Python ftp connect timeout

Taming Python

Skill — FTP server communication with ftplib python module

  • In this post we try to learn how to use ftplib python module to interact with FTP server
  • ftplib is an inbuilt python module that can be used for FTP server interactions like upload files, download files, read list of file names etc
  • If you want to setup a local FTP server, you can read my blog post here

Connect to an FTP server

The following parameters are required to establish a connection to an FTP server

  • FTP server host address (like “localhost” or “” or “”)
  • FTP server port (usually is 21)
  • username
  • password

Without SSL

import ftplib # connection parameters ftpHost = 'localhost' ftpPort = 21 ftpUname = 'uname' ftpPass = 'pass' # create an FTP client instance, use the timeout(seconds) parameter for slow connections only ftp = ftplib.FTP(timeout=30) # connect to the FTP server ftp.connect(ftpHost, ftpPort) # login to the FTP server ftp.login(ftpUname, ftpPass) # do something with the ftp client like upload, download etc # send QUIT command to the FTP server and close the connection ftp.quit() print("execution complete. ") 

With SSL

  • While connecting to FTP server using SSL, use FTP_TLS instead of FTP function
  • Also we need to call ftp.prot_p() to secure the connection after logging in
import ftplib # connection parameters ftpHost = 'localhost' ftpPort = 21 ftpUname = 'uname' ftpPass = 'pass' # create an FTP client instance, use the timeout(seconds) parameter for slow connections only ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS(timeout=30) # connect to the FTP server ftp.connect(ftpHost, ftpPort) # login to the FTP server ftp.login(ftpUname, ftpPass) # setup secure data connection ftp.prot_p() # do something with the ftp client like upload, download etc # send QUIT command to the FTP server and close the connection ftp.quit() print("execution complete. ") 

Change working directory using ‘cwd’

## . code to connect to ftp server # change working directory to a different folder ftp.cwd("folder1/abcd") # . do something 

Get the list of filenames in a folder using ‘nlst’

In the below python script, we have created a function that fetches the list of filenames from the desired FTP server directory.

import ftplib def getFtpFilenames(ftpHost, ftpPort, ftpUname, ftpPass, remoteWorkingDirectory): # create an FTP client instance, use the timeout(seconds) parameter for slow connections only ftp = ftplib.FTP(timeout=30) # connect to the FTP server ftp.connect(ftpHost, ftpPort) # login to the FTP server ftp.login(ftpUname, ftpPass) # change current working directory if specified if not (remoteWorkingDirectory == None or remoteWorkingDirectory.strip() == ""): _ = ftp.cwd(remoteWorkingDirectory) # initialize the filenames as an empty list fnames = [] try: # use nlst function to get the list of filenames fnames = ftp.nlst() except ftplib.error_perm as resp: if str(resp) == "550 No files found": fnames = [] else: raise # send QUIT command to the FTP server and close the connection ftp.quit() # return the list of filenames return fnames # connection parameters ftpHost = 'localhost' ftpPort = 21 ftpUname = 'uname' ftpPass = 'pass' fnames = getFtpFilenames(ftpHost, ftpPort, ftpUname, ftpPass, "folder1/abcd") print(fnames) print("execution complete. ") 

You can copy this function and directly use it in your projects

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Upload files to FTP server directory using ‘storbinary’

In the below python script, we have created a function that uploads a local file into the desired FTP server directory.

import ftplib import os def uploadFileToFtp(localFilePath, ftpHost, ftpPort, ftpUname, ftpPass, remoteWorkingDirectory): # initialize the flag that specifies if upload is success isUploadSuccess: bool = False # extract the filename of local file from the file path _, targetFilename = os.path.split(localFilePath) # create an FTP client instance, use the timeout parameter for slow connections only ftp = ftplib.FTP(timeout=30) # connect to the FTP server ftp.connect(ftpHost, ftpPort) # login to the FTP server ftp.login(ftpUname, ftpPass) # change current working directory if specified if not (remoteWorkingDirectory == None or remoteWorkingDirectory.strip() == ""): _ = ftp.cwd(remoteWorkingDirectory) # Read file in binary mode with open(localFilePath, "rb") as file: # upload file to FTP server using storbinary, specify blocksize(bytes) only if higher upload chunksize is required retCode = ftp.storbinary(f"STOR ", file, blocksize=1024*1024) # send QUIT command to the FTP server and close the connection ftp.quit() # check if upload is success using the return code (retCode) if retCode.startswith('226'): isUploadSuccess = True # return the upload status return isUploadSuccess # connection parameters ftpHost = 'localhost' ftpPort = 21 ftpUname = 'uname' ftpPass = 'pass' localFile = 'test.txt' remoteFolder = "folder1/abcd" # upload file isUploadSuccess = uploadFileToFtp(localFile, ftpHost, ftpPort, ftpUname, ftpPass, remoteFolder) print("upload status = ".format(isUploadSuccess)) 
  • This function can be copied and used directly in your projects
  • We can modify this function to for uploading multiple files into the FTP server using a for loop inside the function
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Download files from FTP server directory using ‘retrbinary’

In the below python script, we have created a function that downloads files from FTP server into a local directory.

import ftplib import os def downloadFilesFromFtp(localfolderPath, targetFilenames, ftpHost, ftpPort, ftpUname, ftpPass, remoteWorkingDirectory): # initialize the flag that specifies if download is success isDownloadSuccess: bool = False # create an FTP client instance, use the timeout parameter for slow connections only ftp = ftplib.FTP(timeout=30) # connect to the FTP server ftp.connect(ftpHost, ftpPort) # login to the FTP server ftp.login(ftpUname, ftpPass) # change current working directory if specified if not (remoteWorkingDirectory == None or remoteWorkingDirectory.strip() == ""): _ = ftp.cwd(remoteWorkingDirectory) # iterate through each remote filename and download for fItr in range(len(targetFilenames)): targetFilename = targetFilenames[fItr] # derive the local file path by appending the local folder path with remote filename localFilePath = os.path.join(localfolderPath, targetFilename) print("downloading file ".format(targetFilename)) # download FTP file using retrbinary function with open(localFilePath, "wb") as file: retCode = ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + targetFilename, file.write) # send QUIT command to the FTP server and close the connection ftp.quit() # check if download is success using the return code (retCode) if retCode.startswith('226'): isDownloadSuccess = True return isDownloadSuccess # connection parameters ftpHost = 'localhost' ftpPort = 21 ftpUname = 'uname' ftpPass = 'pass' localFolderPath = "" remoteFolder = "folder1/abcd" remoteFilenames = ["rguj.docx"] # run the function to download the files from FTP server isDownloadSuccess = downloadFilesFromFtp( localFolderPath,remoteFilenames, ftpHost, ftpPort, ftpUname, ftpPass, remoteFolder) print("download status = ".format(isDownloadSuccess)) 
  • This function can be copied and used directly in your projects
  • We can modify this function as per our requirements like specifying local filenames etc.
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Other important FTP actions

All the important python ftp functions for directory listing, rename, delete file, delete folder, create folder, get the size of files etc. can be found at

ftp.dir(argument[, …])
Produce a directory listing as returned by the LIST command, printing it to standard output. The optional argument is a directory to list (default is the current server directory). Multiple arguments can be used to pass non-standard options to the LIST command. If the last argument is a function, it is used as a callback function as for retrlines(); the default prints to sys.stdout. This method returns None.

ftp.rename(fromname, toname)
Rename file fromname on the server to toname.

Remove the file named filename from the server. If successful, returns the text of the response, otherwise raises error_perm on permission errors or error_reply on other errors.

Set the current directory on the server.

Create a new directory on the server.

Return the pathname of the current directory on the server.

Remove the directory named dirname on the server.

Request the size of the file named filename on the server. On success, the size of the file is returned as an integer, otherwise None is returned. Note that the SIZE command is not standardized, but is supported by many common server implementations.


Video for this post can be found here



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