Pygame 64 bit python

pygame-ce 2.3.0

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Pygame is a free and open-source cross-platform library for the development of multimedia applications like video games using Python. It uses the Simple DirectMedia Layer library and several other popular libraries to abstract the most common functions, making writing these programs a more intuitive task.

This distribution is called ‘pygame — Community Edition’ (‘pygame-ce’ for short).

It is a fork of the upstream pygame project by its former core developers, and was created after impossible challenges prevented them from continuing development upstream. The new distribution aims to offer more frequent releases, continuous bugfixes and enhancements, and a more democratic governance model.

New contributors are welcome!



If you are just getting started with pygame, you should be able to get started fairly quickly. Pygame comes with many tutorials and introductions. There is also full reference documentation for the entire library. Browse the documentation on the docs page. You can also browse the documentation locally by running python -m in your terminal. If the docs aren’t found locally, it’ll launch the online website instead.

The online documentation stays up to date with the development version of pygame on github. This may be a bit newer than the version of pygame you are using. To upgrade to the latest full release, run pip install pygame-ce —upgrade in your terminal.

Best of all, the examples directory has many playable small programs which can get you started playing with the code right away.

Building From Source

If you want to use features that are currently in development, or you want to contribute to pygame, you will need to build pygame locally from its source code, rather than pip installing it.

Installing from source is fairly automated. The most work will involve compiling and installing all the pygame dependencies. Once that is done, run the script which will attempt to auto-configure, build, and install pygame.

Much more information about installing and compiling is available on the Compilation wiki page.


Thanks to everyone who has helped contribute to this library. Special thanks are also in order.

  • Marcus Von Appen: many changes, and fixes, 1.7.1+ freebsd maintainer
  • Lenard Lindstrom: the 1.8+ windows maintainer, many changes, and fixes
  • Brian Fisher for svn auto builder, bug tracker and many contributions
  • Rene Dudfield: many changes, and fixes, 1.7+ release manager/maintainer
  • Phil Hassey for his work on the website
  • DR0ID for his work on the sprite module
  • Richard Goedeken for his smoothscale function
  • Ulf Ekström for his pixel perfect collision detection code
  • Pete Shinners: original author
  • David Clark for filling the right-hand-man position
  • Ed Boraas and Francis Irving: Debian packages
  • Maxim Sobolev: FreeBSD packaging
  • Bob Ippolito: MacOS and OS X porting (much work!)
  • Jan Ekhol, Ray Kelm, and Peter Nicolai: putting up with early design ideas
  • Nat Pryce for starting our unit tests
  • Dan Richter for documentation work
  • TheCorruptor for his incredible logos and graphics
  • Nicholas Dudfield: many test improvements
  • Alex Folkner for pygame-ctypes
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Thanks to those sending in patches and fixes: Niki Spahiev, Gordon Tyler, Nathaniel Pryce, Dave Wallace, John Popplewell, Michael Urman, Andrew Straw, Michael Hudson, Ole Martin Bjoerndalen, Herve Cauwelier, James Mazer, Lalo Martins, Timothy Stranex, Chad Lester, Matthias Spiller, Bo Jangeborg, Dmitry Borisov, Campbell Barton, Diego Essaya, Eyal Lotem, Regis Desgroppes, Emmanuel Hainry, Randy Kaelber Matthew L Daniel, Nirav Patel, Forrest Voight, Charlie Nolan, Frankie Robertson, John Krukoff, Lorenz Quack, Nick Irvine, Michael George, Saul Spatz, Thomas Ibbotson, Tom Rothamel, Evan Kroske, Cambell Barton.

And our bug hunters above and beyond: Angus, Guillaume Proux, Frank Raiser, Austin Henry, Kaweh Kazemi, Arturo Aldama, Mike Mulcheck, Michael Benfield, David Lau

There’s many more folks out there who’ve submitted helpful ideas, kept this project going, and basically made our life easier. Thanks!

Many thank you’s for people making documentation comments, and adding to the wiki.

Also many thanks for people creating games and putting them on the website for others to learn from and enjoy.

Lots of thanks to James Paige for hosting the pygame bugzilla.

Also a big thanks to Roger Dingledine and the crew at SEUL.ORG for our excellent hosting.


Pygame is obviously strongly dependent on SDL and Python. It also links to and embeds several other smaller libraries. The font module relies on SDL_ttf, which is dependent on freetype. The mixer (and modules depend on SDL_mixer. The image module depends on SDL_image, which also can use libjpeg and libpng. The transform module has an embedded version of SDL_rotozoom for its own rotozoom function. The surfarray module requires the Python NumPy package for its multidimensional numeric arrays. Dependency versions:


This library is distributed under GNU LGPL version 2.1, which can be found in the file docs/LGPL.txt . We reserve the right to place future versions of this library under a different license.

This basically means you can use pygame in any project you want, but if you make any changes or additions to pygame itself, those must be released with a compatible license (preferably submitted back to the pygame project). Closed source and commercial games are fine.

The programs in the examples subdirectory are in the public domain.

See docs/licenses for licenses of dependencies.

Подробности проекта

Ссылки проекта



Лицензия: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL) (LGPL)

Автор: A community project.

Требует: Python >=3.7



  • Development Status
    • 6 — Mature
    • OSI Approved :: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
    • MacOS
    • Microsoft :: Windows
    • POSIX
    • Unix
    • Assembly
    • C
    • Cython
    • Objective C
    • Python
    • Python :: 3
    • Python :: 3.7
    • Python :: 3.8
    • Python :: 3.9
    • Python :: 3.10
    • Python :: 3.11
    • Python :: Implementation :: CPython
    • Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
    • Games/Entertainment
    • Multimedia :: Graphics
    • Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera
    • Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Screen Capture
    • Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion
    • Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers
    • Multimedia :: Sound/Audio
    • Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: MIDI
    • Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players



    Pygame — это библиотека кроссплатформенного типа для написания сценариев на Python. Функционал позволяет создавать игры и приложения мультимедиатипа, например аркады. В ресурсах программы содержатся все необходимые данные. Разработчику достаточно лишь владеть самим языком программирования. Бесплатно скачать Pygame для Python можно на этой странице.

    Лицензия Бесплатная
    ОС Windows 7 и выше
    Язык интерфейса Русский, английский
    Разработка Pete Shinner
    Разновидность программы Python библиотека

    Обзор программы

    Структура ПО составлена как SDL. Очень популярна среди экспериментаторов за счёт следующих факторов:

    • LGPL-лицензия — абсолютно бесплатный доступ как для частных лиц, так и для коммерческих компаний;
    • открытый исходный код позволяет вносить улучшения всем последователям;
    • поддержка любых операционных систем, которые способны взаимодействовать с Python;
    • подробная документация, написанная простым языком.

    Ещё один плюс компьютерной программы в том, что здесь не используются OpenGL и иные библиотеки графического типа. Игры, создаваемые на базе ПО, не нуждаются в специальной установке. Стартуют немедленно после загрузки и запуска исполняемого файла.

    Разработка с помощью библиотеки «Питона», по отзывам, деятельность захватывающая. Некоторые игры используются в сторонних проектах, и многие сценарии достаточно интересны.

    Для успешного результата рекомендуется избегать сложных решений. Следует выбирать простые гейм-проекты, поскольку сложные процессы не обязательно получатся более востребованными.

    Сперва нужно скачать Pygame для Windows на ПК. Разобравшись с программой, на разработку игры вы потратите 1-2 недели. Управление действиями происходит с помощью следующих модулей:

    • cdrom — для запуска звука и компакт-дисков;
    • cursors — погрузка визуализации курсора;
    • display — изменение окна или экрана;
    • draw — отрисовка примитивов класса Surface;
    • event — задание события или последовательности из нескольких;
    • font — для создания и вывода шрифтов семейства TrueType;
    • image — инсталляция и сохранение картинок;
    • joystick — для действий с джойстиком;
    • key — для использования клавиатуры;
    • mouse — для использования мыши;
    • movie — запуск клипов mpeg;
    • sndarray/surfarray — операции со звуками/изображениями посредством Numeric;
    • time — задействование таймеров;
    • transform — изменение ориентации картинок.

    Чтобы увидеть раздел с уже созданными играми и посмотреть, как реализованы те или иные функции, достаточно посетить официальный сайт Pygame.



    Set of Python modules designed for writing video games

    This is an exact mirror of the Pygame project. SourceForge is not affiliated with Pygame. For more information, see the SourceForge Open Source Mirror Directory.

    Pygame is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. Like SDL, pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system.


    • Does not require OpenGL
    • Uses optimized C, and Assembly code for core functions
    • Portable
    • Simple and easy to use
    • Does not require a GUI to use all functions
    • Small amount of code

    Project Samples


    Project Activity



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    Download Pygame 1.9.2a0

    Pygame is an open-source program that allows enthusiast gamers, students, and professional coders to use a wide array of pre-configured Python modules to design and build video games. The components of this utility are based on the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library and allow users of medium to advanced levels to build their own real-time video graphics, sound events, and code every gameplay element using Python programming language, without the need to manually be in contact low-level programming that is commonly used today with C programming language and may of its modern derivatives.

    Originally built in late 2000 as the replacement for the abandoned PySDL programming environment, developer Pete Shinners has continued with regular upgrades of this open-source project, enhancing it with countless useful addons and preparing it for future expansions. A true successor of Pygame called “Pygame Reloaded” was actively in development since 2009, but so far there is still no concrete information when it will be released to the public.

    Users of this development platform can use simple Python programming techniques to create any multimedia application they imagine, with the ability to integrate art, sounds, music, videos, and other features needed to create a functioning game. And because the entirety of the coding is done in Python, the ease of writing code enables even enthusiast gamers to start learning about modern game design. The app created with Pygame can be reproduced either directly on PC, or even optimized and deployed on Android mobile devices.

    It is important to note that this utility is still using Simple DirectMedia Layer version 1, which was introduced to the public more than two decades ago. Since it lacks the ability to integrate with SDL version 2 that was released to the public in 2012, many programmers are today opting to skip Pygame and focus their attention on more modern game development environments.

    Pygame Python modules are old, but it provides great learning experience focused on now surpassed versions of Python development environment. With multiple alternatives that are easier to use and learning, only hardcore programmers and enthusiasts will find great value from this app.

    Pygame is 100% FREE and optimized for all modern versions of Windows OS. It is offered for public use as open-source free software GNU Lesser General Public License.


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