Python copytree to existing directory

The Ultimate Guide to Copying Files and Folders in Python to an Existing Directory

Learn different methods, modules, and best practices for copying files and folders in Python to an existing directory using shutil, os, and pathlib modules.

  • Using shutil.copytree function to copy files and folders
  • Using the os module to move or copy files and directories
  • How To Copy Folder with Files to Another Folder
  • Using the shutil module to move files and directories
  • Important points to consider
  • Helpful points
  • Other helpful code examples for copying files and folders in Python to an existing directory
  • Conclusion
  • How to copy a file from one folder to another folder in Python?
  • How do you copy a file from one folder and place it into another folder?
  • How do you pass all files in a directory in Python?
  • What is the difference between Shutil copy () and Shutil Copytree ()?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages for file and directory operations . With its vast array of built-in libraries and functions, it makes it easy to work with files and directories in Python. In this guide, we will cover how to copy files and folders in python to an existing directory. We will explore different approaches, modules, and best practices when working with files and directories in python .

Using shutil.copytree function to copy files and folders

The shutil module is a high- level file operations module in Python. It provides various functions to copy, move, and delete files and directories in Python. One of the most commonly used functions in the shutil module is the shutil.copytree() function. This function can be used to copy files and folders to an existing directory.

import shutilsource = '/path/to/source' destination = '/path/to/destination'shutil.copytree(source, destination, dirs_exist_ok=True) 

The shutil.copytree() function recursively copies an entire directory tree to the destination directory. It creates a new directory with the same name as the source directory in the destination directory and copies all the files and subdirectories in it. The dirs_exist_ok argument was introduced in Python 3.8, which allows the function to copy files and folders to an existing directory.

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Using the os module to move or copy files and directories

The os module is a low-level operating system interface in Python. It provides various functions to interact with the file system, including copying and moving files and directories. To copy a directory in python , you can use the -r flag with the cp command.

import ossource = '/path/to/source' destination = '/path/to/destination'os.system('cp -r <> <>'.format(source, destination)) 

The os.listdir() function can be used to iterate over files in a directory using python . The os.walk() function can be used to traverse a directory tree and return the root directory, subdirectories, and files in it.

import ossource = '/path/to/source' destination = '/path/to/destination'for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source): for file in files: source_file = os.path.join(root, file) destination_file = os.path.join(destination, file) shutil.copy(source_file, destination_file) 

The os.rename() function can be used to move files in Python. It takes two arguments: the source file path and the destination file path.

import ossource = '/path/to/source/file.txt' destination = '/path/to/destination/file.txt'os.rename(source, destination) 

How To Copy Folder with Files to Another Folder

How To Create Empty Folder using Python #webdevpro · Linux: Copy Directories and files Duration: 7:56

Using the shutil module to move files and directories

The shutil module provides functions for moving files and directories in python . The shutil.move() method can be used to move a file or directory from one place to another.

import shutilsource = '/path/to/source/file.txt' destination = '/path/to/destination/file.txt'shutil.move(source, destination) 

The shutil.copy() function copies a single file, while shutil.copytree() copies an entire folder with all its contents. The shutil.copy() function creates a new file in the destination directory with the same content as the original file.

import shutilsource = '/path/to/source/file.txt' destination = '/path/to/destination/file.txt'shutil.copy(source, destination) 

Important points to consider

When working with files and directories in Python, there are some important points to consider. The glob module can be used to iterate over files in a directory with a specified pattern. The pathlib module can be used to work with files and directories in a more object-oriented way.

import glob from pathlib import Pathsource = '/path/to/source/*.txt' destination = '/path/to/destination'for file in glob.glob(source): file_path = Path(file) destination_path = Path(destination) / shutil.copy(file_path, destination_path) 

The shutil functions can raise exceptions if the source or destination paths are invalid, or if there are permission issues. The mkpath() function creates missing directories when copying files and directories with shutil .

import shutilsource = '/path/to/source' destination = '/path/to/destination'try: shutil.copytree(source, destination) except shutil.Error as e: print(f'Error: e>') # This will create missing directories in the destination shutil.rmtree(destination) shutil.copytree(source, destination, ignore=None, copy_function=shutil.copy2) 

Helpful points

It is important to handle exceptions when working with files and directories in Python. Best practices include using context managers and absolute paths when working with files and directories in Python. The rsync command can be used to efficiently copy files and directories across different machines. The tarfile module can be used to create and extract tar archives in Python. The zipfile module can be used to create and extract zip archives in Python. The path module from the pathlib module provides a convenient way to work with paths in Python.

import shutil import tarfile import zipfile from pathlib import Pathsource = '/path/to/source' destination = '/path/to/destination'# Using context managers to handle exceptions with'archive.tar.gz', 'w:gz') as tar: tar.add(source, arcname=Path(source).name)with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as zip: for file in Path(source).glob('**/*'): zip.write(file, arcname=file.relative_to(Path(source)))# Using absolute paths source = Path('/path/to/source') destination = Path('/path/to/destination')if not source.is_absolute(): source = source.resolve()if not destination.is_absolute(): destination = destination.resolve()shutil.copytree(source, destination) 

Other helpful code examples for copying files and folders in Python to an existing directory

In python, copy whole directory python code example

import shutilshutil.copytree(source, destination)

In python, python copy all files in a folder to nother folder code example

import shutil import os # path to source directory src_dir = 'fol1' # path to destination directory dest_dir = 'fol2' # getting all the files in the source directory files = os.listdir(src_dir) shutil.copytree(src_dir, dest_dir)

In python, copy from folder to folder python code example

from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree# copy subdirectory example from_directory = "/a/b/c" to_directory = "/x/y/z"copy_tree(from_directory, to_directory)


Python provides various methods and modules to copy files and folders to an existing directory. Using shutil.copytree() , os module or shutil module, you can copy files and folders with ease. However, it is important to handle exceptions, use best practices, and consider helpful points while working with files and directories in Python. With this guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge and tools to copy files and folders in Python to an existing directory.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is the shutil.copytree function in Python?

The shutil.copytree function is a method in the shutil module in Python that can be used to recursively copy an entire directory tree to an existing directory. It copies all the files and subdirectories from the source directory to the destination directory.

Can I use the os module to copy files and folders in Python?

Yes, the os module in Python can be used to move or copy files and directories. The os.listdir() and os.walk() methods can be used to iterate over files in a directory, and the os.rename() method can be used to move files.

What are some best practices for working with files and directories in Python?

Some best practices include using absolute paths, using context managers, handling exceptions, and considering helpful points such as using the pathlib module or the rsync command.

What is the pathlib module in Python?

The pathlib module in Python provides an object-oriented way to work with files and directories. It provides classes for working with paths and files, and it can simplify working with directories and file paths in Python.

Can I use the shutil module to move files in Python?

Yes, the shutil module also provides functions for moving files and directories in Python. The shutil.move() method can be used to move a file or directory from one place to another.

What is the glob module in Python?

The glob module in Python can be used to iterate over files in a directory with a specified pattern. It is useful when you need to match a specific file type or pattern in a directory.


Copy a directory recursively using Python (with examples)

Shutil module in Python provides many functions of high-level operations on files and collections of files. It comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module helps in automating process of copying and removal of files and directories.
shutil.copytree() method recursively copies an entire directory tree rooted at source (src) to the destination directory. The destination directory, named by (dst) must not already exist. It will be created during copying. Permissions and times of directories are copied with copystat() and individual files are copied using shutil.copy2().

Syntax: shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks = False, ignore = None, copy_function = copy2, ignore_dangling_symlinks = False)
src: A string representing the path of the source directory.
dest: A string representing the path of the destination.
symlinks (optional): This parameter accepts True or False, depending on which the metadata of the original links or linked links will be copied to the new tree.
ignore (optional): If ignore is given, it must be a callable that will receive as its arguments the directory being visited by copytree(), and a list of its contents, as returned by os.listdir().
copy_function (optional): The default value of this parameter is copy2. We can use other copy function like copy() for this parameter.
ignore_dangling_symlinks (optional): This parameter value when set to True is used to put a silence on the exception raised if the file pointed by the symlink doesn’t exist.
Return Value: This method returns a string which represents the path of newly created directory.

Example: Suppose the directory looks like this.

We want to copy the folder ‘src’ to a new folder ‘dst’. Below is the implementation.


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