Python exe no module named venv

Решение ошибки «ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘…’»

В Python может быть несколько причин возникновения ошибки ModuleNotFoundError: No module named . :

  • Модуль Python не установлен.
  • Есть конфликт в названиях пакета и модуля.
  • Есть конфликт зависимости модулей Python.

Рассмотрим варианты их решения.

Модуль не установлен

В первую очередь нужно проверить, установлен ли модуль. Для использования модуля в программе его нужно установить. Например, если попробовать использовать numpy без установки с помощью pip install будет следующая ошибка:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'

Для установки нужного модуля используйте следующую команду:

pip install numpy # или pip3 install numpy

Или вот эту если используете Anaconda:

Учтите, что может быть несколько экземпляров Python (или виртуальных сред) в системе. Модуль нужно устанавливать в определенный экземпляр.

Конфликт имен библиотеки и модуля

Еще одна причина ошибки No module named — конфликт в названиях пакета и модуля. Предположим, есть следующая структура проекта Python:

demo-project └───utils

Если использовать следующую инструкцию импорта файла, то Python вернет ошибку ModuleNotFoundError .

>>> import utils.string_utils
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\demo-project\utils\", line 1, in
import utils.string_utils
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'utils.string_utils';
'utils' is not a package

В сообщении об ошибке сказано, что «utils is not a package». utils — это имя пакета, но это также и имя модуля. Это приводит к конфликту, когда имя модуля перекрывает имя пакета/библиотеки. Для его разрешения нужно переименовать файл

Конфликт зависимостей модулей Python

Иногда может существовать конфликт модулей Python, который и приводит к ошибке No module named.

Следующее сообщение явно указывает, что в библиотеке scipy пытается импортировать модуль numpy.testing.nosetester .

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\demo-project\venv\ Lib\site-packages\ scipy\_lib\", line 10, in from numpy.testing.nosetester import import_nose ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.testing.nosetester'

Ошибка ModuleNotFoundError возникает из-за того, что модуль numpy.testing.nosetester удален из библиотеки в версии 1.18. Для решения этой проблемы нужно обновить numpy и scipy до последних версий.

pip install numpy --upgrade pip install scipy --upgrade 


How to fix the No module named venv error in Python

When attempting to create a virtual environment using venv , you might encounter this error:

This error occurs when you don’t have the virtual environment module installed in your Python environment.

Note that the venv module was bundled starting from Python version 3.3, so if you’re using an older Python version, you need to install the module first.

To install venv , you need to run one of the following commands:

If you’re using Ubuntu, you may need to run the following commands to get pip and venv installed:

After you installed the module, you can check if the module is available by running one of the following commands:

If you get a help description, that means the venv module is now available.

You can create a new virtual environment by running the command below:

 Replace with the name of the directory you want to create the virtual environment.

For example, this command will create one virtual environment named demoenv :

To activate the virtual environment, you need to run one of the following commands:

   For Windows, the activation script has several alternatives. You can use the ps1 extension when you’re using PowerShell, or the usual bash command in command prompt and bash.

To deactivate the virtual environment, simply run deactivate command from the console.

I hope this tutorial helps you to solve the No module named venv error. Until next time!

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Python exe no module named venv

Last updated: Feb 2, 2023
Reading time · 4 min


# ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'virtualenv' in Python

The Python "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'virtualenv'" occurs when we forget to install the virtualenv module before importing it or install it in an incorrect environment.

To solve the error, install the module by running the pip install virtualenv command.

no module named virtualenv

Open your terminal in your project's root directory and install the virtualenv module.

# 👇️ using Python 2 pip install virtualenv # 👇️ for Python 3 (could also be pip3.10 depending on your version) pip3 install virtualenv # 👇️ if you get permissions error sudo pip3 install virtualenv pip install virtualenv --user # 👇️ if you don't have pip in your PATH environment variable python -m pip install virtualenv # 👇️ for python 3 (could also be pip3.10 depending on your version) python3 -m pip install virtualenv # 👇️ using py alias (Windows) py -m pip install virtualenv # 👇️ for Anaconda conda install -c anaconda virtualenv # 👇️ for Jupyter Notebook !pip install virtualenv

After you install the virtualenv package, try importing it as follows.

import virtualenv print(dir(virtualenv))

Or use it to create a virtual environment:

# Common causes of the error

The error occurs for multiple reasons:

  1. Not having the virtualenv package installed by running pip install virtualenv .
  2. Installing the package in a different Python version than the one you're using.
  3. Installing the package globally and not in your virtual environment.
  4. Your IDE running an incorrect version of Python.

If the error persists, get your Python version and make sure you are installing the package using the correct Python version.

get python version

For example, my Python version is 3.10.4 , so I would install the virtualenv package with pip3.10 install virtualenv .

pip3.10 install virtualenv # 👇️ if you get permissions error use pip3 (NOT pip3.X) sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Notice that the version number corresponds to the version of pip I'm using.

If the PATH for pip is not set up on your machine, replace pip with python3 -m pip :

# 👇️ make sure to use your version of Python, e.g. 3.10 python3 -m pip install virtualenv

If the error persists, try restarting your IDE and development server/script.

# Check if the package is installed

You can check if you have the virtualenv package installed by running the pip show virtualenv command.

# 👇️ check if you have virtualenv installed pip show virtualenv # 👇️ if you don't have pip set up in PATH python -m pip show virtualenv

The pip show virtualenv command will either state that the package is not installed or show a bunch of information about the package, including the location where the package is installed.

# Make sure your IDE is using the correct Python version

If the package is not installed, make sure your IDE is using the correct version of Python.

If you have multiple Python versions installed on your machine, you might have installed the virtualenv package using the incorrect version or your IDE might be set up to use a different version.

For example, In VSCode, you can press CTRL + Shift + P or ( ⌘ + Shift + P on Mac) to open the command palette.

Then type "Python select interpreter" in the field.

python select interpreter

Then select the correct python version from the dropdown menu.

select correct python version

Your IDE should be using the same version of Python (including the virtual environment) that you are using to install packages from your terminal.

# Alternatively, use the built-in venv module

Alternatively, you can use the built-in venv module to create a virtual environment in Python.

# 👇️ use correct version of Python when creating VENV python3 -m venv venv # 👇️ activate on Unix or MacOS source venv/bin/activate # 👇️ activate on Windows (cmd.exe) venv\Scripts\activate.bat # 👇️ activate on Windows (PowerShell) venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # 👇️ install modules in virtual environment pip install requests

If the python3 -m venv venv command doesn't work, try the following 2 commands:

Your virtual environment will use the version of Python that was used to create it.

# Try reinstalling the package

If the error is not resolved, try to uninstall the virtualenv package and then reinstall it.

# 👇️ check if you have virtualenv installed pip show virtualenv # 👇️ if you don't have pip set up in PATH python -m pip show virtualenv # 👇️ uninstall virtualenv pip uninstall virtualenv # 👇️ if you don't have pip set up in PATH python -m pip uninstall virtualenv # 👇️ install virtualenv pip install virtualenv # 👇️ if you don't have pip set up in PATH python -m pip install virtualenv

Try restarting your IDE and development server/script.

You can also try to upgrade the version of the virtualenv package.

pip install virtualenv --upgrade # 👇️ if you don't have pip set up in PATH python -m pip install virtualenv --upgrade

If the error persists, I would suggest watching a quick video on how to use Virtual environments in Python.

This one is for using virtual environments (VENV) on Windows :

This one is for using virtual environments (VENV) on MacOS and Linux :

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