Python jwk to pem


Module for generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens.

  • Note: Versions 3.3.4 and later fix a vulnerability (CVE-2022-39227) in JSON Web Token verification which lets an attacker with a valid token re-use its signature with modified claims. CVE to follow. Please upgrade!
  • Note: From version 2.0.1 the namespace has changed from jwt to python_jwt , in order to avoid conflict with PyJWT.
  • Note: Versions 1.0.0 and later fix a vulnerability in JSON Web Token verification so please upgrade if you’re using this functionality. The API has changed so you will need to update your application. verify_jwt now requires you to specify which signature algorithms are allowed.
  • Uses jwcrypto to do the heavy lifting.
  • Supports RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512, HS256, HS384, HS512, ES256, ES384, ES512, ES256K, EdDSA and none signature algorithms.
  • Unit tests, including tests for interoperability with jose.
  • Supports Python 3.6+. Note:generate_jwt returns the token as a Unicode string.


Another Example

You can read and write keys from and to PEM-format strings:


Code Coverage


Here are some results on a laptop with an Intel Core i5-4300M 2.6Ghz CPU and 8Gb RAM running Ubuntu 17.04.

Generate Key user (ns) sys (ns) real (ns)
RSA 103,100,000 200,000 103,341,537
Generate Token user (ns) sys (ns) real (ns)
HS256 220,000 0 226,478
HS384 220,000 0 218,233
HS512 230,000 0 225,823
PS256 1,530,000 10,000 1,536,235
PS384 1,550,000 0 1,549,844
PS512 1,520,000 10,000 1,524,844
RS256 1,520,000 10,000 1,524,565
RS384 1,530,000 0 1,528,074
RS512 1,510,000 0 1,526,089
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Load Key user (ns) sys (ns) real (ns)
RSA 210,000 3,000 210,791
Verify Token user (ns) sys (ns) real (ns)
HS256 100,000 0 101,478
HS384 100,000 10,000 103,014
HS512 110,000 0 104,323
PS256 230,000 0 231,058
PS384 240,000 0 237,551
PS512 240,000 0 232,450
RS256 230,000 0 227,737
RS384 230,000 0 230,698
RS512 230,000 0 228,624


How to convert a public key from a JWK into PEM for OpenSSL?

Also had to replace «RSA PUBLIC KEY» with «PUBLIC KEY». The command openssl rsa -inform PEM -pubin gives:

unable to load Public Key 139911798556312:error:0D0680A8:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_CHECK_TLEN:wrong tag:tasn_dec.c:1197: 139911798556312:error:0D07803A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_ITEM_EX_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:374:Type=X509_ALGOR 139911798556312:error:0D08303A:asn1 encoding routines:ASN1_TEMPLATE_NOEXP_D2I:nested asn1 error:tasn_dec.c:697:Field=algor, Type=X509_PUBKEY 139911798556312:error:0906700D:PEM routines:PEM_ASN1_read_bio:ASN1 lib:pem_oth.c:83: 

To clarify one thing though, that JWK includes the private key. Any time to see a «p», «q», or «d» then the RSA key includes private parameters.

The openssl have an issue in bug tracker to add such functionality so please vote or contribute

6 Answers 6

I developed a a PHP class that is able to convert public/private keys from JWK to PEM (and vice versa).

Basically, you have to decode each component from Base64UrlSafe to a binary string and assemble all of them according to the ASN.1 Structure described in the RFC3447.

Nevertheless, I recommend you to use a dedicated library/tool for that to ease your work. With my PHP library, your code will looks like:

use Jose\KeyConverter\RSAKey; $key = new RSAKey([ "kty" => "RSA", "n" => "oahUIoWw0K0usKNuOR6H4wkf4oBUXHTxRvgb48E-BVvxkeDNjbC4he8rUWcJoZmds2h7M70imEVhRU5djINXtqllXI4DFqcI1DgjT9LewND8MW2Krf3Spsk_ZkoFnilakGygTwpZ3uesH-PFABNIUYpOiN15dsQRkgr0vEhxN92i2asbOenSZeyaxziK72UwxrrKoExv6kc5twXTq4h-QChLOln0_mtUZwfsRaMStPs6mS6XrgxnxbWhojf663tuEQueGC-FCMfra36C9knDFGzKsNa7LZK2djYgyD3JR_MB_4NUJW_TqOQtwHYbxevoJArm-L5StowjzGy-_bq6Gw", "e" => "AQAB", "d" => "kLdtIj6GbDks_ApCSTYQtelcNttlKiOyPzMrXHeI-yk1F7-kpDxY4-WY5NWV5KntaEeXS1j82E375xxhWMHXyvjYecPT9fpwR_M9gV8n9Hrh2anTpTD93Dt62ypW3yDsJzBnTnrYu1iwWRgBKrEYY46qAZIrA2xAwnm2X7uGR1hghkqDp0Vqj3kbSCz1XyfCs6_LehBwtxHIyh8Ripy40p24moOAbgxVw3rxT_vlt3UVe4WO3JkJOzlpUf-KTVI2Ptgm-dARxTEtE-id-4OJr0h-K-VFs3VSndVTIznSxfyrj8ILL6MG_Uv8YAu7VILSB3lOW085-4qE3DzgrTjgyQ", "p" => "1r52Xk46c-LsfB5P442p7atdPUrxQSy4mti_tZI3Mgf2EuFVbUoDBvaRQ-SWxkbkmoEzL7JXroSBjSrK3YIQgYdMgyAEPTPjXv_hI2_1eTSPVZfzL0lffNn03IXqWF5MDFuoUYE0hzb2vhrlN_rKrbfDIwUbTrjjgieRbwC6Cl0", "q" => "wLb35x7hmQWZsWJmB_vle87ihgZ19S8lBEROLIsZG4ayZVe9Hi9gDVCOBmUDdaDYVTSNx_8Fyw1YYa9XGrGnDew00J28cRUoeBB_jKI1oma0Orv1T9aXIWxKwd4gvxFImOWr3QRL9KEBRzk2RatUBnmDZJTIAfwTs0g68UZHvtc", "dp" => "ZK-YwE7diUh0qR1tR7w8WHtolDx3MZ_OTowiFvgfeQ3SiresXjm9gZ5KLhMXvo-uz-KUJWDxS5pFQ_M0evdo1dKiRTjVw_x4NyqyXPM5nULPkcpU827rnpZzAJKpdhWAgqrXGKAECQH0Xt4taznjnd_zVpAmZZq60WPMBMfKcuE", "dq" => "Dq0gfgJ1DdFGXiLvQEZnuKEN0UUmsJBxkjydc3j4ZYdBiMRAy86x0vHCjywcMlYYg4yoC4YZa9hNVcsjqA3FeiL19rk8g6Qn29Tt0cj8qqyFpz9vNDBUfCAiJVeESOjJDZPYHdHY8v1b-o-Z2X5tvLx-TCekf7oxyeKDUqKWjis", "qi" => "VIMpMYbPf47dT1w_zDUXfPimsSegnMOA1zTaX7aGk_8urY6R8-ZW1FxU7AlWAyLWybqq6t16VFd7hQd0y6flUK4SlOydB61gwanOsXGOAOv82cHq0E3eL4HrtZkUuKvnPrMnsUUFlfUdybVzxyjz9JF_XyaY14ardLSjf4L_FNY", ]); $pem = $key->toPEM(); 

So the key that you posted is a simple asn sequence of a a public key and the public exponent. It looks something like this:

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OpenSSL doesn’t like that as-is because it’s missing a few other things, like an ObjectIdenifier so that openssl knows what algorithm the key is for.

The quick way to fix this is to also put in the -RSAPublicKey_in option, so the full command will look something like this:

openssl rsa -inform pem -in FILEPATH.pem -pubin -pubout -RSAPublicKey_in 

and change the header of the file back to include «RSA»:

This will also output it in to a «normal» public key format that includes the missing ObjectIdentifier.

Note: I’m not sure what the version requirement for -RSAPublicKey_in are, but I was using OpenSSL 1.1.0.

I wrote a command line tool called lokey to help with key conversions like this one.

Using curl , grep , and tr to grab the key from question, we can convert the JWK formatted private key into a PEM formatted private key with this command:

$ curl -s | grep '"n":"oahUI' -B1 -A28 | tr -d '[:space:]' | lokey to pem -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAoahUIoWw0K0usKNuOR6H4wkf4oBUXHTxRvgb48E+BVvxkeDN jbC4he8rUWcJoZmds2h7M70imEVhRU5djINXtqllXI4DFqcI1DgjT9LewND8MW2K rf3Spsk/ZkoFnilakGygTwpZ3uesH+PFABNIUYpOiN15dsQRkgr0vEhxN92i2asb OenSZeyaxziK72UwxrrKoExv6kc5twXTq4h+QChLOln0/mtUZwfsRaMStPs6mS6X rgxnxbWhojf663tuEQueGC+FCMfra36C9knDFGzKsNa7LZK2djYgyD3JR/MB/4NU JW/TqOQtwHYbxevoJArm+L5StowjzGy+/bq6GwIDAQABAoIBAQCQt20iPoZsOSz8 CkJJNhC16Vw222UqI7I/Mytcd4j7KTUXv6SkPFjj5Zjk1ZXkqe1oR5dLWPzYTfvn HGFYwdfK+Nh5w9P1+nBH8z2BXyf0euHZqdOlMP3cO3rbKlbfIOwnMGdOeti7WLBZ GAEqsRhjjqoBkisDbEDCebZfu4ZHWGCGSoOnRWqPeRtILPVfJ8Kzr8t6EHC3EcjK HxGKnLjSnbiag4BuDFXDevFP++W3dRV7hY7cmQk7OWlR/4pNUjY+2Cb50BHFMS0T 6J37g4mvSH4r5UWzdVKd1VMjOdLF/KuPwgsvowb9S/xgC7tUgtIHeU5bTzn7ioTc POCtOODJAoGBANa+dl5OOnPi7HweT+ONqe2rXT1K8UEsuJrYv7WSNzIH9hLhVW1K Awb2kUPklsZG5JqBMy+yV66EgY0qyt2CEIGHTIMgBD0z417/4SNv9Xk0j1WX8y9J X3zZ9NyF6lheTAxbqFGBNIc29r4a5Tf6yq23wyMFG06444InkW8AugpdAoGBAMC2 9+ce4ZkFmbFiZgf75XvO4oYGdfUvJQRETiyLGRuGsmVXvR4vYA1QjgZlA3Wg2FU0 jcf/BcsNWGGvVxqxpw3sNNCdvHEVKHgQf4yiNaJmtDq79U/WlyFsSsHeIL8RSJjl q90ES/ShAUc5NkWrVAZ5g2SUyAH8E7NIOvFGR77XAoGAZK+YwE7diUh0qR1tR7w8 WHtolDx3MZ/OTowiFvgfeQ3SiresXjm9gZ5KLhMXvo+uz+KUJWDxS5pFQ/M0evdo 1dKiRTjVw/x4NyqyXPM5nULPkcpU827rnpZzAJKpdhWAgqrXGKAECQH0Xt4taznj nd/zVpAmZZq60WPMBMfKcuECgYAOrSB+AnUN0UZeIu9ARme4oQ3RRSawkHGSPJ1z ePhlh0GIxEDLzrHS8cKPLBwyVhiDjKgLhhlr2E1VyyOoDcV6IvX2uTyDpCfb1O3R yPyqrIWnP280MFR8ICIlV4RI6MkNk9gd0djy/Vv6j5nZfm28vH5MJ6R/ujHJ4oNS opaOKwKBgFSDKTGGz3+O3U9cP8w1F3z4prEnoJzDgNc02l+2hpP/Lq2OkfPmVtRc VOwJVgMi1sm6qurdelRXe4UHdMun5VCuEpTsnQetYMGpzrFxjgDr/NnB6tBN3i+B 67WZFLir5z6zJ7FFBZX1Hcm1c8co8/SRf18mmNeGq3S0o3+C/xTW -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- 

lokey also has a fetch command that can be used to fetch JWK keys from OpenID endpoints:

$ lokey fetch jwk $ lokey fetch jwk $ lokey fetch jwk 

You can then pipe this output into lokey again to get a PEM:

$ lokey fetch jwk | lokey to pem 


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