Python for android terminal

Using Python in Terminal on Android OS without Root Access

Hello,everyone.Today,I am going to share how to use Python in Terminal on Android phone without Root Access.This post is made for them who do not use Rooted phone or those who do not want to Root.

I had thought that it would not be possible to use Python in Terminal without Root Access.Python scripts can also be run using Sl4A , but I find using Python in Terminal better as Sl4a has no option of changing directory.Running Python files is easier in Terminal.So,let us proceed to the tutorial.

4. Sl4A.apk(optional file): Download Here

1.Download all of the above files if you do not have.Install Python For Android app. You can also install Sl4A app if you want.

2.Open Python For Android app and click on Install button to install Python library on your phone .Internet is required for first time installation.After successful installation of Python library,your screen should be like as shown in screenshot given below:

3.Now,copy file to your internal memory sdcard as shown in the screenshot.

3.Now,open Terminal app.To run Python,type these carefully as shown in screenshot:

sh /sdcard/

4.If everything is fine,you will see Python successfully running on Terminal.If,you get error as file not found,make sure that is there in internal sdcard(/sdcard ).

5.To run a script file say of folder scripts in your sdcard(/sdcard/scripts folder) as shown in screenshot:

we need to type the following command carefully to run file( /sdcard/scripts/ ) as shown in screenshot below :

sh /sdcard/

6. In this way you can run any Python file present in current directory on Terminal app by using the following command:

sh /sdcard/

Now,you can use Python and Python Scripts on all Android OS without Root Access in the way shown above.Tutorial is complete now.

I hope this tutorial will be useful for many users.Thanks everyone for reading my post.

If you have any questions or you get any error,please contact me by posting your comments.

Share this if you really like it.


How to use Python For Android in Terminal on all Android OS easily by using updated script

Hello,everyone.In this post,I am going to share how to use Python For Android in Terminal in the easiest way .This method will work on all Android OS versions .This method has been tested on all OS by me and works successfully.By using this method,you can also run Python with your desired command name .Let us proceed to the tutorial.

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Tools Required:

2. file (fixed and updated) : Download Here


Working Screenshot:


1.Download & Install Python For Android app.Open it and install it’s Python library by clicking on “Install ” Button.Internet is required for first time installation.After successful installation of Python library,your screen will be as shown in screenshot below:

2.Now,copy downloaded script file to /system/bin folder.Now,change the permission of file to 777 in /system/bin folder.

3.Now ,open Terminal and you can easily run Python with the command as shown in Screenshot:


4.If everything is correct,you will see Python running successfully in Terminal.

5.You can also rename the file in /system/bin to any name you like & then you can use that name as command for running Python.I have renamed file to gaurav


6.Now,i can run Python in Terminal by using command:


7.In that way,you can run Python with your desired command name.

Thanks everyone for reading my post.Thanks to my friends and family.

Post your questions in Comments.


Python for Android How To Run Python Programs On Android


If you’re reading this there’re chances that you’re interested in learning Python or already a Python Programmer who loves to experiment, if yes , Welcome My Friend To The World of Curiosity. If you’ve an Android device and you want to run python programs on your device this article is for you.

There are plenty of ways to run python Programs in Android, we’ll discuss few of them here. So let’s start our journey.

#1 QPython

QPython Screenshot - Python For Android

When it comes to run Python Programs, Scripts on Android, first name came to my mind is QPython developed by QPythonLab It has so much features that you’ll love it. It has Terminal emulator , Python REPL , Powerful Editor, Many python libraries, Run scripts via QR code , PIP , courses and much more. But it’s drawback is when You install it first from Play Store it comes with Python 2 , you’ve to install Python3 plugin to use Python 3. Visit Official Website : Download App From : Play Store

#2 PyDroid 3

PyDroid 3 - Screenshot

PyDroid is less known python IDE for Android and is also My Favourite . I like it because of it’s simplicity , extra features that QPython fails to provide. With PyDroid you can even create GUIs, games and much more. PyDroid is developed by IIEC It’s specially designed for educational purposes. Most of popular Machine Learning and Data Science python libraries are available, making it ideal for testing and experimenting On-The-Go

#3 Termux

Vim Running On Termux

As The name suggests it’s a terminal emulator for Android so as usual you can use it’s package manager pkg or apt to install python.


Как на Android в терминале использовать python и bash?

Доброго времени!
Думаю, как можно было бы писать простые программы на телефоне с Android примерно следующего характера:
echo «1 3 2 5» | python
Т.е. должна быть возможность использовать bash или что то подобное + как то установить интерпритатор питона.
Может кто нибудь этим занимался? Поделитесь опытом:)





Константин Китманов:

Спасибо, вы подсказали хорошее решение. Я растерялся сначала немного, но после того, как фото выложил, нашёл тот же форум, что и вы подсказали (первая ссылка).
Нужно было выполнить:

apt update apt upgrade apt install python


Константин Китманов: Я тоже использую для обучения. Сейчас повторяю алгоритмы, структуры данных и на телефоне вполне можно такие вещи реализовывать. + я купил bluetooth клаву и теперь совсем удобно) Единственное, пока совсем долго не занимался на телефоне. Не знаю на сколько это окажется удобно. Кстати, python + vim + bash (что есть в termux) и вполне можно писать и тестить алгоритмы и структуры:) Так же, нашёл в нем clion, но пока не пробовал ничего скомпилить и запустить.

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Константин Китманов: только что обнаружил, что есть tmux! Ееее)))

Константин Китманов: ну я думаю, что в учебных целях сгодится как по времени, так и по энергозатратам. Потому что небольшие проекты быстро собираются, да и 8 ядер, можно многопоточно компилить.


Create and run Python apps on your Android phone

tux and android stuffed animals on shelf

Learning and using Python is fun. Thanks to its growing popularity, there are a plethora of ways it can be used to make the world of computing better than what it is today.

Imagine building and running python applications, whether it’s a command-line tool developed to fetch your favorite curated articles from the Internet, or starting a web server that runs right in the palm of your hand, all with just an Android mobile device and open source tools. This would change how you view your mobile device entirely, changing it from a device that merely lets you consume content to a device that helps you be creative.

In this article, I’ll demonstrate all of the tools, software packages, steps, and all the bells and whistles required to build, run, and test a simple Python application on any Android mobile device. I use the Flask framework to create a simple “Hello, World!” app running on a simple but powerful web server. And best of all, it all happens on the phone. No laptop or desktop required.

Install Termux on Android

First, install the Termux application. Termux is a powerful terminal emulator that offers all the most popular Linux commands, plus hundreds of additional packages for easy installation. It doesn’t require any special permissions You can use either the default Google Play store or the open source app repository F-Droid to install.

Welcome to Termux

Once you have installed Termux, launch it and perform a few requisite software installations using Termux’s pkg command:

Subscribe to the additional repository “root-repo”:

Perform an update to bring all the installed software up to date:

Install Python

Once the installation and auto set-up of configuration is complete, it’s time to build your application.

Build an app for Android on Android

Now that you have a terminal installed, you can work on your Android phone largely as if it were just another Linux computer. This is a great demonstration of just how powerful a terminal really is.

Start by creating a project directory:

Next, create a Python virtual environment. This is a common practice among Python developers, and it helps keep your Python project independent of your development system (in this case, your phone). Within your virtual environment, you’ll be able to install Python modules specific to your app.

Activate your new virtual environment (note that the two dots at the start are separated by a space):

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Notice that your shell prompt is now preceded by (env) to indicate that you’re in a virtual environment.

Now install the Flask Python module using pip:

Write Python code on Android

You’re all set up. All you need now is to write the code for your app.

To do this, you should have experience with a classic text editor. I use vi. If you’re unfamiliar with vi, install and try the vimtutor application, which (as its name suggests) can teach you how to use this editor. If you have a different editor you prefer, such as jove, jed, joe, or emacs, you can install and use one of those instead.

For now, because this demonstration app is so simple, you can also just use the shell’s heredoc function, which allows you to enter text directly at your prompt:

(env)$ cat > > from flask import Flask > app = Flask(__name__) > > @app.route('/') > def hello_world(): > return 'Hello, World!' > EOF (env)$ 

That’s just six lines of code, but with that you import Flask, create an app, and route incoming traffic to the function called hello_world.

Vim on Android

Now you have the web-server code ready. It’s time to set up some environment variables and start a web server on your phone.

(env) $ export (env) $ export FLASK_ENV=development (evn) $ python

Running a Flask app on your phone

After starting your app, you see this message:

serving Flask app… running on

This indicates that you now have a tiny web server running on localhost (that is, your device). This server is listening for requests looking for port 5000.

Open your mobile browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 to see your web app.

Your web app

You haven’t compromised your phone’s security. You’re only running a local server, meaning that your phone isn’t accepting requests from the outside world. Only you can access your Flask server.

To make your server visible to others, you can disable Flask’s debugging mode by adding —host= to the run command. This does open ports on your phone, so use this wisely.

(env) $ export FLASK_ENV=”” (env) $ flask run –host=

Stop the server by pressing Ctrl+C (use the special Termux key for Control).

Decide what comes next

Your phone is probably not the ideal server platform for a serious web app, but this demonstrates that the possibilities are endless. You might program on your Android phone just because it’s a convenient way to stay in practice, or because you have an exciting new idea for localized web apps, or maybe you just happen to use a Flask app for your own daily tasks. As Einstein once said “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, and this is a fun little project for any new coder, or a seasoned Linux or Android enthusiast. It can be expanded to endless levels, so let your curiosity take over, and make something exciting!

Hands on a keyboard with a Python book

An introduction to the Flask Python web app framework

In the first part in a series comparing Python frameworks, learn about Flask.

tux and android stuffed animals on shelf

Use a Linux terminal on your Android phone

Use a text editor, SSH into a computer, or even maintain your Kubernetes cluster right from the palm of your hand with Termux.


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