Python ftp отправка файла

Upload folders from local system to FTP using Python script

I have to automatically upload folders to an FTP using a Python script. I am able to upload a single file, but not folders with subfolders and files in them. I did a lot of search, but failed. Could some one help me out here? Thanks in advance.

#! /usr/bin/python import ftplib s = ftplib.FTP('serverip','usrname','password') file = '/home/rock/test.txt' ftppath = '/IT' filename = "rak" s.cwd(ftppath) f = open(file,'rb') s.storbinary('STOR ' + filename, f) f.close() s.quit() 

well you’re going to have to loop over the files and folders and execute your working code for each file. How else do you expect to do this?

7 Answers 7

I recently came into this problem and figured out a recursive function to solve it.

import ftplib import os server = 'localhost' username = 'generic_user' password = 'password' myFTP = ftplib.FTP(server, username, password) myPath = r'c:\temp' def uploadThis(path): files = os.listdir(path) os.chdir(path) for f in files: if os.path.isfile(path + r'\<>'.format(f)): fh = open(f, 'rb') myFTP.storbinary('STOR %s' % f, fh) fh.close() elif os.path.isdir(path + r'\<>'.format(f)): myFTP.mkd(f) myFTP.cwd(f) uploadThis(path + r'\<>'.format(f)) myFTP.cwd('..') os.chdir('..') uploadThis(myPath) # now call the recursive function 

Nice, one small issue: using os.path.join would make sure that your code does not depend on the operating system.

If you encounter problems, change all path + r’\<>‘.format(f) to simply f. That way it worked for me — the original did not.

You basically need to use os.walk() to grab those files and transfer them.

Here’s a script I wrote for myself to do much of what your asking. I wrote it a long time ago, so I’d probably do it differently if I wrote it again, but I get a lot of use out of it.

It imports psftplib, which is a wrapper I wrote for the putty sftp. Feel free to remove these references, or grab the lib at:

# -*- coding: utf8 -*- '''This tool will ftp all the files in a given directory to a given location if the file exists in the directory it will be loaded and the values within it used, with the current directory used as the source directory. file contains the following variables. =========================== server = username = remote_dir = encrypt= True/False monitor = True/False walk = True/False =========================== ''' import ftplib import os import getpass import sys import time import socket import psftplib __revision__ = 1.11 SLEEP_SECONDS = 1 class FtpAddOns(): PATH_CACHE = [] def __init__(self, ftp_h): self.ftp_h = ftp_h def ftp_exists(self, path): '''path exists check function for ftp handler''' exists = None if path not in self.PATH_CACHE: try: self.ftp_h.cwd(path) exists = True self.PATH_CACHE.append(path) except ftplib.error_perm, e: if str(e.args).count('550'): exists = False else: exists = True return exists def ftp_mkdirs(self, path, sep='/'): '''mkdirs function for ftp handler''' split_path = path.split(sep) new_dir = '' for server_dir in split_path: if server_dir: new_dir += sep + server_dir if not self.ftp_exists(new_dir): try: print 'Attempting to create directory (%s) . ' % (new_dir), self.ftp_h.mkd(new_dir) print 'Done!' except Exception, e: print 'ERROR -- %s' % (str(e.args)) def _get_local_files(local_dir, walk=False): '''Retrieve local files list result_list == a list of dictionaries with path and mtime keys. ex: ,'mtime':> ignore_dirs == a list of directories to ignore, should not include the base_dir. ignore_files == a list of files to ignore. ignore_file_ext == a list of extentions to ignore. ''' result_list = [] ignore_dirs = ['CVS', '.svn'] ignore_files = ['.project', '.pydevproject'] ignore_file_ext = ['.pyc'] base_dir = os.path.abspath(local_dir) for current_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir): for this_dir in ignore_dirs: if this_dir in dirs: dirs.remove(this_dir) sub_dir = current_dir.replace(base_dir, '') if not walk and sub_dir: break for this_file in files: if this_file not in ignore_files and os.path.splitext(this_file)[-1].lower() not in ignore_file_ext: filepath = os.path.join(current_dir, this_file) file_monitor_dict = < 'path': filepath, 'mtime': os.path.getmtime(filepath) >result_list.append(file_monitor_dict) return result_list def monitor_and_ftp(server, username, password, local_dir, remote_dir, encrypt=False, walk=False): '''Monitor local files and when an update is found connect and upload''' print 'Monitoring changes in (%s).' % (os.path.abspath(local_dir)) print '(Use ctrl-c to exit)' last_files_list = _get_local_files(local_dir) while True: try: time.sleep(SLEEP_SECONDS) latest_files_list = _get_local_files(local_dir) files_to_update = [] for idx in xrange(len(latest_files_list)): if idx < len(last_files_list): # compare last modified times if latest_files_list[idx]['mtime'] >last_files_list[idx]['mtime']: files_to_update.append(latest_files_list[idx]) else: # add the file to the list (new file) files_to_update.append(latest_files_list[idx]) if files_to_update: print print 'Detected NEW or CHANGED file(s), attempting to send . ' print is_success = upload_all(server, username, password, local_dir, remote_dir, files_to_update, encrypt, walk) if not is_success: break else: print '.', last_files_list = latest_files_list[:] # copy the list to hold except KeyboardInterrupt: print print 'Exiting.' break def upload_all(server, username, password, base_local_dir, base_remote_dir, files_to_update=None, encrypt=False, walk=False): '''Upload all files in a given directory to the given remote directory''' continue_on = False login_ok = False server_connect_ok = False base_local_dir = os.path.abspath(base_local_dir) base_remote_dir = os.path.normpath(base_remote_dir) if files_to_update: local_files = files_to_update else: local_files = _get_local_files(base_local_dir, walk) if local_files: if not encrypt: # Use standard FTP ftp_h = ftplib.FTP() else: # Use sftp ftp_h = psftplib.SFTP() try: ftp_h.connect(server) server_connect_ok = True except socket.gaierror, e: print 'ERROR -- Could not connect to (%s): %s' % (server, str(e.args)) except IOError, e: print 'ERROR -- File not found: %s' % (str(e.args)) except socket.error, e: print 'ERROR -- Could not connect to (%s): %s' % (server, str(e.args)) ftp_path_tools = FtpAddOns(ftp_h) if server_connect_ok: try: ftp_h.login(username,password) print 'Logged into (%s) as (%s)' % (server, username) login_ok = True except ftplib.error_perm, e: print 'ERROR -- Check Username/Password: %s' % (str(e.args)) except psftplib.ProcessTimeout, e: print 'ERROR -- Check Username/Password (timeout): %s' % (str(e.args)) if login_ok: for file_info in local_files: filepath = file_info['path'] path, filename = os.path.split(filepath) remote_sub_path = path.replace(base_local_dir, '') remote_path = path.replace(base_local_dir, base_remote_dir) remote_path = remote_path.replace('\\', '/') # Convert to unix style if not ftp_path_tools.ftp_exists(remote_path): ftp_path_tools.ftp_mkdirs(remote_path) # Change to directory try: ftp_h.cwd(remote_path) continue_on = True except ftplib.error_perm, e: print 'ERROR -- %s' % (str(e.args)) except psftplib.PsFtpInvalidCommand, e: print 'ERROR -- %s' % (str(e.args)) if continue_on: if os.path.exists(filepath): f_h = open(filepath,'rb') filename = os.path.split([-1] display_filename = os.path.join(remote_sub_path, filename) display_filename = display_filename.replace('\\', '/') print 'Sending (%s) . ' % (display_filename), send_cmd = 'STOR %s' % (filename) try: ftp_h.storbinary(send_cmd, f_h) f_h.close() print 'Done!' except Exception, e: print 'ERROR!' print str(e.args) print else: print "WARNING -- File no longer exists, (%s)!" % (filepath) ftp_h.quit() print 'Closing Connection' else: print 'ERROR -- No files found in (%s)' % (base_local_dir) return continue_on if __name__ == '__main__': import optparse default_config_file = u'' # Create parser, and configure command line options to parse parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-l", "--local_dir", dest="local_dir", help="Local Directory (Defaults to CWD)", default='.') parser.add_option("-r", "--remote_dir", dest="remote_dir", help="[REQUIRED] Target Remote directory", default=None) parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", help="[REQUIRED] username", default=None) parser.add_option("-s","--server", dest="server", help="[REQUIRED] Server Address", default=None) parser.add_option("-e", "--encrypt", action="store_true", dest="encrypt", help="Use sftp", default=False) parser.add_option("-m", action="store_true", dest="monitor", help="Keep process open and monitor changes", default=False) parser.add_option("-w", action="store_true", dest="walkdir", help="Walk sub directories of the given directory to find files to send.", default=False) (options,args) = parser.parse_args() if (options.username and options.server and options.remote_dir) or \ os.path.exists(default_config_file): local_dir = options.local_dir if os.path.exists(default_config_file): sys.path.append('.') import ftpallcfg try: server = ftpallcfg.server username = ftpallcfg.username remote_dir = ftpallcfg.remote_dir encrypt = ftpallcfg.encrypt monitor = ftpallcfg.monitor walk = ftpallcfg.walk except AttributeError, e: print "ERROR --", str(e.args) print print 'Value(s) missing in %s file! The following values MUST be included:' % (default_config_file) print '================================' print 'server = ' print 'username = ' print 'remote_dir = ' print 'encrypt= True/False' print 'monitor = True/False' print 'walk == True/False' print '================================' sys.exit() else: server = options.server username = options.username remote_dir = options.remote_dir encrypt = options.encrypt monitor = options.monitor walk = options.walkdir # get the user password prompt = 'Password (%s@%s): ' % (username, server) if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): p = getpass.getpass(prompt) else: #p = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() p = raw_input(prompt).rstrip() if options.encrypt: print '>> Using sftp for secure transfers  


Как использовать Python для работы с FTP

Узнайте, как использовать Python для работы с FTP-серверами: подключение, загрузка/скачивание файлов и управление ими!

Transferring files to an FTP server using Python.

В данной статье мы рассмотрим, как использовать Python для работы с FTP (File Transfer Protocol) — протоколом передачи файлов. FTP — это стандартный сетевой протокол, который используется для передачи файлов между клиентом и сервером через интернет или локальную сеть.

Подключение к FTP-серверу с использованием Python

Для работы с FTP в Python используется библиотека ftplib . Если у вас её ещё нет, установите её с помощью команды:

Теперь давайте подключимся к FTP-серверу:

from ftplib import FTP ftp = FTP('') ftp.login(user='username', passwd='password')

Здесь мы импортируем класс FTP из библиотеки ftplib и создаем экземпляр ftp , подключаясь к серверу . Затем мы вызываем метод login для аутентификации с использованием имени пользователя и пароля.

Загрузка и скачивание файлов с FTP-сервера

Чтобы загрузить файл на FTP-сервер, используйте метод storbinary :

with open('local_file.txt', 'rb') as file: ftp.storbinary('STOR remote_file.txt', file)

Здесь мы открываем файл local_file.txt на нашем компьютере в режиме чтения бинарных данных и загружаем его на сервер под именем remote_file.txt .

Для скачивания файла с FTP-сервера используйте метод retrbinary :

with open('downloaded_file.txt', 'wb') as file: ftp.retrbinary('RETR remote_file.txt', file.write)

Здесь мы открываем файл downloaded_file.txt на нашем компьютере в режиме записи бинарных данных и скачиваем файл remote_file.txt с сервера.

Просмотр списка файлов на FTP-сервере

Чтобы получить список файлов на FTP-сервере, используйте метод nlst :

files = ftp.nlst() print(files)

Этот метод возвращает список строк с именами файлов и директорий на сервере.

Закрытие соединения с FTP-сервером

Не забудьте закрыть соединение с сервером после завершения работы с ним:

Метод quit закрывает соединение с FTP-сервером и завершает сеанс.

Таким образом, мы рассмотрели основные операции, которые можно выполнять с использованием Python и библиотеки ftplib для работы с FTP-серверами. Надеемся, что эта информация была полезной для вас! 🚀


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