Python eof in multi line statement

Eof in multi line statement ошибка

Not a direct answer to the original question, but since online searching brought me here… I got this error for another reason: a stray parenthesis! But it came from flake8. Here’s a snippet of code to reproduce it:

import socket def all_good(name): name_line = f"Name: ") print(name_line) 

I saved this into a file called Now if I run flake8 on it:

$ flake8 E902 TokenError: EOF in multi-line statement 

Which is rather puzzling as there is no multi-line statement anywhere! Eventually I found the bug, but the moral of the story is that I’d have found it much quicker if I had run it through the python interpreter:

$ python3 File "", line 5 name_line = f"Name: ") ^ SyntaxError: unmatched ')' 
import socket def all_good(name): name_line = f"Name: " print(name_line) 

And now flake8 will actually do it’s job:

$ flake8 F401 'socket' imported but unused 

It’s obvious, but remember: check the code with python3 first, then run it through linters or other checkers.

Your first line in choices variable doesn’t have an apostrophe ( ‘ ) at the end.

You’re missing the closing quote on the Fortune-Telling line.

That is easy to find because that is where the syntax highlighting becomes different.






Error Message ('EOF in multi-line statement', (58, 0)) Configuration Virtualenv. None RPC Python. 2.7.6 (/usr/bin/python) Interactive Python: python (/usr/bin/python) Emacs. 24.4.1 Elpy. 1.9.0 Jedi. Not found (0.9.0 available) Rope. 0.10.2 Importmagic. 0.1.3 Autopep8. 0.1.3 Syntax checker. pyflakes (/usr/local/bin/pyflakes) Traceback Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jackcviers/.emacs.d/elpa/elpy-20150830.510/elpy/", line 100, in handle_request result = method(*params) File "/home/jackcviers/.emacs.d/elpa/elpy-20150830.510/elpy/", line 220, in rpc_add_import return self.import_magic.add_import(source, statement) File "/home/jackcviers/.emacs.d/elpa/elpy-20150830.510/elpy/", line 68, in add_import imports = importmagic.importer.Imports(self.symbol_index, source) File "/home/jackcviers/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/importmagic/", line 79, in __init__ self._parse(source) File "/home/jackcviers/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/importmagic/", line 150, in _parse self._tokens = list(tokenize.generate_tokens(reader.readline)) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 363, in generate_tokens raise TokenError, ("EOF in multi-line statement", (lnum, 0)) TokenError: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (58, 0)) 


elpy-importmagic-add-import on random.uniform in

yaw = grad2rad(float(random.uniform(15.19, 15.26))

and selecting import random in helm selection. Message line prints: Wrong type argument: listp, 1444598513.8947017

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Token error: EOF in multi-line statement

Not a direct answer to the original question, but since online searching brought me here. I got this error for another reason: a stray parenthesis! But it came from flake8. Here’s a snippet of code to reproduce it:

import socket def all_good(name): name_line = f"Name: ") print(name_line) 

I saved this into a file called Now if I run flake8 on it:

$ flake8 E902 TokenError: EOF in multi-line statement 

Which is rather puzzling as there is no multi-line statement anywhere! Eventually I found the bug, but the moral of the story is that I’d have found it much quicker if I had run it through the python interpreter:

$ python3 File "", line 5 name_line = f"Name: ") ^ SyntaxError: unmatched ')' 
import socket def all_good(name): name_line = f"Name: " print(name_line) 

And now flake8 will actually do it’s job:

$ flake8 F401 'socket' imported but unused 

It’s obvious, but remember: check the code with python3 first, then run it through linters or other checkers.

Your first line in choices variable doesn’t have an apostrophe ( ‘ ) at the end.

You’re missing the closing quote on the Fortune-Telling line.

That is easy to find because that is where the syntax highlighting becomes different.


Token Error: EOF in multiline statement in Python. what does this mean?

You’ve got the immediate answer (the missing parentheses), but if you’re doing stuff like this, I would suggest another approach, and use multi-line strings using (using triple quoted strings), and string formatting:

ascii_art = """ 1111111111111111111111 1 1 1 1 1 Hello. 1 11 1 1 1 1 1111111111111111111111___ 11111111 | ------------------------- O . _. . 1 1. 1 ------------------------- """ print ascii_art.format(name='Kevin') 

The takes the parameter name and centrally aligns it within 20 characters ^20 so it fits nicely within the block (a computer monitor?).

 1111111111111111111111 1 1 1 1 1 Hello. 1 1 Kevin 1 1 1 1 1 1111111111111111111111___ 11111111 | ------------------------- O . _. . 1 1. 1 ------------------------- 

Solution 2

You forgot to close the parenthesis in two places:

yORn = int(input("Type 1 to run the program, Type 2 to Exit: ")) # < 2 closing parenthesis here 

And again at the end of your code.

Note that your while statement also has an error; = is assignment, you meant == instead:



I am a computer science student with a focus in gaming. I am still a noob, so I probably am asking a lot more questions than I am answering. But give me a year or so, I'll catch up.



I am just starting to learn how to code and I am learning with Python. I am trying to write a program that will print an ASCII art every time a user types 1, but when I try to run the module it gives me the error in the title. here is my code: Where did I go wrong?

yORn = int(input("Type 1 to run the program, Type 2 to Exit: ") while yORn = 1: Name = str(input("What is your name?")) print(" 1111111111111111111111 ") print(" 1 1 ") print(" 1 1 ") print(" 1 Hello. 1 ") print(" 1 ", Name," 1 ") print(" 1 1 ") print(" 1 1 ") print(" 1111111111111111111111___ ") print(" 11111111 | ") print(" ------------------------- O ") print(" 1. _. . 1 ") print(" 1. 1 ") print(" ------------------------- ") yORn = int(input("Type 1 to run the program, Type 2 to Exit: ") print ("GoodBye") 


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Token error: EOF in multi-line statement

Your code will also fail for: Multiline strings Line continuations Using to check code line by line is not going to work here; it is only suitable for whole suites; on a file by file basis I'd only pass in the whole file . Solution 1: You are parsing the code line by line, but a loop does not stand alone .

Getting Unexpected EOF while parsing

That is to be expected. Your first try block doesn't have an except block.

try: # Your code goes here except: print("Error") 

Python 3.x - Error while parsing lxml, I think you need the XML as a byte array rather than a character string. Open the file in binary mode to get a bytes object:. data=open(xmlFile, 'rb') But it's probably just easier to pass the filename to LXML and let it take care of opening and reading the file:

Token error: EOF in multi-line statement

Your first line in choices variable doesn't have an apostrophe ( ' ) at the end.

Not a direct answer to the original question, but since online searching brought me here. I got this error for another reason: a stray parenthesis! But it came from flake8 . Here's a snippet of code to reproduce it:

import socket def all_good(name): name_line = f"Name: ") print(name_line) 

I saved this into a file called . Now if I run flake8 on it:

$ flake8 E902 TokenError: EOF in multi-line statement 

Which is rather puzzling as there is no multi-line statement anywhere! Eventually I found the bug, but the moral of the story is that I'd have found it much quicker if I had run it through the python interpreter:

$ python3 File "", line 5 name_line = f"Name: ") ^ SyntaxError: unmatched ')' 
import socket def all_good(name): name_line = f"Name: " print(name_line) 

And now flake8 will actually do it's job:

$ flake8 F401 'socket' imported but unused 

It's obvious, but remember: check the code with python3 first, then run it through linters or other checkers.

You're missing the closing quote on the Fortune-Telling line.

That is easy to find because that is where the syntax highlighting becomes different.

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Python windows SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while, try catch in python unexpected eof while parsing. unexpected EOF while parsing. Syntax Error: unexpected EOF while parsing: , line 154, pos 5. unexpected eof while parsing import. unexpected EOF while parsingPython (pars. what is unexpected eof while parsing in python.

Python AST module can not detect "if" or "for"

You are parsing the code line by line, but a for loop does not stand alone . A for loop without a suite is a syntax error. Python expected to find a suite and found the EOF (end of file) instead.

In other words, your parser can only handle Simple Statements and standalone Expressions on one physical line, and Compound Statements if they are directly followed by a Simple Statement or Expression on the same line.

Your code will also fail for:

somestring = """Containing more than one line""" 
if the_line == 'too long' and \ a_backslash_was_used in (True, 'true'): # your code fails somevar = (you_are_allowed_to_use_newlines, "inside parentheses and brackets and braces") 

Using ast.parse() to check code line by line is not going to work here; it is only suitable for whole suites; on a file by file basis I'd only pass in the whole file .

To check code line by line you need to tokenize it yourself. You can use the tokenize library; it'll report either a SyntaxError exception or a tokenize.TokenError on syntax errors.

if you wanted to restrict a script, take a look at asteval ; either the project itself or its source code. They parse the whole script , then execute based on the resulting AST nodes (limiting what nodes they'll accept).

You can parse with is instance(iterator, (Ast,if,Ast.For)) with ast.parse.

Python - Getting EOF error and not able to figure out the, will only read in a line that is terminated with Ctrl-D, while input() will read in a line once it receives the enter key. As Chepner said, you must close the standard input by using Ctrl-D …

SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing from function that was working

In python 2.7 you want to use raw_input(. ) rather than input(. )

Python - SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing, 8 Answers. The SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing means that the end of your source code was reached before all code blocks were completed. A code block starts with a statement like for i in range (100): and requires at least one line afterwards that contains code that should be in it. Code sampleIn [1]: for i in range(100):File "", line 1for i in range(100):^SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsingFeedback


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