Python join list with separator

How to Create a String from a List in Python (Create a String from a List with a Separator in Python)

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss, how to create a string from a list in Python. Also, we will see how to create a string from a list with a separator in Python.

We can create a string from a list in Python by using various methods like join() method, for loop, list comprehensions, reduce() function, and itertools.chain() function, etc.

Create a String from a List in Python

Now, let us explore various methods to create a string from a list in Python.

Method-1: Create a String from a List in Python using join() method

The easiest way to create a string from a list in Python is by using the join() method. The join() method takes an iterable (like a list or a tuple) and joins its elements using a specified delimiter. In our case, the delimiter will be a comma and a space.

cities = ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston', 'Phoenix'] # Using the join() method to create a string city_string = ', '.join(cities) print(city_string)
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix

You can see the complete code:

Create a String from a List in Python

Method-2: Create a String from a List in Python using a for loop

If you want more control over the process of converting a list into a string in Python, you can use a for loop. This method is useful when you need to apply some formatting or processing to the elements before joining them.

cities = ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston', 'Phoenix'] # Using a for loop to create a string city_string = "" for city in cities: city_string += city + ", " # Remove the trailing comma and space city_string = city_string[:-2] print(city_string)
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix

Method-3: Create a String from a List in Python using list comprehensions and join()

We can also use list comprehensions and join() method to create a string from a list in Python. You can use list comprehensions to apply transformations or formatting to the elements of the list before joining them. This method combines the best of both worlds – the simplicity of the join() method and the flexibility of a for loop.

cities = ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston', 'Phoenix'] # Using list comprehension to transform elements formatted_cities = [city.upper() for city in cities] # Using the join() method to create a string city_string = ', '.join(formatted_cities) print(city_string)

Method-4: Create a String from a List in Python using the reduce() function from the functools module

The Python reduce() function applies a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a list from left to right, to reduce the list to a single value. In our case, the function would be a lambda function that concatenates two strings with a comma and a space.

from functools import reduce cities = ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston', 'Phoenix'] # Using the reduce() function to create a string city_string = reduce(lambda x, y: x + ', ' + y, cities) print(city_string)
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix

Method-5: Create a String from a List in Python using the itertools.chain() function

The itertools.chain() function is used to combine multiple iterables into a single iterable in Python. We can use this function to combine the elements of our list and then convert the resulting iterable into a string.

import itertools cities = ['New York', 'Los Angeles', 'Chicago', 'Houston', 'Phoenix'] # Inserting delimiter (', ') between the elements of the list cities_with_delimiters = itertools.chain(*[(city, ', ') for city in cities]) # Removing the last delimiter from the iterable combined_iterable = itertools.islice(cities_with_delimiters, 0, len(cities) * 2 - 1) # Converting the iterable to a string city_string = ''.join(combined_iterable) print(city_string)
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix

You can see the complete code execution like below:

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How to Create a String from a List in Python

Create a String from a List with a Separator in Python

Now, we will see, how to create a string from a list with a separator in Python.

There are different ways to create a string from a list with a separator like the join method, list comprehensions and reduce() function.

Create a String from a List with a Separator in Python using join() method

Let us see, how we can use the Python join() method to create a string from list with a separator.

The join() method is the most common and recommended way to create a string from a list with a separator in Python. It’s a string method that concatenates the elements of an iterable (like a list) using the specified separator.

Here’s an example using a list of city names:

city_names = ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago", "Houston", "Phoenix"] separator = ", " result = separator.join(city_names) print(result)
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix

In this example, we define a list of city names and a separator string (“, “). Then we use the join() method to concatenate the city names with the separator.

Create a String from a List with a Separator in Python

2. Create a String from a List with a Separator in Python using List Comprehensions

We can use list comprehensions to create a string from a list with a separator in Python.

city_names = ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago", "Houston", "Phoenix"] separator = ", " result = "".join([city + separator for city in city_names[:-1]] + [city_names[-1]]) print(result)
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix

In this example, we create a new list using a list comprehension that adds the separator to each city name except the last one.

3. Create a String from a List with a Separator in Python using Reduce() Function

Now, we will see, how to use the reduce() function to create a string from a Python list with a separator.

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The reduce() function, available in the functools module, applies a binary function to the elements of an iterable, cumulatively. We can use this function to create a string from a list with a separator.

from functools import reduce city_names = ["New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago", "Houston", "Phoenix"] separator = ", " def concat_with_separator(a, b): return a + separator + b result = reduce(concat_with_separator, city_names) print(result)
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix

In this example, we define a function concat_with_separator that takes two arguments and concatenates them with the separator. Then we use the reduce() function to apply this function to the elements of the list of city names.


In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ve explored five methods for creating strings from lists in Python. Each method, from join() to itertools.chain(), offers unique levels of control and flexibility to suit diverse use cases. By understanding these approaches, you’ll be well-equipped to handle list-to-string conversions efficiently in your Python projects.

We have also discussed, different ways to create a string from a list with a separator in Python. The join() method is the most recommended method due to its simplicity and readability. However, list comprehensions and the reduce() function are also valid options.

I am Bijay Kumar, a Microsoft MVP in SharePoint. Apart from SharePoint, I started working on Python, Machine learning, and artificial intelligence for the last 5 years. During this time I got expertise in various Python libraries also like Tkinter, Pandas, NumPy, Turtle, Django, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, Scipy, Scikit-Learn, etc… for various clients in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Check out my profile.


Python Join List of Strings with Separator — The Ultimate Guide

Learn how to join a list of strings with a separator in Python with the help of the join() method. This guide includes code examples, tips and tricks.

If you are a Python developer, you might have encountered a situation where you need to join a list of strings with a separator. This is a common task in Python programming, and luckily there is an easy solution. In this article, we will explore the join() method in Python, which allows us to join all elements of a list into a single string with a specified separator. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to use the join() method to concatenate various types of lists with different separators.

Using the join() method

The join() method is a string method that returns a string in which the elements of the sequence have been joined by a separator. The separator can be any string, including comma, space, or plus sign. Here’s an example using the join() method to join a list of strings with a comma separator:

separator = "," my_list = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] result = separator.join(my_list) print(result) 

The output of this code will be:

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As you can see, the join() method concatenated all elements in the list into a single string with a comma separator. The join() method can be called on any separator string, and it can be used to join elements of an iterable such as a tuple, list, dictionary, and set.

Joining a list of numbers

We can also use the join() method to concatenate a list of numbers into a single string. However, we need to convert the numbers to strings before using the join() method. Here’s an example using the join() method to join a list of numbers with a plus sign separator:

separator = "+" my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] result = separator.join(map(str, my_list)) print(result) 

The output of this code will be:

As you can see, we first converted the list of numbers into strings using the map() function and then used the join() method to concatenate them into a single string with a plus sign separator.

Joining elements in a list with a space separator

We can also use the join() method to join elements in a list with a space separator. Here’s an example using the join() method to join a list of strings with a space separator:

separator = " " my_list = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] result = separator.join(my_list) print(result) 

The output of this code will be:

As you can see, we used a space separator to join the elements in the list.

Joining specific list elements

Sometimes, we only want to join specific elements in a list. We can use an expression to specify which elements to join. Here’s an example using an expression to join the first two elements of a list with a comma separator:

separator = "," my_list = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] result = separator.join(my_list[:2]) print(result) 

The output of this code will be:

As you can see, we used the slice notation to select the first two elements of the list and then used the join() method to join them with a comma separator.

Other quick code examples for joining a list of strings with a separator in Python are available on various online platforms

In Python as proof, python join list of strings with separator code example

data = ["some", "data", "lots", "of", "strings"] print(".".join(data))",".join(data)) some,data,lots,of,strings


In this guide, we explored the join() method in Python, which allows us to join all elements of a list into a single string with a specified separator. We also learned how to use the join() method to join elements in a list with a space separator or to join specific list elements . joining a list of strings with a separator is a common task in Python programming, and mastering this skill will make your code more efficient and readable.

We encourage you to practice using the join() method to join lists of strings with different separators and experiment with joining specific list elements . With these skills, you’ll be able to handle more complex data manipulation tasks and become a better Python developer.


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