Python get parameter name

Getting list of parameter names inside python function

Solution 1: Use and you can get all the arguments (and any other local variables): Might be possible to do it more efficiently, and you could inline argdict if you prefer less lines to readability or find it more readable that way. So you don’t have to actually name the arguments explicitly use: Solution 3: The attribute only assigns one attribute at a time, if you want to assign multiple attribute, you can use in your function header and for limiting the number of arguments you can simply check the length of within your function.

Function from list of parameters

As some of the comments mentioned you need to use the requests library to actually grab the content of each link in your list.

import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup html=["", "", ""] def stars(html): for url in html: resp = requests.get(url) bsObj = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html.parser') print(bsObj) # Should print the entire html document. # Do other stuff with bsObj here. stars(html) 

The IndexError from bsObj.findAll(«section»)[8].findAll(«div»)[1].findAll(«span»)[16] is something you’ll need to figure out yourself.

You have a couple of errors here.

  1. you are trying to load the whole list of pages into BeautifulSoup. You should process page by page.
  2. You should get the source code of the page before processing it.
  3. there is no «section» element on the page you are loading, so you will get an exception as you are trying to get the 8th element. So you might need to evaluate whether you found anything.
def stars(html): request = requests.get(html) if request.status_code != 200: return page_content = request.content bsObj = BeautifulSoup(page_content) starbewertung = bsObj.findAll("section")[8].findAll("div")[1].findAll("span")[16] str_cells = str(starbewertung) cleantext = BeautifulSoup(str_cells, "lxml").get_text() print(cleantext) for page in html: stars(page) 

How to get list of parameters name from a function in, Below are some programs which depict how to use the getargspec () method of the inspect module to get the list of parameters name: Example 1: Getting the parameter list of a method. ArgSpec (args= [], varargs=’args’, keywords=’kwds’, defaults=None) Example 2: Getting the parameter list of an explicit function.

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PYTHON : Getting list of parameter names inside python

PYTHON : Getting list of parameter names inside python function [ Gift : PYTHON : Getting list of parameter names inside python function [ Gift : Animated Search Engine :

Python — Iterating over Arguments passed to a Function

Use locals() and you can get all the arguments (and any other local variables):

class foo: def bar(self, w, x, y, z): argdict = for key, value in argdict.iteritems(): setattr(self, key, value) . 

Might be possible to do it more efficiently, and you could inline argdict if you prefer less lines to readability or find it more readable that way.

So you don’t have to actually name the arguments explicitly use:

class foo: def __init__(self, w, x, y, z): args = locals()# gets a dictionary of all local parameters for argName in args: if argName!='self': setattr(self, argName, args[argName]) 

The __setattr__ attribute only assigns one attribute at a time, if you want to assign multiple attribute, you can use **kwargs in your function header and for limiting the number of arguments you can simply check the length of kwargs within your function. and call the __setattr__ for each each of the arguments one by one. One good reason for this recipe is that basically assigning attribute to an object without considering anything is not a correct and desirable job, due to a lot of reasons. Thus you have to assign each attribute one at a time by considering all the required conditions.

You can also do this manually by updating the instance dictionary but you should handle the exceptions too.

In [80]: class foo: def bar(self, **kwargs): if len(kwargs) != 4: raise Exception("Please enter 4 keyword argument") for k, v in kwargs.items(): foo.__setattr__(self, k, v) . In [81]: f = foo() In [82]:, x=2, y=3, z=4) In [83]: f.w Out[83]: 1 In [84]:, x=2, y=3, z=4, r=5) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exception Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1, x=2, y=3, z=4, r=5) in bar(self, **kwargs) 2 def bar(self, **kwargs): 3 if len(kwargs) != 4: ----> 4 raise Exception("Please enter 4 keyword argument") 5 for k, v in kwargs.items(): 6 foo.__setattr__(self, k, v) Exception: Please enter 4 keyword argument 

By using __setatter__ it will take care of the exception automatically:

In [70]:, 2) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1, 2) in bar(self, *args) 2 def bar(self, *args): 3 for item in args: ----> 4 foo.__setattr__(self, item, item) 5 TypeError: attribute name must be string, not 'int' 

Python — Getting Function Parameters Names and, I’ve been trying to create a class that gets the parameter names and subsequent values from the init method of another class. Here’s an example of the class I’m trying to get those names from: clas

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Iterating through a list passed as a parameter in python function

for will take all your list elements one by one :
simply do this for the first one :

def get_algorithm_result(list1=[1, 78, 34, 12, 10, 3]): max_index = 0 index = 0 max_num = list1[0] for i in list1: if i > max_num: max_num = i max_index = index index += 1 return max_num 

Check that for the second one.

The keyword argument list1 is retained in every function call, and is modified. You could make a copy of that list inside the function and work on the copy:

def get_algorithm_result(list_1=[1, 78, 34, 12, 10, 3]): working_list = working_list.copy() if working_list else [] max_index = len(working_list) - 1 for i in working_list: max_num = i while max_num is i: if working_list[working_list.index(i) + 1] > max_num: working_list[working_list.index(i) + 1] = max_num if working_list.index(i) + 1 is max_index: return max_num else: return max_num break 

I’m not sure why you’re updateing the original list of numbers as that is not what the description you give calls for. Is this what you’re after :

# 1. Get a list of numbers L1, L2, L3. LN as argument def get_algorithm_result(list1=[1, 78, 34, 12, 10, 3]): # 2. Assume L1 is the largest, Largest = L1 largest = list1[0] # 3. Take next number Li from the list and do the following for item in list1[1:] # 4. If Largest is less than Li if largest < item: # 5. Largest = Li largest = item # 6. If Li is last number from the list then (loop will have ended) # 7. return Largest and come out # 8. Else repeat same process starting from step 3 (next iteration of loop) return largest 

How to get a list of parameter names inside Python, To extract the number and names of the arguments from a function or function [something] to return ("arg1", "arg2"), we use the inspect module. The given code is written as follows using inspect module to find the parameters inside the functions aMethod and foo. Example

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Getting function parameters and variables names and values from decorated function

Yes, you can use the inspect module to get information about the arguments passed to the function, or you can read all of the function's local variables from func.__code__.co_varnames .

import inspect def logger(f): def inner(*args): print(f'signature: ') print(f'variables: ') return f(*args) return inner @logger def add(a,b): c = 5 d = a + b +c return d 
>>> add(4,5) signature: (a, b) variables: ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') 14 

There is no way to get the values of the internal variables, but you can get the values of the arguments:

def logger(f): def inner(*args): print(f'signature: ') return f(*args) return inner 

Note that both Signature and BoundArguments have additional information you can get if you dig deeper into them. See inspect module docs for more info.

Python - How to get method parameter names?, Given the Python function: def a_method(arg1, arg2): pass How can I extract the number and names of the arguments. I.e., given that I have a reference to func, I want the func.[something] to return ("arg1", "arg2").. The usage scenario for this is that I have a decorator, and I wish to use the method arguments in the same …


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