Python made easy pdf

Python Made Easy – Nilabh Nishchhal


Step by step guide to programming and data analysis using python for beginners and intermediate level.

Nilabh as I know him is filled with enthusiasm, vitality, and a keen desire to express himself. Ever since I’ve known him, he has had all the tell-tale signs of being an exceptional teacher and a guide.

Back in our engineering days, there were just a handful of people I would engage in engineering discussions, and Nilabh was right at the top of that list! In over 15+ years of knowing him, I have always admired him for his unique combination of traits – his propensity to go deep into a subject and yet, having the patience to listen to an opposing view all-the-wile not losing sight of real-world practical applications.

Today, as I write this foreword to his book on Python, I am delighted to see him bring the same virtues of intense rigor, authentic simplicity, and firm resolve in delivering value to his readers.

It is no secret that the world is undergoing an accelerated transformation, especially powered by technology. At the very heart of these industrial disruptions are the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence. What makes this book on Python so important is that it provides a road-map of learning for someone with minimal or no coding experience. Being proficient in Python sets the stage for anyone to take part in the machine learning revolution.

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I remember my first days as a beginner to coding and Python and how I personally struggled to come to terms with several concepts in data structures, referring to the right library or even doing simple NumPy operations. The problem with most literature on Python is that it is fragmented and it does not consider a non-coding background of the reader.

About this Book

This book is an introduction to Programming and Data Analytics and uses Python as the choice of language for the beginners. It teaches how to install Python and other requisite software on your machine, how to write a program in python, and goes on to teach you to make your own application using the python programming language.

The book also gives a good idea about python libraries used for data analytics and visualization, like Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib in detail. You will also be introduced to some other libraries of Python like Pillow for image modification, Tkinter for GUI creation, and OS for interacting with the operating system. This book’s core is to teach you Python language from basics to intermediate level and along the way, the focus is on the application of the same to solve real-world problems using Python fundamentals.

How to use this book for the best results

This book takes an active learning approach. I have written it for the very beginners, assuming you do not have any experience of programming. Hence, start with the very beginning of the book, and install the software and libraries as advised in the book. After that, practice some more on the choice of your software which you want to interact with python. I prefer using the Jupyter Notebook and recommend the same strongly.

You will get introduced to the method of how to write comments in your codes, which are treated by the interpreter as “comments”. Anything which comes after “#” is passed by the python interpreter as a comment, and not run as part of code.

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Going ahead, you shall read the book and keep your Jupyter notebook open at all times, so that you may practice the codes, right from the very beginning to get a good grasp on the language fundamentals. Also, you will get confidence when you see the result on your computer. I will also upload all the codes used in this book in my Github account, and the link for the same is provided in the book for your ready reference.

At the end of every chapter, there is a theory questionnaire, True and False statements and real-life problems to be solved by your programming skills learned thus far. I strongly recommend practicing the same along the way. In addition to these, there are 3 real-life projects to learn from. Try to solve the problems on your own machine and see the results coming to life on your own.


What to Expect from This Book
1. Introduction to data science and programming basics
2. Introduction to python
3. Python basics
4. Objects and operators in python
5. Control flow statements
6. Functions
7. Project 1: Patterns using loops and functions
8. Data structures and sequence
9. Input-output, files and exception handling
10. Project 2: Automating the task of multiple image processing
11. Classes
12. Error and exception handling
13. Modules and packages
14. Project 3: Gui based currency converter
15. Numpy
16. Numpy operations
17. Pandas introduction
18. Pandas in action
19. Visualization in python
20. Visualization using matplotlib.pyplot
21. Visualization matplotlib o-o interface and sample plots

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