is currently active.

If you run pip install while the virtual environment is active, then the package is installed only for that environment

Likewise, any package installed outside of that virtual environment won’t be accessible from the virtual environment. The solution is to run the pip install command on the environment you want to use.

If you want to install pycryptodome globally, then turn off the virtual environment by running the deactivate command before running the pip install command.

3. IDE using a different Python version

Finally, the IDE from where you run your Python code may use a different Python version when you have multiple versions installed.

For example, you can check the Python interpreter used in VSCode by opening the command palette ( CTRL + Shift + P for Windows and ⌘ + Shift + P for Mac) then run the Python: Select Interpreter command.

You should see all available Python versions listed as follows:

Python versions listed in VSCode

You need to use the same version where you installed pycryptodome so that the module can be found when you run the code from VSCode.

Once done, you should be able to import Crypto without receiving any errors.

4. You see this error in PyCharm

If you’re using PyCharm as your IDE, then this error might occur because the package is not installed in the Python interpreter used by PyCharm.

This is because PyCharm creates a new virtual environment for each project you create using the IDE.

To resolve this error, you can install the package using PyCharm’s terminal.

For more information, you can see the guide to install and uninstall packages in PyCharm.


In summary, the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘Crypto’ occurs when the pycryptodome library is not installed in your Python environment. To resolve this error, you need to run the pip install pycryptodome command.

If you already have the module installed, make sure you are using the correct version of Python, check if the virtual environment is active if you have one, and check for the Python version used by your IDE.

By following these steps, you should be able to import the Crypto module in your code successfully.

I hope you find this tutorial helpful. Until next time! 👋

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