Python complex to int

Python Casting: Type Conversion and Type Casting

In Python, we can convert one type of variable to another type. This conversion is called type casting or type conversion.

In casting, we convert variables declared in specific data types to the different data types.

Python performs the following two types of casting.

  • Implicit casting: The Python interpreter automatically performs an implicit Type conversion, which avoids loss of data.
  • Explicit casting: The explicit type conversion is performed by the user using built-in functions.

To perform a type casting, we are going to use the following built-in functions

  1. int() : convert any type variable to the integer type.
  2. float() : convert any type variable to the float type.
  3. complex() : convert any type variable to the complex type.
  4. bool() : convert any type variable to the bool type.
  5. str() : convert any type variable to the string type.

In type casting, data loss may occur because we enforce the object to a specific data type.

Table of contents

  • Int type conversion
    • Casting float value to an integer
    • Casting Boolean value to an integer
    • Casting a string to an integer
    • Casting integer to float
    • Casting Boolean to float
    • Casting string to float
    • Casting integer type to complex type
    • Casting float type to complex type
    • Casting Boolean type to complex type
    • Casting integer to Boolean type
    • Casting float to Boolean type
    • Casting string to Boolean type
    • Casting complex type to Boolean type
    • Casting int to str type
    • Casting float type to str type
    • Casting complex type to str type
    • Casting bool type to str type

    Int type conversion

    In int type conversion, we use the int() function to convert variables of other types to int type. Variable can be of any type such as float , string , bool .

    While performing int type conversion, we need to remember the following points.

    1. When converting string type to int type, a string must contain integral value only and should be base-10.
    2. We can convert any type to int type, but we cannot perform complex to int type.

    Casting float value to an integer

    pi = 3.14 # float number print(type(pi)) # Output class 'float' # converting float integer num = int(pi) print("Integer number:", num) # Output 3 print(type(num)) # Output class 'int' 

    Casting Boolean value to an integer

    flag_true = True flag_false = False print(type(flag_true)) # Output class 'bool' # converting boolean to integer num1 = int(flag_true) num2 = int(flag_false) print("Integer number 1:", num1) # Output 1 print(type(num1)) # Output class 'int' print("Integer number 2:", num2) # 0 print(type(num2)) # class 'int'

    Casting a string to an integer

    string_num = "225" print(type(string_num)) # Output class 'str' # converting str to integer num1 = int(string_num) print("Integer number 1:", num1) # Output 225 print(type(num1)) # Output class 'int'

    When converting string type to int type, a string must contain integral value only and should be base-10. If you try to convert

    string_num = 'Score is 25' print(type(string_num)) # Output class 'str' # ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Score is 25' num = int(string_num) print(num)

    Float type conversion

    In float type conversion we use a built-in function float() . This function converts variables of other types to float types.

    Casting integer to float

    num = 725 print(type(num)) # Output class 'int' # converting float to integer num1 = float(num) print("Float number:", num1) # Output 725.0 print(type(num1)) # Output class 'float'

    Casting Boolean to float

    flag_true = True flag_false = False print(type(flag_true)) # Output class 'bool' # converting boolean to float num1 = float(flag_true) num2 = float(flag_false) print("Float number 1:", num1) # Output 1.0 print(type(num1)) # class 'float' print("Float number 2:", num2) # Output 0.0 print(type(num2)) # class 'float'

    Casting string to float

    string_num = "725.535" print(type(string_num)) # Output class 'str' # converting str to float num1 = float(string_num) print("Float number:", num1) # Output 725.535 print(type(num1)) # class 'float'

    While performing float type conversion, we need to remember some points.

    1. We can convert any type to float type, but we cannot cast complex to float type.
    2. While converting string type to float type , a string must contain an integer/decimal value of base-10.

    Complex type conversion

    In complex type conversion, we use the built-in function complex() to convert values from other types to the complex type. Value can be any type including of int , float , bool , str .

    The complex function has the following two forms for conversion.

    • complex(x) : To convert a value x into a complex type. In this form, the real value is x , and the imaginary value is 0.
    • complex(x, y) : To convert the value x and y into a complex type. In this form, the real value is x , and the imaginary is y .

    Casting integer type to complex type

    r_num = 135 print(type(r_num)) # class 'int' # converting int to complex(x) c_num = complex(r_num) print("Complex number:", c_num) # Output (135+0j) print(type(c_num)) # class 'complex' # converting int to complex(x, y) r_num, i_num2 = 135, 235 c_num = complex(r_num, i_num2) print("Complex number:", c_num) # Output (135+235j) print(type(c_num)) # class 'complex'

    Casting float type to complex type

    r_num = 53.250 print(type(r_num)) # class 'float' # converting float to complex(x) c_num = complex(r_num) print("Complex number:", c_num) # Output (53.25+0j) print(type(c_num)) # class 'complex' # converting float to complex(x, y) r_num, i_num2 = 53.250, 350.750 c_num = complex(r_num, i_num2) print("Complex number:", c_num) # Output (53.25+350.75j) print(type(c_num)) # class 'complex'

    Casting Boolean type to complex type

    boolean_true = True print(type(boolean_true)) # class 'bool' # converting boolean to complex(x) c_num = complex(boolean_true) print("Complex number:", c_num) # Output (1+0j) print(type(c_num)) # class 'complex' # converting boolean to complex(x, y) r_bool, i_bool = False, True c_num = complex(r_bool, i_bool) print("Complex number:", c_num) # Output 1j print(type(c_num)) # class 'complex'

    Bool type conversion

    We use the built-in function bool() to convert values of other types to bool types. This function returns two values, either True or False .

    • We can convert any type of values to bool type, and the output for all values will be True , Except 0, which is False.
    • If you convert an empty string to a boolean it will be converted to boolean False.

    The bool True is 1 and False is 0. Every non-zero value is treated as True .

    Casting integer to Boolean type

    num1 = 10 num2 = 0 print(type(num1)) # class 'int' # Convert into to bool b1 = bool(num1) b2 = bool(num2) print(b1) # Output True print(b2) # Output False print(type(b1)) # class 'bool'

    Casting float to Boolean type

    f_num1 = 25.35 f_num2 = 0.0 print(type(f_num1)) # class 'float' # Convert float into to bool b1 = bool(f_num1) b2 = bool(f_num2) print(b1) # Output True print(b2) # Output False print(type(b1)) # Output class 'bool'

    Casting string to Boolean type

    s1 = "False" s2 = "True" s3 = "812" s4 = "" print(type(s1)) # class 'str' # Convert string into to bool b1 = bool(s1) b2 = bool(s2) b3 = bool(s3) b4 = bool(s4) print(b1) # True print(b2) # True print(b3) # True print(b4) # False print(type(b1)) # class 'bool'

    Casting complex type to Boolean type

    c1 = 33 + 9j c2 = 0 + 0j print(type(c1)) # class 'complex' # Convert complex value into to bool b1 = bool(c1) b2 = bool(c2) print(b1) # True print(b2) # False print(type(b1)) # class 'bool'

    String type conversion

    In str type conversion, we use the built-in function str() to convert converts variables of other types to a string type. This function returns the string type of object (value).

    Casting int to str type

    num = 15 print(type(num)) # class 'int' # converting int to str type s1 = str(num) print(s1) # Output '15' print(type(s1)) # Output class 'str'

    Casting float type to str type

    num = 75.35 print(type(num)) # class 'float' # converting float to str type s1 = str(num) print(s1) # Output '75.35' print(type(s1)) # Output class 'str'

    Casting complex type to str type

    complex_num = 15 + 5j print(type(complex_num)) # class 'complex' # converting complex to str type s1 = str(complex_num) print(s1) # Output '(15+5j)' print(type(s1)) # class 'str'

    Casting bool type to str type

    b1 = True b2 = False print(type(b1)) # class 'bool' # converting bool to str type s1 = str(b1) s2 = str(b2) print(s1) # Output 'True' print(s2) # Output 'False' print(type(s1)) # class 'str'

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