Python getattr this module

How to get a reference to current module’s attributes in Python

How can I get a reference to all the names defined in mymodule from within mymodule itself? Something like this:

# names = dir(__thismodule__) 

3 Answers 3

As previously mentioned, globals gives you a dictionary as opposed to dir() which gives you a list of the names defined in the module. The way I typically see this done is like this:

import sys dir(sys.modules[__name__]) 

I was going to add a comment that this wouldn’t work for the ‘main‘ module (which is what the module run at the terminal is called) because that does not seem to be listed in sys.modules — but it does indeed work 🙂

Excellent! This just allowed me to use the current module’s docstring as a usage message — sys.modules[__name__].__doc__ .

And to get super hacky. operators.attrgetter(‘module.attribute’)(sys.modules[__name__]) — you know, if you do crazy things people tell you not to do like dynamically import packages from strings and then monkey patch those while not being within a class or anything.

For anyone reading comment by george: sys.modules[__name__].__doc__ == __doc__ as this is defined in the current namespace. Fetching the module object to access its own attributes is therefore not necessary.

globals() — Return a dictionary representing the current global symbol table. This is always the dictionary of the current module (inside a function or method, this is the module where it is defined, not the module from which it is called).

You may try getting caller’s globals from the traceback module (, but this is getting into dark magic territory. I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but you may want to rethink your design if you need that.

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A classic case of «I need X (to get Y done) -> You don’t need X you need Z». I do need X though! No offense, I just find this amusing, and the most voted answer gives me the answer I need 🙂

Important to note that the globals() can return wrong result as it depends on the context where being called. For example, if make a call from a class function, then it will return the global context linked to the class, not the current module context, which is significally different thing. Even if make a call from a free function it can return a different module global context, dependent on how the function has been imported.

It might be late to answer, but I didn’t found the correct answer for myself. The most closest and precise solution (faster than inspect.stack() ) in the python 3.7.x :

# search for first module in the stack stack_frame = inspect.currentframe() while stack_frame: print('***', stack_frame.f_code.co_name, stack_frame.f_code.co_filename, stack_frame.f_lineno) if stack_frame.f_code.co_name == '': if stack_frame.f_code.co_filename != '': caller_module = inspect.getmodule(stack_frame) else: # piped or interactive import caller_module = sys.modules['__main__'] if not caller_module is None: #. do something here . break stack_frame = stack_frame.f_back 
  • Preciser than globals() method.
  • Does not depend on the stack intermediate frames, which can be added for example, via hooking or by the 3dparty tools like pytest :
*** foo . .. *** boo . .. *** runtest c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\xonsh\ 58 *** pytest_runtest_call c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 125 *** _multicall c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 187 *** c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 86 *** _hookexec c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 92 *** __call__ c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 286 *** c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 201 *** from_call c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 229 *** call_runtest_hook c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 201 *** call_and_report c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 176 *** runtestprotocol c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 95 *** pytest_runtest_protocol c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 80 *** _multicall c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 187 *** c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 86 *** _hookexec c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 92 *** __call__ c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 286 *** pytest_runtestloop c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 258 *** _multicall c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 187 *** c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 86 *** _hookexec c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 92 *** __call__ c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 286 *** _main c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 237 *** wrap_session c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 193 *** pytest_cmdline_main c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ 230 *** _multicall c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 187 *** c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 86 *** _hookexec c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 92 *** __call__ c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\pluggy\ 286 *** main c:\python\x86\37\lib\site-packages\_pytest\config\ 90 *** c:\Python\x86\37\Scripts\pytest.exe\ 7 
  • A kind of much precise and can return modules registered in an executable like for the pytest.exe which might not what you want.
  • inspect.getmodule still may return None on valid modules depending on hooking
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The extension having wrapper functions for that case:

def tkl_get_stack_frame_module_by_offset(skip_stack_frames = 0, use_last_frame_on_out_of_stack = False): . def tkl_get_stack_frame_module_by_name(name = ''): . 

You have to just initialize the extension properly:

# portable import to the global space sys.path.append() import tacklelib as tkl tkl.tkl_init(tkl, global_config = ) # cleanup del tkl # must be instead of `tkl = None`, otherwise the variable would be still persist sys.path.pop() # use `tkl_*` functions directly from here . 


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