Python discord bot connect to voice channel

Discord Bot Join Voice Channel

I want my Discord bot to join Voice Channel, but I am running into a problem that whenever I want it to join VC nothing happens — even no errors. I have tried other solutions from SO/Git but none of them worked for me (one of them below):

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix=get_prefix) @client.command() async def join(ctx): channel = await channel.connect() 

2 Answers 2

channel = client.get_channel( await channel.connect() 

I know you have already solved your issue, but I’ll show you how I solved it anyway, especially if you ever use @client.event .

I’m not sure if this will work, but have a try. Firstly, I went into my terminal and used pip install PyNaCl . Then I used await

From there, you can play your audio file. Though first, I’d install ffmpeg just in case. Just keep this in mind, but anyways, congratulations on finding a solution!

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How to Make a Discord Bot Join a Voice Channel and Play an Audio File When a Member Joins the Channel Using Cogs

I am currently trying to make a cog for a Discord bot in Python 3 that, when running, plays a specific audio file when someone joins a specific Discord voice channel.

My Problem

  1. Convert it to a cog, and
  2. Make it work for a specific voice channel, and not every one in the Discord server.
import discord from discord.ext import commands from time import sleep rpgmusicpath = r"C:\Users\lones\OneDrive\Desktop\Bot\music\rpgmusic.mp3" class VoiceChannelIntro(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): = client @commands.Cog.listener() async def on_ready(self): print('Channel Intro cog successfully loaded.') @commands.Cog.event async def on_voice_state_update(member: discord.Member, before, after): #replace this with the path to your audio file path = r"path\to\music.mp3" vc_before = vc_after = if vc_before == vc_after: return elif vc_before is None: channel = vc = await channel.connect() with audioread.audio_open(path) as f: #Start Playing sleep(f.duration) await vc.disconnect() elif vc_after is None: return else: channel = vc = await channel.connect() with audioread.audio_open(path) as f: #Start Playing sleep(f.duration) await vc.disconnect() def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(VoiceChannelIntro(bot)) 


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Python discord bot — join voice channel

I’m interested in making a discord bot using python. Im trying to make a bot that could join voice channel. This is my code, I already ran it but it’s not working. I already did some research on the internet, but I think this code is completely fine?

 #Join Command @client.command() async def join(ctx): if( #If in voice channel channel = await channel.connect() else: #If not in voice channel await ctx.send("You must be in voice channel first !") 

1 Answer 1

@bot.command(name='join', invoke_without_subcommand=True) async def join(ctx): destination = if ctx.voice_state.voice: await ctx.voice_state.voice.move_to(destination) return ctx.voice_state.voice = await destination.connect() await ctx.send(f"Joined Voice Channel") 

this is how we can join a discord bot to a voice channel.

destination is where the person already connected and want to add bot to that channel.

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How to make a bot join a voice channel?

When I say !join or join , it doesn’t join at all. I have tried adding name in the @bot.command, but it still does not work. I have been trying this for over a week. At the bottom, I also added, but I didn’t put it in as it will reveal the bot. What I want it to basically do is, when I say %join and in a voice channel, I want it to join the channel I’m in, but if I’m not in a channel, it will say to join a voice channel. When I say %leave , I want it to leave the voice chat.

import os import random import discord from dotenv import load_dotenv import spotipy global counter import asyncio from discord.ext.commands import Bot bot = Bot("!") counter = 0 global bonercounter bonercounter = 0 global randomhardness randomhardness = random.randint(0, 100) load_dotenv() TOKEN = os.getenv('TOKEN') urn = 'spotify:artist:3jOstUTkEu2JkjvRdBA5Gu' sp = spotipy.Spotify() client = discord.Client() @client.event async def on_ready(): print(f' has connected to Discord!') @client.event async def on_member_join(member): await member.create_dm() global name name = await member.dm_channel.send( f'Hi , welcome to my Discord server!') @client.event async def on_message(message): global userID userID = userID = (f">") if == client.user: return if message.content == '%69': #UserID = '@229122227767869440' #await'Nice ') await'Nice job ') if message.content == '%gif': global randomgif randomgif = random.randint(0, 7) if randomgif == 0: await"") if randomgif == 1: await "https://media.giphy. com/media/SggILpMXO7Xt6/giphy.gif") if randomgif == 2: await "https://media.giphy. com/media/Y4WDXbagwPoepikUdJ/giphy.gif") if randomgif == 3: await "https://media.giphy. com/media/mUrBX1TF0kCRi/giphy.gif") if randomgif == 4: await "https://media.giphy. com/media/1wqqlaQ7IX3TXibXZE/giphy.gif") if randomgif == 5: await "https://media.giphy. com/media/Mtqip7Jor0DgAvzn6U/giphy.gif") if randomgif == 6: await "https://media.giphy. com/media/as521kub4b68hW2JhK/giphy.gif") if randomgif == 7: await "https://media.giphy. com/media/JIX9t2j0ZTN9S/giphy.gif") if message.content == '%meme': global randomimagememe randomimagememe = random.randint(0, 9) if randomimagememe == 0: await ("") if randomimagememe == 1: await ("") if randomimagememe == 2: await ("") if randomimagememe == 3: await ("") if randomimagememe == 4: await ("") if randomimagememe == 5: await ("") if randomimagememe == 6: await ("") if randomimagememe == 7: await ("") if randomimagememe == 8: await " format=mp4& s=27cdbd5e93b3b5b4a62ca45859a74a0a129721e3" ) if randomimagememe == 9: await ("") #if message.content == '%song' if message.content == '%coom': global counter counter = counter + 1 UserID = "@860684625763368990" await' has coomed times!') if message.content == '%boner': global bonercounter bonercounter = bonercounter + 1 UserID = '@229122227767869440' await f' has had a boner times!') if message.content == '%bonercheck': global randomhardness randomhardness = random.randint(0, 100) await" is % hard") if message.content == 'Hi': await"Hello there ") if message.content == "%commands": await"hi,69,coom,boner, bonercheck,meme,gif") ##--Voice Chat Functions--## @bot.command(aliases=['jvc']) async def joinvc(ctx): try: channel = except AttributeError: await ctx.send("You're Not in a Voice Chat Lmao :joy:" ) global voice voice = client.get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild) voice = await channel.connect(timeout=3600) @bot.command(aliases=["lvc"]) async def leavevc(ctx): global voice channel = voice = await voice.disconnect() 


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