Python input string not defined

Fix the NameError: Input Name Is Not Defined in Python

Fix the NameError: Input Name Is Not Defined in Python

In Python 2.7 and 2.x versions, the raw_input() function and the input() were the two built-in functions to take the user’s input. But in the later versions of Python 3,0, the raw_input() was renamed as input() , which is now still in use.

Fix the NameError: input name is not defined in Python

In the older version of Python, the input function was used to evaluate the Python expression, but if you want to read strings, then the raw_input was used for that purpose. But now, the raw_input function is renamed as input, so it won’t work in 3.x versions of Python.

Let’s understand it through an example.

We are using Python version 2.7 for the sake of this topic. If you use this on the 3.x version of Python, this code will be executed without errors.

#Python 2.7 version name = input("Hi! What is your good name? ") print("Nice to meet you "+ name) 
NameError: name 'Zeeshan' is not defined 

The above code has caused a Name Error because input wasn’t used to read the string in the older version of Python but to evaluate Python expression. And to fix this Name Error, we can use the raw_input function because it was built to read strings.

Let’s fix the Name Error with the raw_input function.

name = raw_input("Hi! What is your good name? ") print("Nice to meet you "+ name) 
Hi! What is your good name? Nice to meet you Zeeshan 

As you can see, the raw_input function has fixed the Name Error and executed the program smoothly.

Zeeshan is a detail oriented software engineer that helps companies and individuals make their lives and easier with software solutions.

Related Article — Python Error


Python input string not defined

Last updated: Feb 2, 2023
Reading time · 2 min


# NameError: name ‘raw_input’ is not defined in Python

The Python «NameError: name ‘raw_input’ is not defined» occurs when we use the raw_input() function in Python 3.

To solve the error, use the input() function instead of raw_input in Python 3 applications, e.g. s = input(‘Your name: ‘) .

nameerror name raw input is not defined

Here is an example of how the error occurs.

# ⛔️ NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined s = raw_input('Your name: ') print(s)

# The raw_input function has been renamed to input

The raw_input function has been renamed to input in Python 3.

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To solve the error replace calls to raw_input with input in your code.

# ✅ using input() instead of raw_input() s = input('Your name: ') print(s)

The input() function takes an optional prompt argument and writes it to standard output without a trailing newline.

The function then reads the line from the input, converts it to a string and returns the result.

# The input() function always returns a string

The input function always returns a value of type string, even if the user entered an integer.

If you need to take use the values in mathematical operations, use the int() or float() classes to convert the strings to integers or floating-point numbers.

num1 = input('Enter num 1: ') print(num1) # 👉️ '10' num2 = input('Enter num 2: ') print(num2) # 👉️ '10' result = int(num1) * int(num2) print(result) # 👉️ 100

We converted the strings to integers before multiplying them.

You can convert the values to floating-point numbers if taking floats from user input.

num1 = input('Enter num 1: ') print(num1) # 👉️ '5' num2 = input('Enter num 2: ') print(num2) # 👉️ '2.5' result = float(num1) * float(num2) print(result) # 👉️ 12.5

# An alternative of the input() function

An alternative to providing the prompt argument is to use calls to the print() function.

print('Your name: ') s = input() print(s)

This is very similar to passing the prompt argument to the input() function but instead of showing the prompt on the same line, it is displayed on a separate line.

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Почему input() во втором питоне не принимает строку?

Всем привет!
Начал разбираться в питоне, и сразу же непонятная ошибка..

Вот это работает, но вот такое:

name = input ('You name? ') print name
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Python/myName", line 1, in module> i = input ('You name? ') File "", line 1, in module> NameError: name 'Sasha' is not defined

Добавлено через 13 минут
Проблема решена, данные типа str не подлежат обработке в input()
если нужно вбивать туда текст то используйте raw_input

name = raw_input ('You name? ') print ('Hello, ' + name)

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>>> name=raw_input('You name? ') You name? Sasha >>> print name Sasha

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Какая у вас версия питона? Например в питоне версии 2.7.3 функция input() принимает только целые значения. Для строк же используется raw_input():

>>> name=raw_input('You name? ') You name? Sasha >>> print name Sasha

ЦитатаСообщение от Petrol1342 Посмотреть сообщение

>>> print input.__doc__ input([prompt]) -> value Equivalent to eval(raw_input(prompt)). >>>

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ошибка: error C2660: input: функция не принимает 2 аргументов в 25-26 строке #include <cstdlib>.

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And в Питоне в одну строку
здравствуйте, собственно сабж, можно? print("привет" in ЧастьLower) print("пока" in ЧастьLower).


How to Solve Python NameError: name ‘raw_input’ is not defined

The built-in raw_input() function in Python 2 does not exist in Python 3. In Python 3, we can use the function input() to collect input from the user of a program If you try to use raw_input() in a Python 3 program, you will raise the NameError: name ‘raw_input’ is not defined.

To solve this error, use the input() function instead of raw_input() on Python 3.

This tutorial will go through the error in detail and how to solve it with code examples.

Table of contents

NameError: name ‘raw_input’ is not defined

The NameError exception occurs when the object we want to call is not initialized in the current scope of the Python program. The raw_input() function was replaced by input() . The syntax of input() is as follows:

Difference Between input() and raw_input() in Python

The input() function exists in both versions of Python 2 and 3. In Python 3, the input() function explicitly converts the input provided to the type string. In Python 2, the input() function does not modify the type of the input value. Let’s look at examples with both Python 2 and Python 3:

Python 3 input() function

We will use the sys module to verify the version of Python we are using in each example. Let’s look at the use of the input() function in Python 3:

import sys # Print Python version print(sys.version) value_string = input("Enter a string value: ") print(f'Type of value is ') value_float = input("Enter a float value: ") print(f'Type of value is ') value_int = input("Enter a integer value: ") print(f'Type of value is ')

Let’s run the code to get the result:

3.8.8 (default, Apr 13 2021, 12:59:45) [Clang 10.0.0 ] Enter a string value: Python Type of value is Enter a float value: 4.0 Type of value is Enter a integer value: 3 Type of value is

The Python 3 input() function converts all inputs to strings.

Python 2 input() function

import sys # Print Python version print(sys.version) value_string = input("Enter a string value: ") print 'Type of value is', type(value_string) value_float = input("Enter a float value: ") print 'Type of value is', type(value_float) value_int = input("Enter a integer value: ") print 'Type of value is', type(value_int)

Let’s run the code to see the result:

2.7.16 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Sep 24 2019, 16:55:38) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)] Enter a string value: «Python» Type of value is Enter a float value: 4.0 Type of value is Enter a integer value: 3 Type of value is

The Python 2 input() function keeps the type of the input values.

Python 2 raw_input()

The raw_input() function only exists in Python 2 and performs the same functionality as input() in Python 3. Let’s verify this using the following code:

import sys # Print Python version print(sys.version) value_string = raw_input("Enter a string value: ") print 'Type of value is', type(value_string) value_float = raw_input("Enter a float value: ") print 'Type of value is', type(value_float) value_int = raw_input("Enter a integer value: ") print 'Type of value is', type(value_int)

Let’s run the code to see the result:

2.7.16 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Sep 24 2019, 16:55:38) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)] Enter a string value: «Python» Type of value is Enter a float value: 4.0 Type of value is Enter a integer value: 3 Type of value is

The raw_input() function converts the type of all inputs to string. This Python 2 function was replaced with input() in Python 3. You cannot use raw_input() in Python 3.


Let’s look at an example where we take a number as input from the user and return the square of that number. We will try to use the raw_input() function to collect the input.

import sys # Print Python version print(sys.version) number = int(raw_input("Enter number to square: ")) print(f' squared is ')

Let’s run the code to see what happens:

3.8.8 (default, Apr 13 2021, 12:59:45) [Clang 10.0.0 ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) in 2 print(sys.version) 3 ----> 4 number = int(raw_input("Enter number to square: ")) 5 6 print(f' squared is ') NameError: name 'raw_input' is not defined

We get the NameError because raw_input() no longer exists as a built-in function in Python 3.


To solve this error, we need to replace raw_input() with input() . Let’s look at the revised code:

import sys # Print Python version print(sys.version) number = int(input("Enter number to square: ")) print(f' squared is ')

Note that we have to convert the input to an integer using the int() function because the input() function returns a string.

Let’s run the code to see the correct result:

3.8.8 (default, Apr 13 2021, 12:59:45) [Clang 10.0.0 ] Enter number to square: 5 5 squared is 25

We correctly retrieve the input from the user and square the integer value.


Congratulations on reading to the end of this tutorial! The NameError: name ‘raw_input’ is not defined occurs when you try to call the raw_input() function using Python major version 3. You can only use raw_input() in Python 2.

To solve this error, replace all instances of raw_input() with the input() function in your program.

For further reading on deprecated functions in Python 2, go to the article:

For further reading on NameErrors, go to the articles

To learn more about Python for data science and machine learning, go to the online courses page on Python for the most comprehensive courses available.

Have fun and happy researching!

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