Python long to wide

Reshape Python pandas dataframe from long to wide with pivot_table

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This Python tutorial is also on Medium, Towards Data Science. Click here if you’re looking for the tutorial for the R version of pivot_table (also the dcast function in R).

The opposite of pivot_table is melt , and you can find the tutorial for melt (wide to long) here.

If you’re an R user, the melt function in R works just like Python’s melt .

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How does the pandas pivot_table() method reshape dataframes? How do you reshape a dataframe from long to wide form? This tutorial will walk you through reshaping dataframes using pd.pivot_table() or the pivot_table method associated with pandas dataframes.

Also, you might want to check out the official pandas documentation and my numpy reshape tutorial.

Let’s load the reticulate library in R so we can run Python in RStudio. I’ll then load my conda python environment. I highly recommend you try the code in Python while you read this article. Try running this tutorial on my shared DeepNote notebook (you can only run but not edit this notebook).

 library(reticulate) # load conda python environment use_condaenv(condaenv = "python376", conda = "/opt/anaconda3/bin/conda")

Long data

It’s easiest to understand what a long dataframe is or looks like if we look at one and compare it with a wide dataframe.

And below is the corresponding dataframe (with the same information) but in the wide form:

Before we begin our pd.pivot_table tutorial, let’s recreate the long dataframe above in Python with pd.DataFrame .

 df_long = pd.DataFrame(< "student": ["Andy", "Bernie", "Cindy", "Deb", "Andy", "Bernie", "Cindy", "Deb", "Andy", "Bernie", "Cindy", "Deb"], "school": ["Z", "Y", "Z", "Y", "Z", "Y", "Z", "Y", "Z", "Y", "Z", "Y"], "class": ["english", "english", "english", "english", "math", "math", "math", "math", "physics", "physics", "physics", "physics"], "grade": [10, 100, 1000, 10000, 20, 200, 2000, 20000, 30, 300, 3000, 30000] >) df_long
 student school class grade 0 Andy Z english 10 1 Bernie Y english 100 2 Cindy Z english 1000 3 Deb Y english 10000 4 Andy Z math 20 5 Bernie Y math 200 6 Cindy Z math 2000 7 Deb Y math 20000 8 Andy Z physics 30 9 Bernie Y physics 300 10 Cindy Z physics 3000 11 Deb Y physics 30000

Long to wide with pivot_table

Common terms for this transformation are pivot, spread, dcast. See pd.pivot_table() documentation here.

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We’ll use the pivot_table method because it’s very flexible relative to the pivot method (which I won’t explain here since pivot_table does everything pivot can do).

Pivot example 1

We often want to keep the identifier columns as they are ( index=[«student», «school»] ) but pivot or “split” a column’s values ( values=’grade’ ) based on another column ( columns=’class’ ). Compare the original and pivoted dataframes below and you’ll understand what that means.

Each unique value in the class column will be a new column (english, math, physics) in the pivoted/wide dataframe. We can also provide a list to the columns parameter.

 df_long.pivot_table(index=["student", "school"], columns='class', values='grade')
 class english math physics student school Andy Z 10 20 30 Bernie Y 100 200 300 Cindy Z 1000 2000 3000 Deb Y 10000 20000 30000

To get rid of the multi-index, use .reset_index()

 df_long.pivot_table(index=["student", "school"], columns='class', values='grade').reset_index()
 class student school english math physics 0 Andy Z 10 20 30 1 Bernie Y 100 200 300 2 Cindy Z 1000 2000 3000 3 Deb Y 10000 20000 30000

Pivot example 2

You can also aggregate each resulting row and column by specifying margins=True (default False ).

The example below aggregates by computing the sum via aggfunc=’sum’ (default ‘mean’ ) and there are many other aggregation functions you can use (e.g., ‘median’ , ‘sum’ , ‘max’ ). You can also specify multiple functions as a list (e.g., aggfunc=[‘mean’, ‘sum’] )

 df_long.pivot_table(index=["student", "school"], columns='class', values='grade', margins=True, aggfunc='sum').reset_index()
 class student school english math physics All 0 Andy Z 10 20 30 60 1 Bernie Y 100 200 300 600 2 Cindy Z 1000 2000 3000 6000 3 Deb Y 10000 20000 30000 60000 4 All 11110 22220 33330 66660

Pivot example 3

If we don’t specify any columns via columns , all remaining non-identifier numeric columns (only grade in this dataframe) will be pivoted (long to wide).

 df_long.pivot_table(index=["student", "school"]) # default aggfunc='mean'
 grade student school Andy Z 20 Bernie Y 200 Cindy Z 2000 Deb Y 20000

In the original long data, each student has four grades (english, math, physics), yet in the pivot_table example above, each student only has one grade after pivoting.

Why and how does it work? If you remember from the example above, the default is aggfunc=’mean’ . Thus, what the function did was it grouped the data by student and school (via index=[«student», «school»] ), and computed the mean value for each group.

If you use the groupby method associated with the pandas dataframe, you will get the same result as above.

 df_long.groupby(['student', 'school']).mean()
 grade student school Andy Z 20 Bernie Y 200 Cindy Z 2000 Deb Y 20000

If you change the default aggregation function (e.g., aggfunc=’max’ ), you’ll get different results. The examples below show you how to specify different aggregation functions and also show you how groupby can be used to perform the same pivot.

Note that you’ll also see the class that is associated with each ‘max’ and ‘first’ value.

 df_long.pivot_table(index=["student", "school"], aggfunc=['max', 'first'])
 max first class grade class grade student school Andy Z physics 30 english 10 Bernie Y physics 300 english 100 Cindy Z physics 3000 english 1000 Deb Y physics 30000 english 10000
 df_long.groupby(["student", "school"]).agg(['max', 'first'])
 class grade max first max first student school Andy Z physics english 30 10 Bernie Y physics english 300 100 Cindy Z physics english 3000 1000 Deb Y physics english 30000 10000

Pivot example 4

The final example shows you what happens when you pivot multiple columns ( columns=[‘school’, ‘class’] ) and you can deal with missing values after pivoting.

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Here we’re saying, for each student ( index=»student» ), split their grades ( values=grade ) into separate columns, based on their school and class ( columns=[‘school’, ‘class’] ).

 df_long.pivot_table(index="student", columns=['school', 'class'], values='grade')
 school Y Z class english math physics english math physics student Andy NaN NaN NaN 10.0 20.0 30.0 Bernie 100.0 200.0 300.0 NaN NaN NaN Cindy NaN NaN NaN 1000.0 2000.0 3000.0 Deb 10000.0 20000.0 30000.0 NaN NaN NaN

The NaN values are expected because each student belongs to only one school (Y or Z). For example, Andy is in school Z and therefore doesn’t have grades in the Y columns.

We can replace the NaN values with another value (-5 in the example below).

 df_long.pivot_table(index="student", columns=['school', 'class'], values='grade', fill_value=-5)
 school Y Z class english math physics english math physics student Andy -5 -5 -5 10 20 30 Bernie 100 200 300 -5 -5 -5 Cindy -5 -5 -5 1000 2000 3000 Deb 10000 20000 30000 -5 -5 -5


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I hope now you have a better understanding of how pd.pivot_table reshapes dataframes. If you find this post useful, check out my other articles and follow me on Medium.

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Lin (2020, May 17). Data science: Reshape Python pandas dataframe from long to wide with pivot_table. Retrieved from


Reshape long to wide in pandas python with pivot function

Reshaping a data from long to wide in python pandas is done with pivot() function. Pivot() function in pandas is one of the efficient function to transform the data from long to wide format. pivot() Function in python pandas depicted with an example.

Let’s create a simple data frame to demonstrate our reshape example in python pandas

Create dataframe:

import pandas as pd import numpy as np #Create a DataFrame d = < 'countries':['A','B','C','A','B','C'], 'metrics':['population_in_million','population_in_million','population_in_million', 'gdp_percapita','gdp_percapita','gdp_percapita'], 'values':[100,200,120,2000,7000,15000] >df = pd.DataFrame(d,columns=['countries','metrics','values']) df

The dataframe will be like

Reshape long to wide in pandas python with pivot function 1

Reshape long to wide in pandas python with pivot function:

We will reshape the above data frame from long to wide format in R. The above data frame is already in long format.

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Reshape long to wide in pandas python with pivot function 0

This can be accomplished with below code

# reshape from long to wide in pandas python df2=df.pivot(index='countries', columns='metrics', values='values') df2
  • Pivot function() reshapes the data from long to wide in Pandas python. Countries column is used on index.
  • Values of Metrics column is used as column names and values of value column is used as its value.

So the resultant reshaped dataframe will be

Reshape long to wide in pandas python with pivot function 2


With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark. View all posts


Reshaping a Pandas Dataframe: Long-to-Wide and Vice Versa

Pivot/Unpivot Pandas Dataframes with These Two Simple Methods

Reshaping a pandas dataframe is one of the most common data wrangling tasks in the data analysis world. It is also referred to as transposing or pivoting/unpivoting a table from long to wide or from wide to long format. So what is a long data format vs. a wide data format and how do we reshape a dataframe from long-to-wide and vice versa?

Let’s take a look at a simple example below. The example shows the average food price across all the U.S. cities in 5 food categories from Jan. 2020 to Apr. 2022.

The dataframe on the left has a long format. The ‘Series ID’ and ‘Item’ columns represent the food category. The ‘Year Month’ is a single column that has all the months from Jan. 2020 to Apr. 2022, and the ‘Avg. Price ($)’ has a value corresponding to each month in the ‘Year Month’ column.

Notice how the dataframe on the left is structured in a long format: each food category (‘Item’) has multiple repeating rows, each of which represents a specific year/month and the average food price corresponding to that year/month. Though we only have 5 food categories (‘items’), we have a total of 139 rows, making the dataframe a ‘long’ shape.

In contrast, The dataframe on the right-hand side has a wide format — more like a spreadsheet-style format. In this format, each row represents a unique food category. We pivot the ‘Year Month’ column in the left dataframe so that each month is in a separate column — making the right dataframe a ‘wide’ shape. The values of the ‘Year Month’ column in the left table now become the column names in the right table and we have the ‘avg. price’ for each Month/Year column accordingly.

Now that we understand what a long vs. wide data format is, let’s see how we can toggle between the two formats easily in Pandas. We’ll use the sample dataset shown above as an example. You can download the sample dataset here. Let’s first read the raw CSV file into a Pandas dataframe and do some light massaging on the data:


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