Python get config var

Access to Python’s configuration information

Configuration information of Python’s installation can be accessed by the sysconfig module. For example the list of installation paths and the configuration variables specific to the installation platform.

The sysconfig module provides the following functions to access Configuration variables


With no arguments, this function returns a dictionary of all configuration variables relevant for the current platform.

>>> import sysconfig >>> sysconfig.get_config_vars()

With arguments, return a list of values for specific keys. For each argument, if the value is not found, return None.

>>> sysconfig.get_config_vars('base','EXE') ['E:\python37', '.exe']


This function returns the value of a single variable name. This is equivalent to get_config_vars().get(name). If name is not found, the function returns None.

>>> sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION') '37' >>> sysconfig.get_config_var('srcdir') 'E:\python37'

Python uses an installation scheme that differs depending on the platform and on the installation options. Following schemes are currently supported:

posix_prefix scheme for Posix platforms like Linux or Mac OS X.
posix_home scheme for Posix platforms used when a home option is used upon installation.
posix_user scheme for Posix platforms used when a component is installed through Distutils and the user option is used.
nt scheme for NT platforms like Windows.
nt_user scheme for NT platforms, when the user option is used


This function returns a tuple containing all path names currently supported in sysconfig.

>>> sysconfig.get_path_names() ('stdlib', 'platstdlib', 'purelib', 'platlib', 'include', 'scripts', 'data')

Each scheme is composed of a various paths having unique identifier. The path names are as below:

stdlib directory containing the standard Python library files that are not platform-specific.
platstdlib directory containing the standard Python library files that are platform-specific.
platlib directory for site-specific, platform-specific files.
purelib directory for site-specific, non-platform-specific files.
include directory for non-platform-specific header files.
platinclude directory for platform-specific header files.
scripts directory for script files.
data directory for data files.


This function returns installation path corresponding to the path name, from the install scheme named scheme.

>>> sysconfig.get_path('include') 'E:\python37\Include'
>>> sysconfig.get_platform() 'win-amd64'


This function returns the MAJOR.MINOR Python version number as a string.

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This function returns a string that identifies the current platform.

The configuration variables and their values can also be accessed using sysconfig module with –m option.

E:\python37>python -m sysconfig Platform: "win-amd64" Python version: "3.7" Current installation scheme: "nt" Paths: data = "E:\python37" include = "E:\python37\Include" platinclude = "E:\python37\Include" platlib = "E:\python37\Lib\site-packages" platstdlib = "E:\python37\Lib" purelib = "E:\python37\Lib\site-packages" scripts = "E:\python37\Scripts" stdlib = "E:\python37\Lib" Variables: BINDIR = "E:\python37" BINLIBDEST = "E:\python37\Lib" EXE = ".exe" EXT_SUFFIX = ".pyd" INCLUDEPY = "E:\python37\Include" LIBDEST = "E:\python37\Lib" SO = ".pyd" VERSION = "37" abiflags = "" base = "E:\python37" exec_prefix = "E:\python37" installed_base = "E:\python37" installed_platbase = "E:\python37" platbase = "E:\python37" prefix = "E:\python37" projectbase = "E:\python37" py_version = "3.7.2" py_version_nodot = "37" py_version_short = "3.7" srcdir = "E:\python37" userbase = "C:\Users\acer\AppData\Roaming\Python"


29.2. sysconfig — Provide access to Python’s configuration information¶

The sysconfig module provides access to Python’s configuration information like the list of installation paths and the configuration variables relevant for the current platform.

29.2.1. Configuration variables¶

A Python distribution contains a Makefile and a pyconfig.h header file that are necessary to build both the Python binary itself and third-party C extensions compiled using distutils .

sysconfig puts all variables found in these files in a dictionary that can be accessed using get_config_vars() or get_config_var() .

Notice that on Windows, it’s a much smaller set.

sysconfig. get_config_vars ( *args ) ¶

With no arguments, return a dictionary of all configuration variables relevant for the current platform.

With arguments, return a list of values that result from looking up each argument in the configuration variable dictionary.

For each argument, if the value is not found, return None .

sysconfig. get_config_var ( name ) ¶

Return the value of a single variable name. Equivalent to get_config_vars().get(name) .

If name is not found, return None .

>>> import sysconfig >>> sysconfig.get_config_var('Py_ENABLE_SHARED') 0 >>> sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR') '/usr/local/lib' >>> sysconfig.get_config_vars('AR', 'CXX') ['ar', 'g++'] 

29.2.2. Installation paths¶

Python uses an installation scheme that differs depending on the platform and on the installation options. These schemes are stored in sysconfig under unique identifiers based on the value returned by .

Every new component that is installed using distutils or a Distutils-based system will follow the same scheme to copy its file in the right places.

Python currently supports seven schemes:

  • posix_prefix: scheme for Posix platforms like Linux or Mac OS X. This is the default scheme used when Python or a component is installed.
  • posix_home: scheme for Posix platforms used when a home option is used upon installation. This scheme is used when a component is installed through Distutils with a specific home prefix.
  • posix_user: scheme for Posix platforms used when a component is installed through Distutils and the user option is used. This scheme defines paths located under the user home directory.
  • nt: scheme for NT platforms like Windows.
  • nt_user: scheme for NT platforms, when the user option is used.
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Each scheme is itself composed of a series of paths and each path has a unique identifier. Python currently uses eight paths:

  • stdlib: directory containing the standard Python library files that are not platform-specific.
  • platstdlib: directory containing the standard Python library files that are platform-specific.
  • platlib: directory for site-specific, platform-specific files.
  • purelib: directory for site-specific, non-platform-specific files.
  • include: directory for non-platform-specific header files.
  • platinclude: directory for platform-specific header files.
  • scripts: directory for script files.
  • data: directory for data files.

sysconfig provides some functions to determine these paths.

Return a tuple containing all schemes currently supported in sysconfig .

Return a tuple containing all path names currently supported in sysconfig .

sysconfig. get_path ( name [ , scheme [ , vars [ , expand ] ] ] ) ¶

Return an installation path corresponding to the path name, from the install scheme named scheme.

name has to be a value from the list returned by get_path_names() .

sysconfig stores installation paths corresponding to each path name, for each platform, with variables to be expanded. For instance the stdlib path for the nt scheme is: /Lib .

get_path() will use the variables returned by get_config_vars() to expand the path. All variables have default values for each platform so one may call this function and get the default value.

If scheme is provided, it must be a value from the list returned by get_scheme_names() . Otherwise, the default scheme for the current platform is used.

If vars is provided, it must be a dictionary of variables that will update the dictionary return by get_config_vars() .

If expand is set to False , the path will not be expanded using the variables.

If name is not found, return None .

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sysconfig. get_paths ( [ scheme [ , vars [ , expand ] ] ] ) ¶

Return a dictionary containing all installation paths corresponding to an installation scheme. See get_path() for more information.

If scheme is not provided, will use the default scheme for the current platform.

If vars is provided, it must be a dictionary of variables that will update the dictionary used to expand the paths.

If expand is set to false, the paths will not be expanded.

If scheme is not an existing scheme, get_paths() will raise a KeyError .

29.2.3. Other functions¶

Return the MAJOR.MINOR Python version number as a string. Similar to ‘%d.%d’ % sys.version_info[:2] .

Return a string that identifies the current platform.

This is used mainly to distinguish platform-specific build directories and platform-specific built distributions. Typically includes the OS name and version and the architecture (as supplied by ‘os.uname()’), although the exact information included depends on the OS; e.g., on Linux, the kernel version isn’t particularly important.

Examples of returned values:

Windows will return one of:

  • win-amd64 (64bit Windows on AMD64 (aka x86_64, Intel64, EM64T, etc)
  • win32 (all others — specifically, sys.platform is returned)

For other non-POSIX platforms, currently just returns sys.platform .

Return True if the running Python interpreter was built from source and is being run from its built location, and not from a location resulting from e.g. running make install or installing via a binary installer.

sysconfig. parse_config_h ( fp [ , vars ] ) ¶

Parse a config.h -style file.

fp is a file-like object pointing to the config.h -like file.

A dictionary containing name/value pairs is returned. If an optional dictionary is passed in as the second argument, it is used instead of a new dictionary, and updated with the values read in the file.

Return the path of pyconfig.h .

Return the path of Makefile .

29.2.4. Using sysconfig as a script¶

You can use sysconfig as a script with Python’s -m option:

$ python -m sysconfig Platform: "macosx-10.4-i386" Python version: "3.2" Current installation scheme: "posix_prefix" Paths: data = "/usr/local" include = "/Users/tarek/Dev/" platinclude = "." platlib = "/usr/local/lib/python3.2/site-packages" platstdlib = "/usr/local/lib/python3.2" purelib = "/usr/local/lib/python3.2/site-packages" scripts = "/usr/local/bin" stdlib = "/usr/local/lib/python3.2" Variables: AC_APPLE_UNIVERSAL_BUILD = "0" AIX_GENUINE_CPLUSPLUS = "0" AR = "ar" ARFLAGS = "rc" . 

This call will print in the standard output the information returned by get_platform() , get_python_version() , get_path() and get_config_vars() .


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