Python games in browser

Can i code browser games in python in my website

But i want that on a website , so i want to know whats the best way to have simulations /games inside browser Solution 1: Games running in the browser are usually developed in either Javascript or Flash. Games that are ment to play in browser are traditionally written in javascript, or flash or even a java applet but they are less common.

Can i code browser games in python in my website

I am not much into gaming but i am learning and doing some practicles in Artifical Intelligence algorithms. Now as i can develop full fledge application so it means even if learn various techniques , i won’t be having anything to show in interview.

I have seen that all AI techniques / algorithms are usually tested as simulation. i saw one video from google where they showed their AI techniques in small games wherevery small characters were showing /doing things based on their learning. So i think by implementing them in small games , i can demonstrate what i have learned so that i can have small preactical applicatin.

But i want that on a website , so i want to know whats the best way to have simulations /games inside browser

Games running in the browser are usually developed in either Javascript or Flash. If you’re specifically interested in Python for this task, take a look at Pyjamas:

Pyjamas is a Rich Internet Application (RIA) Development Platform for both Web and Desktop.

It contains a Python-to-Javascript compiler, an AJAX framework and a Widget Set API. Pyjamas started life as a Python port of Google Web Toolkit, the Java-to-Javascript compiler. Read the FAQ and the list of features.

As far as I know it is not possible to execute python scripts in the browser. What you can do is generate the set of actions to be taken on the server side using python and then send these commands to the browser and interpret them in javascript. Or if you don’t want a server side, you can just write the game in actionscript, silverlight or javascript/html5.

Today, i’d recommand using pygbag from It uses the same principles applied to pygame from Panda3D webgl port ( not the old plugin) using Web Assembly for modern browsers.

Django vs other Python web frameworks?, Django is definitely worth learning, and sounds like it will fit your purposes. The admin interface it comes with is easy to get up and running, and it does use authentication. As for «anything lower level», if you mean sql, it is entirely possible to shove sql into you queries with the extra keyword.

Whats the best language to create a web application game or flash game like

I read that the creator used javascript and C++ to code the game I am trying to learn how to create a similiar web app. I just dont know which language to use or where to start. Some resources would be great! I was thinking python would be a great language to write with because of its ease of use.

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the game is created mainly using javascript. However, it also uses HTML, CSS, and JQuery. Games that are ment to play in browser are traditionally written in javascript, or flash or even a java applet but they are less common. From my understanding you can also use C++ on the networking side of things if that interests you. I would suggest using either flash or javascript if you intend to make a browser based game and then use html to format it.

Cross Platform SWF Playback with Python?, Though I don’t know how to embed a browser within a wxPython window, the following code might serve in a pinch (and will work cross-platform, assuming you’re working in Python 2.5 or above): import webbrowser (your_swf_url) It might be best to delegate this task to the …

Calling ActionScript from Python. Is that possible?

If swf file is embedded in html it is easy to call ActionScript methods via ExternalInterface using JavaScript. Now I want to use the swf file outside of a browser and still be able to access its methods, but now I want to use Python to call ActionScript. Is it possible? There is so little information about it in the Internet. Probably I can use AMF (pyAmf) for this, can I?

If you want to use the swf in such a manner outside the browser investigate AIR or localconnection.

[Edit] You can use Python to listen for ExternalInterface events. has something you could look into, albeit a little outdate:
def ExternalCall(self,evt): print "ExternalCall", evt.request ret = "Sample data" 

Your swf can listen for connections with Socket, acting like a server. ByteArray.readObject can read object in AMF format from message bytes, so you can encode method name and arguments in object.

How to build a web application using Flask and deploy it, Line 1: Here we are importing the Flask module and creating a Flask web server from the Flask module. Line 3: __name__ means this current file. In this case, it will be This current file will represent my web application. We are creating an instance of the Flask class and calling it app.

Online browser game Architecture

I want to develop an online browser game which is heavy in graphics and functionality.I am new to these technologies so pardon me for any vague questions:

  1. How and where should i start?
  2. What should be my front-end programming choices and workflow?
  3. What should be my back-end programming choices and workflow?
  4. Do i need a game engine for a browser game?

How and where should i start?

I assume you already have vision of what the game should look like. Have some mind experiments and see where your vision leads. Be positive and do not let any doubts to creep into your mind. Try some prototyping, evaluate them and adjust your plans accordingly.

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If you have no experience in technologies you are going to use, it is almost certain you will encounter some roadblocks, where those technologies do not allow you to achieve exactly what yo want. It happens to everyone. Learn from that experience and move on.

What should be my front-end programming choices and workflow?

HTML5 solution will be most accessible, but it is arguably the most difficult to implement. You have to know Javascript very well.

Flash solution can have really cool graphic effects with little effort, but there are some people concerned about resource consumption of Flash.

Silverlight is Flash for Microsoft developers. It is the least accessible for the users.

What should be my back-end programming choices and workflow?

Some popular web frameworks: Ruby on Rails (Ruby), Zend Framework (PHP), ASP.NET MVC (.NET), Django(Python)

I’d suggest you always implement features in top-down manner: start with the UI (what user wants to see/be able to achieve) down to «business logic» down to DB.

With the rise of NOSQL Databases, they may be the right fit, instead of the traditional Relational Databases. When choosing DB, evaluate read/write ratio of your app. Usual recipes are for apps where reads are more frequent than writes. I suspect this may not be the case for games, so you should be careful by following them.

Do i need a game engine for a browser game?

I suppose you are talking about full-blown game development framework, where you are left with just filling in placeholders? I would’t choose such thing, and even don’t know of the choices. It would constrain my options too much. However, I’d certainly use some libraries like 3D Graphics Engine to offload nonessential functionality and focus on what makes my game unique.

But there is another thing you may call Game engine — it is the core logic of your game. I’d suggest you pay attention and model this core behavior explicitly (most probably, in OOP style). Have it all in one place (rather than scattered around all over the codebase). Games tend to have quite complex logic compared to average apps, and if you do not model it properly, you may end up having hard time understanding it later.

1. How and where should i start?
For an online game, I think the most popular development platform for now is Flash. If you want to do the lastest and greatest, then try learning HTML5, with the Canvas API. So you have two choices, maybe you can start by checking which one suits you the most? Read some articles or books maybe?

2. What should be my front-end programming choices and workflow?
For Flash, obviously ActionScript. If you want to use HTML5, you will have to go for javascript. JavaScript is supported in all browser. But be careful if you use HTML5, not all of the APIs are supported in all browsers.

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3. What should be my back-end programming choices and workflow?
For back-end programming, if you want to use your own server for hosting, I’d recommend Python. It’s easy to learn and still have some great features. As for the workflow, I don’t really understands the question, so would you mind explaining it in comment?

4. Do i need a game engine for a browser game?
This I agree with the others: it depends on what do you mean by «Game Engine».

  • 1) Graphics, basic database functions & database structure
  • 2) javascript, jquery, CSS, HTML
  • 3) PHP, shell, crontab
  • 4) It depends what do you mean by «Game engine»

You can see simple example here

Framework is couple of methods & classes you work with and framework helps you to proccess code more faster.

class db < function db()< mysql_connect("localhost", "name", "pass"); mysql_select_db("game"); $result = query("SELECT user,important,data FROM users WHERE . "); $this->user_data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); > function query($query) < $result = mysql_query($query); if ($result) < return $result; >> > $db = new db(); 

How and where should i start?

First is planning. You should decide what your game would be like, and stick to the plan. You also have to decide on several things, like :

  • Who re the intended market? How many users?
  • How big is the team needed to develop?
  • What will be the revenue model? (pay per download or ads)
  • What platform (is Flash ok-do you need to run in IOS or HTML5, Java or .net)?
  • Do you need cloud or distributed back end?
  • Character Design and Gameplay Design?
  • How much budget needed to develop this game? Any sponsor?

What should be my front-end and back-end programming choices and workflow?

You can always decide by your own, but everything back to the requirement.Esp how many estimated user, is it server client or just a standalone game. My advice is try take a look on successful case studies and learn from there. Don’t waste time to do trial and error. One example is Angry Bird case study : Chrome Case study:Angry Bird link and Angry Bird case study link

Do i need a game engine for a browser game?

If your definition of Game engine is according to Wikipedia Wikipedia link:

«Game engines provide a suite of visual development tools in addition to reusable software components.» , my answer will be :

  • if it’s a small game, one level ( or UI ) my answer it’s not.
  • if it’s a big game, multiple level ( or UI ) my answer it’s yes. You don’t want to code every level in code.

Is it possible to put a python game on my website, 1. No, it’s not easily possible — unless maybe someone has written something fiendishly clever. This is because pygame uses local I/O operations, such as gathering input and displaying graphics [with SDL] — and if it doesn’t do that, it’s not really utilizing pygame. Thus to make it work either «in» or «connected to» a …


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