Python ascii list to string

Python ascii values split into list to convert into string

To make something similar to your question you’d do this: Solution 2: because you want to convert a string to its integer equivalent , so you need to use function which will convert the string to its integer equivalent ,but you want to convert all the elements of a list , so you can use map function which takes two parameters function and the iterator then it will apply the function to all the elements of iterator . Question: string of ascii values are given how can i split these ascii values and convert to string given ascii values:87101108991111091013211611132112121116104111110 How to separate above input in list like below [87,101,108,99,111,109,101,32,116,111,32,112,121,116,104,111,110] in python Solution 1: If you can limit the values then you can over the string constructing a number until it falls in the range of values, save and proceed.

Python ascii values split into list to convert into string

string of ascii values are given how can i split these ascii values and convert to string

given ascii values:87101108991111091013211611132112121116104111110

How to separate above input in list like below

If you can limit the values then you can iterate over the string constructing a number until it falls in the range of values, save and proceed.

Here’s my ambitious simple generator that yields numbers that fall within ord(‘ ‘) and ord(‘z’) :

In []: def g(s): v = 0 for c in s: v = v*10 + int(c) if ord(' ')  
a = '87101108991111091013211611132112121116104111110' data = map(int, filter(None, re.split("(77|129)", a))) ''.join(chr(i) for i in data) #=>'Welcome to python' 

You can use regex. Assuming that the input ascii values are only for string, you can split the input data with (A-65 to z-122)

>>> import re >>> map(int,filter(None,re.split(r'(69)|(111)|(121)',s))) [87, 101, 108, 99, 111, 109, 101, 32, 116, 111, 32, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110] 

Splitting with 3 digit integer and two digit integer will also do!

>>> map(int,filter(None,re.split(r'(155)|(46)',s))) [87, 101, 108, 99, 111, 109, 101, 32, 116, 111, 32, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110] 

Python | Convert a list of characters into a string, By using join () function in python, all characters in the list can be joined. The syntax is: str = "" str1 = ( "geeks", "for", "geeks" ) str.join (str1) The list of characters can be joined easily by initializing str=”” …

Slicing and Replacing Unicode String Characters

I have the following loop I'm trying to use to replace characters in a unicode string. The data I'm getting for this loop is in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

This data is apparently stored in UTC, so when I grab it and append these times & dates to my list appts_list its 4 hours ahead.

I've gotten as far as slicing the unicode string and doing the math on these characters and getting what would be the correct hour I need, but I'm having a problem getting that back into a string so I can write it to my list appts_list .

I'm getting TypeError when I try to write the integer for the correct hour time_slice_int back into the original string. I decided to try to put the entire string into a list and change them there, but that isn't working either.

Ideally I want an appointment for '2013-06-28 15:30:00' to be entered into my appts_list as '2013-06-28 11:30:00'.

The print statements are there for me to debug as I ran it. They are not necessary for the final version.

Anyone have any suggestions or solutions?

for appt in todays_appts: time = appt['apptdateourtime_c'] time_slice = time[11:13] time_slice_int = int(time_slice) time_slice_int -= 4 print(time_slice_int) appt_time = list(time) print(appt_time) print(appt_time[11:13]) #appt_time[11:13] = time_slice_int #appts_list.append() print('AppointmentScheduled') #print(appt['apptdateourtime_c']) #print(time) print('') 

You should use the datetime module here:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta >>> strs = '2013-06-28 15:30:00' >>> d = datetime.strptime(strs, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") 

datetime.strptime returns a datetime object:

>>> d datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 28, 15, 30) >>> d.hour 15 >>> d.month 6 

Now decrease 4 hours from the above datetime object( d ) using timedelta and assign the new object to a variable:

Now use datetime.strftime to get a string of required format:

>>> datetime.strftime(d1,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") '2013-06-28 11:30:00' 

Python | Ways to split strings on Uppercase characters, Python | Pandas Split strings into two List/Columns using str.split() 12, Sep 18. Python | Ways to split a string in different ways. 29, Jul 19 . Python | Ways to split strings using newline delimiter. 28, Jun 19. Python program to uppercase the given characters. 22, Sep 20. Python Program to Converts …

How to change a list of characters into ASCII form?

I'd like to know how to turn a list of characters into their ascii form (a = 97, x = 120, etc). I have tried making each individual item into decimal form by using a loop, but I wonder if there is a better way to do so. I have written this so far, but this doesn't seem to work.

x = input().lower() message = list( x ) messageInt = [] i = 0 while True: messageInt.append( ord(message([i])) i += 1 print messageInt 

How can I get my code to result in this [ 101, 120, 101, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101 ] If the input was the word "example".

s = "string here" a = list(map(ord,list(s.lower()))) 

a contains the list of numbers.

To make something similar to your question you'd do this:


because you want to convert a string to its integer equivalent , so you need to use int() function which will convert the string to its integer equivalent ,but you want to convert all the elements of a list , so you can use map function which takes two parameters function and the iterator then it will apply the function to all the elements of iterator .

If you are using python2 then return a list and if you are using python 3 then it will return a map object so you can convert this map object to a list by applying list()

`x = input().lower()' 'message = list(x)' 'messageInt = list(map(int,message))' 

How to split line at non-printing ascii character in Python, Just use the string/unicode split method (They don't really care about the string you split upon (other than it is a constant. If you want to use a Regex then use re.split) To get the split string either escape it like the other people have shown "\x97" or use chr (0x97) for strings (0-255) or unichr (0x97) for unicode so an …


3 Proven Ways to Convert ASCII to String in Python

python ascii to string

In python, we have discussed many concepts and conversions. But sometimes, we come to a situation where we need to convert ASCII into string in python. In this tutorial, we will be discussing how to convert ASCII into strings in python. As the conversion of elements has been a handy utility as it offers it in a much simpler way than other languages.

What are ASCII Values?

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a character encoding that uses numeric codes to represent characters from 0 to 127. These include upper and lowercase English letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols. For example, the ASCII code for character A is 65, and Z is 90.

Ways to convert ASCII into string in python

Here, we will be discussing all the different ways through which we can convert ASCII into string in python:

1. Using chr() function to convert ASCII into string

In this example, we will be using the chr() function with ASCII value as a parameter to function. We will be taking an input list with some integer values. After that, we will be using the chr() function, which will convert the ASCII values into integers. At last, we will print the resultant string. Let us look at the example for understanding the concept in detail.

# Input list lst = [80, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110, 80, 111, 111, 108] # Printing initial list print ("Input list", lst) # Using chr() Method res = "" for i in lst: res = res + chr(i) print ("String : ", str(res))

chr() function to convert ASCII into string


  • Firstly, we will be taking an input list with some ASCII values.
  • Then, we will be printing the input list.
  • Then, we will be taking an empty string res.
  • After that, we will apply for loop till the length of string, and inside it, we will be using the chr() function to convert ASCII value into character value.
  • At last, we will print the Final string.
  • Hence, you can see the ASCII values get converted into a string.

2. Using join and list comprehension to convert ASCII into string

In this example, we will be using join and list comprehension with the help of the chr() function to convert each ASCII value to its corresponding character. join(iterable) method with str as "" to concatenate each character in iterable into a single string. At last, we will print the final string. Let us look at the example for understanding the concept in detail.

# Input list lst = [80, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110, 80, 111, 111, 108] # Printing input list print ("Initial list : ", lst) # Using list comprehension and join res = ''.join(chr(i) for i in lst) print ("Final string : ", str(res))

join and list comprehension


  • Firstly, we will be taking an input list with some ASCII values.
  • Then, we will be printing the input list.
  • After that, we will be taking a variable ‘res’ to apply the join() method.
  • Inside the join() method, We have used list comprehension, which will convert the ASCII into the string.
  • At last, we will print the Final string.
  • Hence, you can see the ASCII values get converted into strings.

3. Using map() function to convert ASCII into string

In this example, we will be using the map() function and join() method to convert each ASCII value to its corresponding character. join(iterable) method with str as " " to concatenate each character in iterable into a single string. At last, we will print the final string. Let us look at the example for understanding the concept in detail.

# Input list lst = [80, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110, 80, 111, 111, 108] # Printing input list print ("Initial list : ", lst) # Using map and join res = ''.join(map(chr, lst)) print ("Final string : ", str(res))

map() function to convert ASCII into string


  • Firstly, we will be taking an input list with some ASCII values.
  • Then, we will be printing the input list.
  • After that, we will be taking a variable ‘res’ to apply the join() method.
  • Inside the join() method, we have used the map() function through which ASCII values get converted into strings.
  • At last, we will print the Final string.
  • Hence, you can see the ASCII values get converted into strings.


In this tutorial, we have learned about the concept of conversion of ASCII into string in python. We have also discussed what ASCII values are? Then, we have discussed all the different ways with the help of an example through which we can convert ASCII values into strings in python. All the ways are explained in detail with the help of examples. You can use any of the functions according to your choice and your requirement in the program.

However, if you have any doubts or questions, do let me know in the comment section below. I will try to help you as soon as possible.


1. How to check if a string in Python is in ASCII?

We can check if the string in python is ASCII or not with the help of the following code:

def is_ascii(s): return all(ord(c) < 128 for c in s)

In this, s is the string through which you can check if the python string is ASCII or not. You can write any of the strings and run the program. It will give you the output in True or False.

2. Are python strings ASCII?

Python strings have no property corresponding to ‘ASCII’ or any other encoding. The input of your string (whether you read it from a file, input from a keyboard, etc.) may have encoded a Unicode string in ASCII to produce your string. In case you want to remove all the Unicode characters from the string in python. You can read our in-depth article from here.

3. What does chr() do in Python?

The chr() function in python inputs as an integer, a Unicode code point, and converts that into a string representing a character. This function is used to return a string with length 1, representing the character whose Unicode code point value is passed in the chr() function.


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