Python classes and files

How we can split Python class into multiple files?

OOPs is abbreviated as object oriented programming language. It helps us to deal with the real time entities with inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation etc. By using the oops concept we can make the code and functions work together in a better way.

Group of objects is called a class. The class contains the blueprint, which takes as the reference to create the object. This contains attributes and methods in a logical entity.

Now let’s see why we have to split the code into multiple classes. If we create the entire code in the single class, it will be easy to write the code but if we want to analyze or alter the part of the code it becomes more difficult for us. So to avoid such contemporary scenarios we can divide the code into multiple files. Then we can analyze the entire class within multiple files one by one.

Advantages of splitting the classes

Following are the advantages of splitting the classes into multiple files −

Readability will be improved

Organizing of python classes in modules and packages depends upon our personal preferences, interest and application. So that’s the reason each class will be kept in separate files. In some cases, the similar classes will be placed in the same file as per the application requirement, scenario etc. We can say that the classes are organized into modules and packages depending upon the requirement.

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The code can be easily reused

Let’s understand the usage of the class in object oriented programming language by a real time scenario. Consider a library. In a library we will have different number of books.

Now we want to track each and every book from the library. For a book we will have different attributes like book name, specialization etc. Let’s say the list holds the details of the book.

The first element will be the book name and the second element will be the specialization of the book. So now there are some 1000 of books in the library, now we cannot analyze which element is related to which book. And it is difficult as we want to add a new element to a particular book. So in these cases we will go for the classes, to have the better organization.

Points to be considered while creating classes

The following are the points that we have to consider while creating the class in object oriented programming language.

  • The classes are created with the keyword class.
  • Each class has the variables which are the attributes of the class.
  • Attributes are the public elements and they can be accessed by using the dot(.) operator.


The following is the syntax for creating the class in the object oriented programming language of python.

class class_name statement1 statement n
  • class is the keyword
  • class_name is the name of the class
  • statement1 is the first statement in class
  • statementn is the nth statement in class


Let’s see an example for creating the class in the python object oriented programming language. The following is the code.

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In the code we created the class using the class keyword by giving the class name as book. Then given a pass as the statement in the class. Then printed the type of class name to check whether it belongs to the class or not.

class book: pass print(type(book))



Let’s see another example to understand the creation of class and accessing of the class elements.

class book: def __init__(self, name): = name Maths = book("Maths") Science = book("Science") print( print(


In the above examples we can observe how we created the class and how we accessed the elements from the class.


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