Python ascii from hex

Convert Hex to ASCII in Python

This tutorial shows the steps involved in converting HEXADECIMAL STRING to ASCII STRING in Python.


The first question that arises is, What is hexadecimal?

In our lower grades, we studied different number systems like the Binary system, Hexadecimal system, and others.

In this blog post, we look into the Hexadecimal system and ASCII. ASCII concept must be new to many of us. Both concepts shall be discussed below.


Hexa means 6 (six) and decimal means (10), both when summed up result in 16.
The highlighting feature of the Hexadecimal system is, that it has both numerical values and alphabets, it starts from 0 and ends at F. The 16 digits are,
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 A-10 B-11 C-12 D-13 E-14 and F-15.


ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange , developed by American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It is used to change computer language to human-understandable language. Only numbers are used in ASCII, for instance, the value of the letter “A” in ASCII is 65.

Now, we shall convert the hexadecimal value to ASCII value.

Note: In Python, we write Hexadecimal values with a prefix “0x”. For example, “0x4142”.
We use the following hexadecimal value to illustrate our example.

Hexadecimal value:” 0x48657920436F6465722E “

Python program to convert Hex to ASCII

The program uses two functions “ bytes.fromhex() ” and “ decode() “.

hexa_string="0x48657920436F6465722E" slicing=hexa_string[2:] converting_hexa=bytes.fromhex(slicing) ascii_string=converting_hexa.decode() print(ascii_string)

Explanation: Initially, we declare a variable and initialize it to a hexadecimal value. In the second step we slice the given value, you can refer to How to slice a string in Python – Multiple way.
For the rest of the conversion, methods bytes.fromhex() and decode() are used.
In the output, Ascii value is displayed.


Convert Hex String to ASCII String in Python

Python hex to ASCII | The hexadecimal number system is a numeral system made up of 16 symbols. The hexadecimal number system is also known as hex. This system uses the decimal numbers (base 10) and six extra symbols (A to F). In hexadecimal no numerical symbols that represent If values greater than nine.

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It was developed by the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and it is used to interchange the information from a high-level language to low-level language. Machine or Computer understand only binary languages. So, the character data type represents integers. For example, the ASCII value of the letter ‘A’ is 65.

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We will discuss how to convert hex string to ASCII string in python. The string is written in hexadecimal form “0x68656c6c6f” and we want to convert it into an ASCII character string which will be hello as h is equal to 68 in ASCII code, e is 65, l is 6c and o is 6f.

We will take a hexadecimal value string as input. Then, convert hexadecimal value string to their corresponding ASCII format string and extract all characters. Finally, the ASCII string will be displayed on the screen.

Python Program to Convert Hex to ASCII

The bytes.fromhex() function convert hex to the byte in python. This function accepts a single hexadecimal value argument and converts it into a byte array first. The decode() method takes a byte array as input and decodes it. Use the slicing notation hex_str[2:] to remove “0x” from a hexadecimal string.

# Python program to convert hex string to ASCII string # take hexadecimal string hex_str = "0x68656c6c6f"[2:] # convert hex string to ASCII string bytes_array = bytes.fromhex(hex_str) ascii_str = bytes_array.decode() # printing ASCII string print('ASCII String:', ascii_str)

Hex to ASCII in Python

The codecs.decode(obj, encoding, error) method takes an object as input and decodes it using the encoding scheme specified in the encoding argument. The error argument specifies the error handling scheme to be used in case of an error. The str() method is to convert the returned byte array to string.

# Python program to convert hex string to ASCII string # importing codecs.decode() import codecs # take hexadecimal string hex_str = '0x68656c6c6f'[2:] # convert hex string to ASCII string binary_str = codecs.decode(hex_str, 'hex') ascii_str = str(binary_str,'utf-8') # printing ASCII string print('ASCII String:', ascii_str)

Python Program to Convert Hex to String

In the previous program, we used the built-in function to convert hexadecimal to string but, in this program, we are using the native method to convert hexadecimal to string.

# Python program to convert hex string to ASCII string # take hexadecimal string hex_str = '0x68 0x65 0x6c 0x6c 0x6f' # convert hex string to ASCII string string = ''.join(chr(int(i, 16)) for i in hex_str.split()) # printing ASCII string print('ASCII String:', string)

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4 Pythonic Ways to Convert from HEX to ASCII

Be on the Right Side of Change

In this article, you’ll learn how to convert HEX values to an ASCII string in Python.

To make it more fun, we have the following running scenario:

Carrier Coders has decided to display a Quote of the Day on their website. Each quote is transmitted daily as HEX values. You are tasked with converting the quote to an ASCII string and formatting the output.

💬 Question: How would we write Python code to perform the conversion and randomly display a quote?

We can accomplish this task by one of the following options:

Add the following code to the top of each code snippet. This snippet will allow the code in this article to run error-free.

import codecs import binascii import random

Method 1: Use fromhex() and decode()

The fromhex() and decode() functions work well as a one-liner to convert HEX values to an ASCII string. No additional libraries are required for this method.

quote_h = "4368616e67696e67206a6f62732064756520746f20636f2d776f726b6572733f205768793f205468652073616d652070656f706c6520776f726b2074686572652e3b57616c6c79204d6f6f7265" quote_a = bytes.fromhex(quote_h).decode("ASCII") quote = quote_a.replace(';', '\n- ') print(quote)

The highlighted code takes in HEX values, converts them to a byte object using fromhex() , then converts them to an ASCII string by appending decode() to the end. If quote_a was output to the terminal, the following would display:

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Changing jobs due to co-workers? Why? The same people work there.;Wally Moore

To clean up the output, replace() is used on quote _a to replace the semi-colon with a newline and hyphen. The result saves to quote .

Changing jobs due to co-workers? Why? The same people work there.
— Wally Moore

Method 2: Use codecs.decode()

This one-liner requires the codecs library for conversion, which contains base classes for encoding and decoding data. Commonly used on Unicode text-based files.

quote_h = "4d7920736f667477617265206e657665722068617320627567732e204974206a75737420646576656c6f70732072616e646f6d2066656174757265732e3b416e6f6e796d6f7573" quote_a = codecs.decode(quote_h, 'hex').decode("ASCII") quote = quote_a.replace(';', '\n- ') print(quote)

The highlighted code takes in HEX values and converts them to a byte object using codecs.decode() , then converts to an ASCII string by appending decode() to the end.

If quote_a was output to the terminal, the following would display:

b’My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.;Anonymous’

To clean up the output, replace() is used on quote_a to replace the semi-colon with a newline and hyphen. The result saves to quote .

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.
— Anonymous

Method 3: Use join()

An efficient one-liner that reads in a single HEX value at a time converts it to an ASCII character and appends it to the end of the variable. This repeats until the conversion is complete.

quote_h = "4c696665206973206e6f742061626f75742066696e64696e6720796f757273656c662e204c6966652069732061626f7574206372656174696e6720796f757273656c662e3b47656f726765204265726e6172642053686177" quote = ''.join([chr(int(''.join(c), 16)) for c in zip(quote_h[0::2],quote_h[1::2])]).replace(';', '\n- ') print(quote)

The highlighted code takes in a single HEX value and, using zip() , converts the said value to its ASCII equivalent. The characters are then appended to the quote variable to create an entire ASCII string. Finally, replace() is appended to the end to perform the formatting.

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
— George Bernard Shaw


How to Convert a String From Hex to ASCII in Python?

How to convert a string from hex to ASCII in python

Hex to ASCII conversion in Python | The hexadecimal number system is a 16-symbol numerical system. Hexadecimal is another name for the hexadecimal numeral system. This system employs decimal numbers (base 10) as well as six additional symbols (A to F). There are no numerical symbols in hexadecimal that represent values larger than nine.

What are the ASCII and Hexadecimal?

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is an acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It was created by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and is used to transfer data from a high-level language to a low-level language. Only binary languages are understood by machines or computers. Integers are represented using the character data type. The ASCII value of the letter ‘A,’ for example, is 65.

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In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to convert a hex string to an ASCII string in Python. The text is written in the hexadecimal form “0x68656c6c6f” and we want to convert it to an ASCII character string that will be hello since h equals 68 in ASCII code, e equals 65, l equals 6c, and o equals 6f.

As input, we’ll use a hexadecimal value string. Then extract all characters by converting hexadecimal value strings to their equivalent ASCII format strings. The ASCII string will be displayed on the screen at the end.

Converting Hex to ASCII in Python

You can also use the online hex to ASCII converter to transform your hexadecimal values into ASCII characters. Further, we have given the three different methods of conversion by using the python program.

The bytes.fromhex() function convert hex to the byte in python. This function accepts a single hexadecimal value argument and converts it into a byte array first. The decode() method takes a byte array as input and decodes it. Use the slicing notation hex_str[2:] to remove “0x” from a hexadecimal string.

# Program to convert the hex string into the ascii code # take hexadecimal string hex_str = "0x68656c6c6f"[2:] # convert hex string to ASCII string bytes_array = bytes.fromhex(hex_str) ascii_str = bytes_array.decode() # print ASCII string print('ASCII String:', ascii_str)

Output: ASCII String: hello

2. Python Program to Convert From hex to ASCII

The codecs.decode(obj, encoding, error) method decodes an object using the encoding scheme supplied in the encoding parameter. In the event of an error, the error argument defines the error handling scheme to be utilized. The str() method converts the byte array returned to a string.

# 2nd Python program to convert hex string to ASCII # importing codecs.decode() import codecs # take hexadecimal string hex_str = '0x68656c6c6f'[2:] # convert hex string to ASCII string binary_str = codecs.decode(hex_str, 'hex') ascii_str = str(binary_str,'utf-8') # printing ASCII string print('ASCII String:', ascii_str)

Output: ASCII String: hello

3. Python Program to convert the hex string to ASCII

The codecs.decode(obj, encoding, error) method decodes an object using the encoding scheme supplied in the encoding parameter. In the event of an error, the error argument defines the error handling scheme to be utilized. The str() method converts the byte array returned to a string.

# 3rd Python program to convert hex string to ASCII string # take hexadecimal string hex_str = '0x68 0x65 0x6c 0x6c 0x6f' # convert hex string to ASCII string string = ''.join(chr(int(i, 16)) for i in hex_str.split()) # printing ASCII string print('ASCII String:', string)

Output: ASCII String: hello


Now you are witnessed that this topic is not difficult. Once you grab the knowledge of this article, you can easily solve the problems related to this topic. Hex to ASCII is a pretty conceptual article.

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