Put value in input javascript

Javascript assign value to input field in javascript

Change that to then retrieve the value like this: Check the following Code Snippet for a practical example on how to retrieve an input value and assign it to a variable: ASSIGN VARIABLE TO INPUT VALUE: To assign your input element’s value to a variable, just reverse the above assignment like this: Check the following Code Snippet for a practical example on how to assign a variable to your input element’s value attribute: Solution 3: if you want to assign value to this input: you should use this code: You can look to the documentation and example here: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_text_value.asp Solution: You can set the attribute value using . Solution 2: ASSIGN INPUT VALUE TO VARIABLE: You need to assign the variable to the element’s value, not the element itself.

How to assign variable to value attribute in input element?

You can set input default value. You can not bind myValue in the html without some js framework. To get input value use change event. Check my code snippet.

var input = document.getElementById('Name'); var myValue = 'Name example'; input.value = myValue;var myFunction = function (e)


You need to assign the variable to the element’s value, not the element itself. Also, your current input id is Name , not userVal . Change that to userVal then retrieve the value like this:

var myValue = document.getElementById('userVal').value; 

Check the following Code Snippet for a practical example on how to retrieve an input value and assign it to a variable:

/* JavaScript */document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() < var myValue = document.getElementById('userVal').value; alert(myValue); >)


To assign your input element’s value to a variable, just reverse the above assignment like this:

var newValue = newValue; document.getElementById('userVal').value = newValue; 

Check the following Code Snippet for a practical example on how to assign a variable to your input element’s value attribute:

/* JavaScript */document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function() < var newValue = "newValue"; document.getElementById('userVal').value = newValue; >);

if you want to assign value to this input:

var myValue = document.getElementById('userVal').value; document.getElementById("Name").value = myValue; 

You can look to the documentation and example here: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_text_value.asp

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JQuery | Set the value of an input text field, Return the value attribute: $(selector).val() · Set the value attribute: $(selector).val(value) · Set the value attribute using function: $(

How To Get And Set Input Text Value In JS [ with source code ]

JavaScript: How to SET and GET values in an INPUT BOX

How to Get and Set Input Text Value in Javascript

learn how to get and set input text value in javascript.Source Code:https://www.fwait.com
Duration: 4:54

How to set value of form input field?

You can set the attribute value using t-att-value=»» .

So in my case I should use this input field:

Which does the same as the given example with the

and javascript.

Set value of input field, I am trying to set the value of some text box and lists using javascript. The page will update with the values accordingly but when I submit

How to assign value to input function using javascript

Seems like the input values are not being read from the page. In order to read the input values, you will first be required to grab the input DOM elements from the page.

The input fields have id attribute assigned to them which could be used to extract these elements.

You may use query selectors for that:

# Extract username input field const usernameInputField = document.querySelector('#username') # Extract password input field const passwordInputField = document.querySelector('#password') 

In the above snippet, document.querySelector is used to extract any DOM elements from the webpage. This function takes in the CSS selector as a parameter. Here, #username and #password are the CSS selectors for username and password fields respectively. The # sign signifies to select using the DOM element’s ID.

Once we have the input fields, all we are left to do is to get the current values from these fields:

# Get current input value of username input field const username = usernameInputField.value # Get current input value of password input field const password = passwordInputField.value 

We use the value property of the input element to grab the current input value.


// Grab the input fields from the page const usernameInputField = document.querySelector('#username') const passwordInputField = document.querySelector('#password') function login() < // Grab current input values const username = usernameInputField.value const password = passwordInputField.value // The remaining code below stays the same if (username === a88, password === a89) < alert("Thành công") >else < alert("Không thành công") >> 

In the login() function, we take the current value of the input fields and do the validation as it was handled previously. Note that, we do that inside the function itself to ensure that we have the latest value from the input fields.

The document.getElementById() method is used to select HTML elements by id . It is used as the rvalue of the value property to read the value of the HTML element.

/* The following method is used to select HTML elements based on the id attribute. */ const userNameElem = document.getElementById('username'); const passwordElem = document.getElementById('password'); const submitButton = document.getElementById("submit"); /* You can define the user name as a string as follows. */ const username = 'george'; /* You can define the user password as a string as follows. */ const password = '12345'; /* It is not recommended to assign a function to the "onclick" attribute in an HTML file. */ submitButton.addEventListener("click", function() < if(userNameElem.value == username && passwordElem.value == password) < alert("TRUE"); >else < alert("FALSE"); >>);

The below code may help you. And I think Web forms — Working with user data will help you more.

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You can use JS localstorage to achieve your requirements. Here is one case that can solve your problem.


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How to Set the Value of an Input Field with JavaScript?

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One way to set the value of an input field with JavaScript is to set the value property of the input element.

For instance, we can write the following HTML:

Then we can set the value property of the input by writing:
document.getElementById("mytext").value = "My value"; 

Call the setAttribute Method

Also, we can call the setAttribute method to set the value attribute of the input element.

For instance, we can write:

document.getElementById("mytext").setAttribute('value', 'My value'); 

We call setAttribute with the attribute name and value to set the value attribute to ‘My value’ .

Setting the value Property of an Input in a Form

We can also get the input element by using the document.forms object with the name attribute value of the form and the name attribute value of the input element.

For example, we can write the following HTML:

Then we can use it by writing:

document.forms.myForm.name.value = "New value"; 

The form name value comes first.

Then the name value of the input element comes after it.


We can use the document.querySelector method to select the input.

For instance, we can write the following HTML:

document.querySelector('input[name="name"]').value = "New value"; 

to get the element with querySelector .

We select the input with the name attribute by putting the name key with its value in the square brackets.


How to set the value of an input field in JavaScript?

DOM Manipulations using JavaScript allows the programmer to change the elements or even the attributes of the elements of an HTML webpage. Changing the value of the input field is no different. There are two approaches to changing the value of an input field using JavaScript. These are:

  • Assigning the value attribute of an element some value using the assignment operator “=
  • By using the SetAttribute() function.
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Let’s just jump inside the demonstration of both these methods, but before that, we need an HTML template to work with.

Setting Up an HTML Webpage

In the HTML file, simply add the following lines to create a new text input field with the id “textFeild1”

When we execute the program, we are going to the following output on our browser:

We can see our input field on the screen.

Method 1: Assign the value attribute some value directly

For this, we are first going to add the following lines in our HTML file:

This will add a new button beneath our text field. And we have attached a function upon the click on this button named as changeValue():

In the script file, we are going to add the following functionality to make this button work:

function changeValue ( ) {
textField = document. getElementById ( «textField1» ) ;
textField. value = «Method 1» ;

We are first getting a reference to our text field using the document.getElementbyId(). After that, we use the dot operator to get the value attribute and directly assign it a string value. Upon clicking this button, we get the following output:

As you can see, we were able to change the input field’s value using the dot-operator and the value attribute.

Method 2: Using the setAttribute() function

For this, we are going to add a new button right beneath the previous button using the following lines in the HTML file:

As you can see, we have attached this button with a function named as setAttributeChange(). Upon loading this HTML, we get the following web-page on our browser:

Then we head inside the script file, and define this setAttributeChange() change function as follows:

function setAttributeChange ( ) {
textField = document. getElementById ( «textField1» ) ;
textField. setAttribute ( «value» , «Method 2» ) ;

In the first line, we are getting a reference to the text field using the document.getElementById() function. After that, we are using the dot-operator and the setAttribute() function to choose the attribute “value” and then give it a string value as “Method 2”. Upon clicking the button, we get the following output:

As you can see, we were able to change the value of the input field using the setAttribute() function.


With the help of DOM manipulations, Javascript allows us to easily change the value attribute of an input field inside an HTML webpage. For this, we have two different approaches that lead us to the same result. We have the element.setAttribute() function that allows us to choose an attribute and give it some value of our choice. Secondly, we have the option to select the attribute using the “dot operator” and then assign that attribute any value using the assignment operator “=.

About the author

Abdul Mannan

I am curious about technology and writing and exploring it is my passion. I am interested in learning new skills and improving my knowledge and I hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science.


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