Python checking for null

How to check for NULL in Python

In programming languages, the NULL keyword refers to a value representing nothing. It acts as a placeholder value when you need to create a variable without assigning it a value immediately.

In Python, the None value is used in a similar manner to the NULL value:

This means when you need to check if a variable is NULL in Python, then you need to check if the variable is None .

To check for the variable’s value, you can use the is or equality comparison == operator:

The is keyword is used to check if two values refer to the same object. It returns True when the values do point to the same object, or False otherwise.

In this case, the variable and the object indeed point to the None object.

You can also use the equality comparison operator as follows:

The is keyword is preferred because checking if the variables refer to the same object is faster than asserting if a variable equals to another object.

How to check if the variable is not initialized

In other programming languages such as JavaScript, you can also check for NULL when the variable is defined without any value as follows:

The above code will print the message to the console because an uninitialized variable is equal to null and undefined in JavaScript.

But this doesn’t apply in Python because you can’t declare a variable without assigning any value:

In Python, this will result in NameError :

If you want to assign a value later in Python, you need to initialize the variable with None to prevent this error.


Python uses the None keyword to refer to an empty value instead of NULL , so when you need to check for a NULL value in Python, you check if the variable is None .

You can use the is or == operator to check if a variable equals to None

I hope this tutorial is helpful. Happy coding! 👋

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How to check for null in Python

Python check for null

This article demonstrates the different ways available to check if a variable is NULL in Python.

What is the NULL keyword?

The NULL keyword is a fundamental part of programming. Being used in all popular programming languages like C, C++, or Java, it can essentially be represented as a pointer that points to nothing, or it simply ascertains the fact that the given variable is vacant.

What is NULL in Python?

Python operates differently from the other popular programming languages. Python defines the NULL object with the None keyword instead. These NULL objects are not valued as 0 in Python though. It does not hold any value whatsoever. This None keyword in Python is both an object and a None type data type.

How to check if a variable is NULL in Python?

Using the is operator to check if a variable is NULL in Python.

We can simply use the is operator or the = operator to check if a variable is None in Python.

The following code uses the is operator to check if a variable is NULL in Python.

The above code provides the following output:

We have made use of the is operator in this code to check the condition. Alternatively, we can also make use of the == operator to complete this task.

The following code implements the same by utilizing the == operator.

The above code provides the following output:

Using the if condition to check if a variable is NULL in Python.

We can simply use the if condition along with no additional operators in order to find out whether the given variable is None or not.

The following code uses the if condition to check if a variable is NULL in Python.

The above code provides the following output:

Using the not equal to operator to check if a variable is NULL in Python.

Another method to reveal whether a variable is None or not in Python is to utilize the != or the not equal to operator.

The following code uses the not equal to operator to check if a variable is NULL in Python.

The above code provides the following output:

These are the three methods that can be utilized to check whether the given variable is a None object or not.

Further, we can even check if the given variable is of the None data type as follows.

That’s all about how to check for null in Python.

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How to Check If Value is Null in Python

In this blog, we will learn different methods of checking for null in Python, including using the is None keyword, the == operator, and the bool() function. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of each method and choose the method that is best suited for your specific situation.


In Python, it is common to encounter situations where you need to check whether a variable or expression has a value or not. This is often referred to as checking for null or checking for None in Python. In this blog post, we will explore different methods of checking for null in Python and explain how they work. We will also provide an example code for each method and explain the output. By the end of this post, you should have a good understanding of how to check for null in Python and which method to use in different situations.

Method 1: Using the is None Keyword

One of the most common ways to check for null in Python is to use the is None keyword. The None keyword is a built-in constant in Python that represents the absence of a value. The is keyword is used to compare two objects in Python and returns True if both objects refer to the same object in memory.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use the is None keyword to check for null in Python:

x = None if x is None: print("x is None") else: print("x is not None") 


In the code above, we first set the value of the variable x to None, which represents the absence of a value. Then we use the if statement to check if x is None. Since the value of x is None, the if condition evaluates to True and the code inside the if block is executed, which prints the message «x is None«.

Method 2: Using the == operator

Another way to check for null in Python is to use the == operator. The == operator is used to compare two values in Python and returns True if the values are equal. When comparing a value to None, the == operator returns True if the value is None and False otherwise.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use the == operator to check for null in Python:

x = None if x == None: print("x is None") else: print("x is not None") 


In the code above, we use the if statement to check if x is equal to None using the == operator. Since the value of x is None, the condition evaluates to True and the code inside the if block is executed, which prints the message «x is None«.

Method 3: Using the bool() function

A third way to check for null in Python is to use the bool() function. The bool() function is used to convert a value to a boolean value in Python. When applied to a value that represents the absence of a value, such as None, the bool() function returns False.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use the bool() function to check for null in Python:

x = None if bool(x) == False: print("x is None") else: print("x is not None") 


In the code above, we first set the value of the variable x to None. Then we use the bool() function to convert x to a boolean value, which returns False since x represents the absence of a value. Finally, we use the if statement to check if bool(x) is equal to False, which evaluates to True since bool(x) is False, and the code inside the if block is executed, which prints the message «x is None«.


In this blog post, we have explored different methods of checking for null in Python. We have shown how to use the is None keyword, the == operator, and the bool() function to check for null in Python. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which method to use depends on the specific situation.

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