Python file with syntax

With Open in Python – With Statement Syntax Example

Kolade Chris

Kolade Chris

With Open in Python – With Statement Syntax Example

The Python programming language has various functions and statements for working with a file. The with statement and open() function are two of those statements and functions.

In this article, you will learn how to use both the with statement and open() function to work with files in Python.

What Does Open() Do in Python?

To work with files in Python, you have to open the file first. So, the open() function does what the name implies – it opens a file for you so you can work with the file.

To use the open function, you declare a variable for it first. The open() function takes up to 3 parameters – the filename, the mode, and the encoding. You can then specify what you want to do with the file in a print function.

my_file = open("hello.txt", "r") print( # Output : # Hello world # I hope you're doing well today # This is a text file 

That’s not all. The open() function does not close the file, so you also have to close the file with the close() method.

So, a proper way to use the open function looks like this:

my_file = open("hello.txt", "r") print( my_file.close() # Output : # Hello world # I hope you're doing well today # This is a text file 

The read mode is the default file mode in Python, so if you don’t specify the mode, the code above still works fine:

my_file = open("hello.txt") print( my_file.close() # Output : # Hello world # I hope you're doing well today # This is a text file 

How Does the With Statement Work in Python?

The with statement works with the open() function to open a file.

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So, you can re-write the code we used in the open() function example like this:

with open("hello.txt") as my_file: print( # Output : # Hello world # I hope you're doing well today # This is a text file 

Unlike open() where you have to close the file with the close() method, the with statement closes the file for you without you telling it to.

This is because the with statement calls 2 built-in methods behind the scene – __enter()__ and __exit()__ .

The __exit()__ method closes the file when the operation you specify is done.

With the write() method, you also write to the file as I did below:

with open("hello.txt", "w") as my_file: my_file.write("Hello world \n") my_file.write("I hope you're doing well today \n") my_file.write("This is a text file \n") my_file.write("Have a nice time \n") with open("hello.txt") as my_file: print( # Output: # Hello world # I hope you're doing well today # This is a text file # Have a nice time 

**You can also loop through the file and print the text line by line:

with open("hello.txt", "w") as my_file: my_file.write("Hello world \n") my_file.write("I hope you're doing well today \n") my_file.write("This is a text file \n") my_file.write("Have a nice time \n") with open("hello.txt") as my_file: for line in my_file: print(line) # Output: # Hello world # I hope you're doing well today # This is a text file # Have a nice time 


You might be wondering which way you should use to work with files between the combo of with and open() and just the open() function.

I would advise you to use the combination of with and open() because the with statement closes the file for you and you get to write less code.

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